A question for Darth
How come you don't have a show
on the Food Channel?
by Noticer of Details
We should talk waffles.
Why Belgians think they're so great.
I have no idea!
Now onto toppings.
Blueberries or strawberries?
It ain't fruit salad.
Why complicate things?
You just need maple syrup.
And some fresh coffee.
by Emperor Funtcart VII
I already have.
'Twas after I spiked her drink.
A hornbill Cosby.
by Har har. of Flintstones Jello pops.
Have we discussed this?
Would you fuck a dinosaur?
Even one with spikes?
by Anonymous Poet
I'll stick to my plumber snake.
Trusty companion.
by Practical proctologist of You get the gyst.
Constipation Cure
Man uses live eel. Success!
Well, not for the eel.
by Inventor of Eel-Lax
Just rename the site
Figpucker Flatus Haiku
Charge membership fees
by Rotten Dog of Eaten by CHINESE
Edible gold dust
You'll find hidden in my farts
Inhale, and get rich
by Don't miss this opportunity of A Lifetime
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by StronVam of Belgium
you methane monster
go refill the eco-bus
freak of the flatus
by Fat Freddy
in a marathon
farters go farther faster
'cause jet propulsion.
by run nude of farts give more boost that way
If we all went nude
Everyone would be smiling
Some horizontal
by Noticer of Details
I'm a fart farmer
We saw you sneak in our barn
Mind your business
by Fart Farmer of Fart Silo
De-worm this haiku:
Belgian posts parasite links.
Belgian is the worm.
by Metronidazol of Flagyl
Deworming pill links?!???!!! ?!
Like what in the flying fuck?!?!
Someone explain why.
Most health departments give that shit away free.
Even in 3rd world countries deworming is part of the health programs. What monetary reason could they have for deworming pill links?... To treat livestock after... Oh, I get it, they think I gave the pigs and chickens intestinal parasites and they are marketing this to farmers.... what farmer read haiku though??? It makes no sense at all.
by Give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything.
Worthless Haikucoin
Wipe out the competition
Invest in Shitcoin
by Filthy Rich of Manure Bank
Instead of bitcoin
how about DanglyBitsCoin.
Coin face has a schlong.
by The tail has a distended rectum touching the toilet water.
FuntCart dot com's an
available domain name.
Get it while it's hot.
by df
You're not my uncle
But I'll sit on your lap, Darth
On one condition
by A friend of Darth F. of Haikuholics Anonymous
How to pay FuntCart?
Need new currency: BoobCoin
Worth every penny
by Too much time on my hands
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by bneoshcoams of Space
Following spam links
are rather enjoyable
and entertaining.
Entertain us with
entered anus videos
pics and scratch-n-sniff.
Smell-o-vision porn;
imagine the cash we'd make!
All the happy pervs!
Like this example:
My ex liked to "smell herself"
when masturbating.
What will we call it?
The new Sony FuntCart screen?
by Star Kitten's favorite uncle. of Sit on my lap like you used to.
You are so bent-o . . .
as in total demento.
How you pay rent-o?
by Box Lunch of NIPPON
You are so bent-o . . .
as in total demento.
How you pay rent-o?
by Box Lunch of NIPPON
Summer in Japan
Farting in a bento box
Getting dirty looks
by World Traveler of Shopping for a bigger bento box
If you don't want farts,
then you need to go elsewhere.
That's all Japan has.
by Can a samurai sword cut a methane molecule? of Shogun's outhouse.
Quadruple back flip
with a triple aerial
A solid landing (no back splash, floaters, or Klingons)
by Those fecal gymnasts are THE SHIT!! of Fecal Gymnastics Olympics
How we long for more
Than Figpucker's farts; a bore.
Give Darth a low score.
by Haiku Scoring Committee of Tokyo Olympics
Belching twat waffles
Ingestion. Indigestion.
(with homemade whipped cream)
by Sir Lester Longpig of Breakfast nook
Long-winded Belgian
Look, he farts gobbledygook
and wipes with haiku
by 2-ply of July
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by StronVam of Belgium
This site is the best
It's like having a pen pal
in the Philippines
by The other poet
Up in Canada
They wipe with a hockey stick+
duct taped tea towel
by Slapshat of Splatshot
I heard in China
They wipe their bums with chopsticks
Works on potstickers
by Christopher Wokkin'
Extra syllable
Symbolizes the bus fart
It hangs in the air
by Driver, Next Stop of Running on fumes
Farting on mass transit
They'll be reaching for their masks
I will be smiling
by Commute of Odor
Cheese, cheese, we love cheese.
We support Darth Roquefort.
We am Chinese BOTS.
by Delta Bleus of MISSES SIPPY
Meatpackers Union
Spokesperson, Girth Pigpacker
Sat on his fat ass
by Cheese Killer of Serial Killers of the Philippines
Are you packing heat?
Shoplifted a pantsload of SPAM?
I'll be right over
by I'd tap that of Your Phone is Tapped
Oh ye haiku men,
Let us arise and fight them,
Unpoetic bots.
by Haiku Defense Squadron 119 of Janislandia
That's why you use spam.
The slab of meat can be carved
and then used for months.
Warm it when needed.
Keep it refrigerated.
Nuke it when wanted.
Multipurpose too.
Like use it for a shot glass.
Mushroomy liquor.
You will not get sick.
With all the preservatives
it lasts forever.
If it falls apart
from being overly-loved,
just shoplift more spam.
by "Code 300 in canned meat section." of Walmart
I'll think of you, dear
At the next Ladie's Luncheon
What a meat platter!
by Mrs. Cuntingham of Meet and Greet Committee
Do not fuck corned beef
Cut your unit on the can?
Your future's dead meat
by Will the REAL Darth Figpucker of Please stand up. (please stand up)
57 year old Technical Wire Jointer Leo from Fort Erie, really loves garage saleing, and ornithology. Preceding year just completed a journey Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de BoÃ
by Jasonlep of Yemen
We're violated!
Raped by Russian spam monsters.
I used to rape spam.
Spam with a carved hole.
It may sound kind of slimy.
But it's more emotionally satisfying that screwing my ex, although both are artificially processed pork. And at least the spam has some dignity and self-respect.
by The Fartist Formerly Known As Darth Figpucker
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by Jessepef of Barbados
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by StronVam of Belgium
The best strategy
They'll never see it coming
Tom Bosley dink bomb
by Beat the Bots of Save Bad Haiku
They shall taste defeat
We have a secret weapon
Tom Bosley's penis
by Haiku Sniper
Bots on the warpath,
Trying to take down Bad Haiku.
They shall fail, oh yes.
by Who Manatee United Against Bots