Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
27 Years, 311 Days and 77277 Haiku later...

Do you love someone
To love someone is a dream
Low is exciting
Haiku # 122, January 17, 1997 11:02 am ET
by Angie M. of Small Town, USA
The bird flew over
My house yesterday evening
And flew in a tree
Haiku # 121, January 17, 1997 11:00 am ET
by Brandi the bird B. of Small Town, USA
The cool breeze blows cold
The sheivering ground covers up
My eyes sting by glare
Haiku # 120, January 17, 1997 10:57 am ET
by Steven I need some Money of Spirit of America, Good ol' US of A
Hunting is most fun
I love to kill deer at camp
I love to eat deer
Haiku # 119, January 17, 1997 10:54 am ET
by Little Davie Hogan of You Smell, Good Ol' USA
Football is a sport
You play and get paid for it
It's spectacular
Haiku # 118, January 17, 1997 10:53 am ET
by Yo, Anthony! You're the man! of Small Town AM, USA
When I was running
I fell down to the hard ground
And then I got up
Haiku # 117, January 17, 1997 10:51 am ET
by Super Dave of Small Town AM, USA
A bird flew by me
And landed in a huge tree
Right up above me
Haiku # 116, January 17, 1997 10:49 am ET
by Shane the Insane in the Mimbrane of Our Town , USA
When I was playing
Football I broke my ankel
but I still like it
Haiku # 115, January 17, 1997 10:47 am ET
by JayMar of Our Town, USA
When I was driving
To my fat Grandfather's pond
I wrecked the new car
Haiku # 114, January 17, 1997 10:45 am ET
by Joey the fat man P. of Our Town, USA
Standing in the field
I saw some pretty flowers
So I picked them up
Haiku # 113, January 17, 1997 10:44 am ET
by Lily of Our Town, USA
The snow flowed thre me
The flakes were big and pretty
But they were real cold
Haiku # 112, January 17, 1997 10:42 am ET
by Erin J. of Our Town, USA
The stars twinkled bright
High and far above the earth
It looked like diamonds
Haiku # 111, January 17, 1997 10:41 am ET
by Shelli of Our Town, USA
The girl ran past me
Quickly, fastly, and sharpley
On a quick fast break
Haiku # 110, January 17, 1997 10:39 am ET
by Kara S. of Small Town, USA
The Bird sang a song
As the dew dripped off the house
Little Bird got wet
Haiku # 109, January 17, 1997 10:37 am ET
by April D. of Our Town, USA
The bird flew over
My house yesterday evening
And flew in a tree
Haiku # 108, January 17, 1997 10:35 am ET
by Brandi B. of Our Town, US
When I was walking
To my old grandmother's house
I broke my peg leg
Haiku # 107, January 17, 1997 10:19 am ET
by Mac of Small Town, USA
The desert is hot
In the Arizona sand
No water is there
Haiku # 106, January 17, 1997 10:18 am ET
by Shila of Our Town, USA
Bulldogs are the best
Chieftians are the worst of all
Bulldogs won the game
Haiku # 105, January 17, 1997 10:16 am ET
by Shila D. of Our Town, USA
All my favorite rides
The food that tasts good and sweet
Then I'll throw it up
Haiku # 104, January 17, 1997 10:13 am ET
by Abby H of Our Town, USA
Michael is going
To the store for food today
Between one and two
Haiku # 103, January 17, 1997 10:11 am ET
by Michael H. of Our Town, USA
It is winter here
It snows here all the time now
That is the bad thing
Haiku # 102, January 17, 1997 10:09 am ET
by LaDonna of Our Town, USA
Summer is real hot
Swimming and tanning are part
Of everyday life
Haiku # 101, January 17, 1997 10:08 am ET
by Justin H. of Our Town, USA
The wind blew by me
Twirling leaves and branches 'round
And moving them miles
Haiku # 100, January 17, 1997 10:06 am ET
by Jason B. of Our Town, US
I love my boyfriend
because he cares so very much
I know we're soul mates
Haiku # 99, January 17, 1997 10:04 am ET
by Lisa M. Gist of Our Town, US
The police caught me
And took me to the station
