it's art for art's sake
uncensored by the fascists
what a bunch of kunst
by ash of haiku koo kachoo
What's our Golden Age?
It is your own golden rage.
Rage on: write haiku!
by Gold-based Currency of Haiku Value
Yes, I'm back again!
Riding the haiku high plains...
(How to finish this?)
by High Plains Drifter of Back in the Saddle
degenerate art ?
behold a new golden age
but it's just spray tan
by ash
In spite of my spite
I am grateful to Janis
For this bad haiku
by Stop Making Me Click on Bicycles
a senior moment
ah fuck i spelt your name wrong
after twenty years
by ash of apologies to janis
best wishes janice
dangerous proximity
to the mad potus
by ash of half a world away
An outpouring of
Haiku. It flows like a stream
A polluted stream.
by Janis of Toronto
tangential haiku
a delicious mania
served with word salad
by ash
Internet, my love.
I live for you... and haiku.
Please let me love you.
by But You Can Pay for the Chinese Food
Only Chinese food
Can save my soul now, this late...
Wait-- no extra rice?
by Ok Pick Up Order In Fifteen Minute of Cash or Debit Card ?
Oh dear Lord, help me.
Help me stop writing haiku.
Yes, I know. Guilty.
by I Need a Criminal Defense Attorney of Haiku
Uh-oh. I'm swearing.
Definitely a bad sign.
Sorry, Canada...
by Nice Nation of North
Fuck you, Canada.
You are no better than US.
Humble yourself. Pray.
by You Know Who You Are of Great Diverse North
My wife has just left
To go pick up Chinese food.
Haiku THAT, bitches.
by Antisocial Haiku Disorder of Hangry Poet
Now I'm in the zone.
Now I write absolute truth.
Now I'm in the NOW.
by Eternal Present of Past Tense
I spit on Basho,
Issa, Buson, and Shiki.
Useless scribblers all.
by Western Cultural Vengeance of Real Poetry
Alone with keyboard.
Existential Truth-moment.
This is satori.
by Better than Internet Porn of Believe Me
Sixteen-ounce tall boys:
Elixir of divine life.
Twenty-one to go...
by Twenty One HAIKUS That Is
Hey --- please help me out;
Write some haiku in my name.
Help me reach my goal.
by Outcome-based Haiku of Data-driven Best Practices
Twenty-three to go.
Got to crank these haikus out
Lest I lose my crown.
by AI Haiku Generator of Paid Subscription # 34571
Like Napoleon,
I snatch the crown from their hand.
Bow DOWN, lesser fools...
by Divine Write of Haiku
Six hours later:
No one dares to contest me.
I crown myself king.
by Delusions of Haiku Grandeur
Ten haiku finished.
Only twenty-five to go.
I reign: haiku god.
by Step Up and be Defeated of Competitive Haiku Elimination Championship Round
Today's objective:
Thirty haikus in a row.
Prepare for the blow.
by Blowback of Blowhard
Just me and haiku.
We have a thing going on.
Always gets me off.
by Off Ramp of On Cue
Now it is your turn.
I have to go and shovel.
But first: one more word.
by Cadence of Artificial Syllabic Intelligence
JAH Rastafari !
Jah Almighty is with us:
I-n-I white man.
by White Knights of Nyabingi Nation
Rapid-fire haiku:
Load clip, fire, discharge, new clip...
(Check ammunition)
by Basho Infantry Division of Haiku Battalion Regiment Company Brigade Elite Unit
"We shall haiku them
On the beaches, and we shall
Haiku in the hills."
by Never Surrender of Sir Winston Haiku
Haiku is the womb.
Haiku is also the breasts;
Great Haiku Mother.
by Life-giving Sustainer of Haiku
Got beer, will haiku.
I will haiku for money,
and haiku for free.
by Freedom of 1967 Haiku Congressional Act
One-wurld guvermint
Kin never stop the haiku.
Pass the moonshine, Clem.
by Pappy Yokum of Moonshine Holler
Yeah baybeh baybeh!
(ten-minute guitar solo)
Woah now mama YEAH!
by Boomer Rock of 1970s Hey Detroit it's Great to Be Here etc.
All snowed-in up here.
Everything has been canceled.
So: beer and haiku.
by Haiku Removal of Getting Plowed
Not easy to guess
What Danish Eskimos want.
We need to know soon.
by Yankee Trader of Mukluk/Snowmobile Consortium LLC
perhaps it can be
america's own taiwan?
turn the mike to mute
by ash of no more nuuks
Please react harder.
You are not triggered enough.
Write angry haiku!
by Donald T. of Your Neurosis
Keep my country's name
Out of your fucking shit mouth
- All of Canada
by Angry Beaver of True north
and enshittification
defile a nation
by ash
politics aside
whatever you call the gulf
a schism remains
by ash of water you sayin'?
Do you know what's right?
To count all your syllables;
How many are left...
by False Right/Left Paradigm of Global Governance
Do you know what's white?
"the Gulf of America",
So American.
by Nico, apparently of what's up with the borders?
donald trump's babbling
he's high on bronzing powder
and making no sense
by ash
Rastaman babbling:
He's high on marijuana
And making no sense.
by Making Sensimilla of Babylon
like so much of life
the best haiku shall happen
as haphazard treats
by ash
Just Lofan and me.
What happened to the haiku?
Everyone gave up.
by One with God is a Majority
Car emissions test:
This is truly exhausting...
Ain't just blowing smoke.
by Firing on All Cylinders of Haiku
An upscale wine bar:
Salam, future confidant!
May laughter echo...
by Ghiyasoldin Abolfath Omar ebn Ebrahim Khayyam Neyshabur of عمر خیّام (Haikuized)
No dudes in girls sports!
The woke baizou are upset!
Big win for the girls!
by Wong Lofan of Tesla Showroom