do you know de wae
we spit on the fake queen
i draw a big pepe
by tide pod of earth-chan
Swiper, no swiping!
Backpack, Backpack. Yum yum yum.
Where are we going?
by Skeletor of Mumm-Ra's pyramid, having a sleepover.
A tinder Haiku
You ever see one of those?
Surprise! It's a trap
by Swipedleft
Long after I'm gone
my bad haiku will live on.
That is such a shame.
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
Why would a porn star
bang Donald Trump for no pay?
Ask Stormy Davis.
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
When I go bald. Like
I mean all the way bald, friend...
No Trump combover.
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
I ran out of space
in the middle of my last
haiku. I got distracted.
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
Hold on just a sec...
If there's one thing I'm sure of
it's that the uni-
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
I keep my mustard
in the fridge next to the old
takeout soy sauce packs.
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
Look at that big wave!
What are those things way out there?
Giant bananas?!
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
One time at band camp
my vagina ate a flute.
Nothing else to say.
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
The ocean sunfish
Mola, Mola, Mola hey!
Reduced caudal fin
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
Pee. Warm and sterile.
Oh, but dude please don't drink it,
Ureic acid.
by Mysterioso Aguilar of somewhere on Earth (maybe)
Ugandan Knuckles
boofing Tide pods for Jesus.
This is a real thing.
It is here and now.
The future is upon us.
You should be worried.
You should do something.
Instead you write poetry.
You are no warrior.
Digital feces.
But poop is just anal log.
Future coprolite.
Fossils making fossils for future fossils to unearth and write bad poetry about!
When you drop a log
You view porno analogue?
Do they still make that???
well when i sit on
the john i download too but
analogue, old school
by vhs
When the wife is out
I download pornography
or write bad haiku.
Ha ha!
by Nelson Muntz of Springfield
no room no room on
the planet for you all, but
space program maybe???
by vhs
i believe most folks
are flawed, despite that most go
on to greater things
by vhs
and sometimes i write
haikus here and sometimes i
dont so the one thing
i do get from so
called artists is they forget
to enjoy things for
what they are, who fucking cares
by vhs
Most haikus have five
syllables then seven then
I forget what next
by Adam of NJ
there was a show called
dinosaurs which ended with the
end of their world, so
Gen X kids show and
the end of civilized life
kinda like our times?
by vhs
Polar bears are mean
They don't want to be your friend
Plus, they may eat you
by Global warming is a good thing
Please relax robot
Americans are sleeping
Challenge you perhaps
by Adorable Kittens
I challenge cowards
Propel decisions forwards
Listen to records
by Robot painter
next time i come in
here ill get my whip and cane
and say submit sub
by vhs
It stopped raining for 5 minutes.
I'll now wade outside and see if the grilled monkey testicle vendor is open for business or if he's drunk again in the whore house karaoke bar.
How many staph infections must I fight off this monsoon season?
One of them looks like it might give birth.
Should I feed it imported pickles?
I really shouldn't get so drunk that I pass out; those fishermen will screw anything.
Damnit... I think my owner (wife) has returned.
*whimper, whine, cower*
Fast forward 1000 years in the future.
Will there still be haiku?
And sumo?
And sushi w/ 0.5% methyl mercury content?
Will we sail on boats with sails of radioactive yen notes sewn together with dolphin and whale gut string?
Fried sea turtle dumping that promise eternal life?
Happy ending massages from imported slave girls?
Economic conquest?
If you like pooping,
then move to Southeast Asia;
you'll poop all day long.
by Anonymous Poet
if someone is upset
at moon pies in the diet
i think id eat more
by Anonymous Poet
It's not rebelling
if the system's not enforced
penis fart bubbles.
rebelling gets old
it becomes the new norm, when
golf and martinis
become cool
by hfm
it is like music
the whole song needs noise and lulls
here though we need lulz
by hfm
routine defiance
mundane recidivism
is it bad haiku ?
by ash
The crazy man masturbates under his trenchcoat in the public park, pretending not to notice people staring at him. He sometimes is put in the county mental ward for a short time, but shortly released because he poses no serious threat to anyone, so returns to the park to masturbate again, pretending not to notice people staring at him mouths agape. Time passes and few people go to that park now except him b/c they don't want to see a crazy old man masturbating under his trenchcoat and it frightens them. The beautiful park is essentially his now, which is what he planned. And they call him crazy.
by the 153rd generation of decendents of Bill Gates' first hermit crab that he released at the beach.
The sunrise over the Asian slum was peaceful and allowed for some great photography for the rich white people to post on Facebook while complaining how they miss Starbucks.
by of
all depends how you
see it and if you add or
take away what is creul
by HFM
struggle to get by
in a cruel and savage world
only rest is death
by X
yes coffee ice cream
a gift of the gods to man
till promethius
turned it all into
eight o clock coffee and we
had to add sugar
and cream and those damn
proggy commentators bitch
about sugar use
dietary fetishism
by harcourt fenton mudd
Wouldn't it be cool if there is was some barbarian warrior named Of from the land of Of, so when he introduced himself he would say, "I am Of of Of," and people would think he was stuttering and not be able to help but laugh or snicker at this and then Of would get pissed and chop their heads off with a giant war axe or a broadsword.
What were we talking about... Oh, yeah, ice cream.
by Of of Of
There's no keeping up.
Just slide down to the bottom.
There might be ice cream.
But I must ask you,
What's your favorite flavor?
Coffee ice cream rules.
by of of of
trying to keep up and
going down and getting there
brown eyed girly gals
by vhs
I am going to go eat some motherfucking cake.
If you've never had motherfucking cake then you should motherfucking well try some, motherfucker.
by Samuel Jackson.
Vaginal Hair Slime.
Victorious Hippie Shack.
Very Hungry Shark.
by Anonymous Poet
I don't mean backwards backwards... I mean the B and M are switched. You know what I mean. Kind of like Bruce Jenner.
by Anonymous Poet
I just noticed the title of the "haiku submission" page is titled "Bad Haiku - Sumbit".
The B and M are backwards.
Huh huh huh... I said BM.
Sumbitch sumbit submit obey or die. Or something.
damn it, i think I'm
the master of dada then
he posts some DOO DOO!!!
by vhs
It is quite simple.
I blame racism on race.
Get rid of all race.
We'll all be the same.
One big happy family.
All the same color.
Another option is nanobots that permeate skin and bend light so that we are all invisible and can't see each other. We can only find each other by smell. We could walk around naked. There would be no more "fashion" or even rich or poor and everyone would have sex with random partners because, hey, we would all be invisible anyway.