And ask me my name
Haiku # 98, January 17, 1997 10:02 am ET
by Aaron R. of Small Town, US
I enjoy talking
I could really talk all day
Some say that I'm loud
Haiku # 97, January 17, 1997 10:00 am ET
by Ashley I. of Our Town, US
The pig stole the ham
The police called it a sham
Shyerloc didn't care
Haiku # 96, January 17, 1997 9:58 am ET
by Super Man of Our Town, US
A ray of sunlight
The trees shining in the sun
OH! how beautiful
Haiku # 95, January 17, 1997 9:56 am ET
by Amanda R. of Our Town, USA
Shopping's lots of fun
Especially at Gadzooks
I could stay all day
Haiku # 94, January 17, 1997 9:54 am ET
by Brooke D. of Our Town, USA
The kid push me hard
So I push him back harder
He fell to the ground
Haiku # 93, January 17, 1997 9:49 am ET
by Jamaal S. of Our Town, USA
Jarrod plays football
When I am not recieving
I play quarterback
Haiku # 92, January 17, 1997 9:49 am ET
by Jarrod M. of Our Town, USA
Cafe food really sucks
I really miss the Camel
Someone please save me
Haiku # 91, January 16, 1997 7:05 pm ET
by Linds the Happy University Student of Cananananada
i suck my lips hard
hoping they may grow larger
than any of yours
Haiku # 90, January 15, 1997 2:31 pm ET
by mulysa of san jose, us
O, cheap thermostat
You are screwing up big time
My house is freezing
Haiku # 89, January 14, 1997 5:22 pm ET
by Tom "teeth chattering" Third of North Fucking Pole,
The Black cat throws up
The Orange cat eats it up
Isn't Nature gross?
Haiku # 88, January 14, 1997 5:18 pm ET
by Tom Third of Toronto,
This flu is the pits
Fever and these coughing fits
Even my hair hurts
Haiku # 87, January 13, 1997 12:21 am ET
by Carolyne Rohrig of Fremont, USA
With five-seven-five
Not enough syllables for
A really bad Haik-
Haiku # 86, January 11, 1997 11:59 am ET
by Eric Farmer of Ann Arbor, USA
Easy to digest
Rice is so digestable
Neccessary fiber
Haiku # 85, January 10, 1997 11:49 pm ET
by Fluffy Bunny of Dallas, USA
La bouche means the mouth
You can kiss my mouth if you
Really want to, 'Kay?
Haiku # 84, January 10, 1997 11:45 pm ET
by Kabob of Gringo, usa
As I sit in class
I decide to fall asleep
Rudely awakened
Haiku # 83, January 10, 1997 2:21 pm ET
by James of Hartford, U.S.A.
I sit in the class
I decide to fall asleep
Rudely awakened
Haiku # 82, January 10, 1997 2:17 pm ET
by James M. of Hartford, U.S.A.
Living in North Bay
TV is my only friend
Really really sucks
Haiku # 81, January 9, 1997 1:19 am ET
by Angelo Pacione of North Bay, Canada
Freshmen English class
Needs good examples of a
cool Haiku poem
Haiku # 80, January 7, 1997 5:41 pm ET
by Teacha of Spiro, US
why anybody
life really sucks when your dead
but what do you care.
Haiku # 79, January 7, 1997 3:16 pm ET
by silver fox of Indianapolis, U.S.A.
Valorous volleys
Valiant Vlastervik Viking
Why did you retire?
Haiku # 78, January 5, 1997 11:34 pm ET
by Mr.Ed and PVM's Bad Stefan Edberg Haiku Inc. of Montréal,
Applications for
Colleges are lenghty; they
Dectract from my naps.
Haiku # 77, January 5, 1997 10:48 pm ET
by driv of New York, that place with the stars, and stripes, or something?
58 is what
I got on my Physics test
But curved, that's a C!
Haiku # 76, January 5, 1997 10:43 pm ET
by driv of New York, United States
boo hoo no haiku
just old stuff from all of you
please post something new
Haiku # 75, January 3, 1997 1:37 pm ET
by avid reader
Screen images child
Faded film blue video
Time barrels along
Haiku # 74, December 30, 1996 12:13 am ET
by Mr.Ed of Montréal,
I wanted to do
just one more Haiku, because
they are just so dumb.
Haiku # 73, December 27, 1996 2:42 pm ET
by Jeremy Wilson of Toronto, Canada
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