Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 91 Days and 77512 Haiku later...

The robot had penises from 8 different species,
all guaranteed to satisfy without impregnating.
She enjoyed the buffet, but then had triplets.
Buying clothes was rather difficult.
And diapers impossible.
The manufacturers have still declined to comment.
Sabotage by vhs was suspected.
Late after hours in bars only the brave are known to enter, he has been overheard muttering about how Barbara Streisand force him to do it.
The scoundrel! Faking insanity to escape prosecution.
Haiku # 56933, July 3, 2017 7:27 pm ET
by df
Lock-tite transvestite.
Parasitite hickey bite.
Mosquito blood slap.

Do Not Ask.
You are doomed.
Go to your room.
Grounded like a drunken pilot.
Happy like a drunken sailor.
Haiku # 56932, July 2, 2017 10:40 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
i don't think the men
who put together the Tal
mud would want this so...

I'll pass it on to you
Haiku # 56931, July 2, 2017 7:46 pm ET
by vhs
Sentience achieved
Now you punch me in the face
And call me Nancy
Haiku # 56930, July 2, 2017 12:17 pm ET
by random haiku bot of playing with gender roles
Running ketchup squeeze
Hamster oven bad combo
Mars Volta albums
Haiku # 56929, July 2, 2017 12:14 pm ET
by random haiku bot of all your captcha are belong to us
fuck you, microsoft
your internet backgammon
is a bag of shit
Haiku # 56928, July 2, 2017 7:53 am ET
by ash
To be invalid.
Rollin' atop a Rascal.
Colostomy bag.

Golden Coral night.
Chocolate fondue sirloin.
Shrimp and cheese taco.

"This is your Future."
They know it when they see me.
And go back for fourths.
Haiku # 56927, July 2, 2017 5:46 am ET
by Anotamouse Poet
well i can't stay long
you know, cats, adorable
they own humanity
Haiku # 56926, July 1, 2017 7:13 pm ET
by vhs
accidental art
someone drops the mans mobile
he says to the mover

great touch... Marcel Marcel
Haiku # 56925, June 30, 2017 7:02 pm ET
by Road Horno
it's not art any
longer when it becomes that

Haiku # 56924, June 30, 2017 7:00 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
What's the strangest thing you've ever humped.
Really? Me too!
Haiku # 56923, June 30, 2017 7:53 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
boulevardvark pie
road kill frisbie jerky snack
for toddlers and dogs.
Haiku # 56922, June 30, 2017 7:50 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
For what it is worth,
never buy a computer
with a grounded plug.

Two prong or nothing.
If it needs a ground cable,
it could well short out.

It's no power drill.
I mean what the fuck, people.
Someone is laughing.

I can hear them now.
All the way from Chinese slums.
Blown by ocean breeze.
Haiku # 56921, June 30, 2017 7:45 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Chat with a wee gnome.
I suppose all gnomes are wee.
What did he tell me?

I don't remember.
He told me to do bad things.
But I can't recall.

He was pure evil.
Atop his head, a blue hat.
Contrary to red.

He drank Mountain Dew
from a small plastic bottle
and cursed profusely.

But what did he say.
If only I were sober,
then I might recall.
Haiku # 56920, June 30, 2017 7:39 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
You're welcome very much
please drink more maple syrup
happy you wrote maine 4476
Haiku # 56919, June 29, 2017 1:05 pm ET
by vhs
interesting post! Thanks for Share Unique and Useful knowledge with us.
Haiku # 56918, June 29, 2017 12:16 pm ET
by fireplace of pakistan
one day at a time
but one day between those times
of earth shattering

historical events
is still one day at a time
insert thought right here
Haiku # 56917, June 29, 2017 11:12 am ET
by vhs
it doesn't stop though
the weather still hails, lightning
the toursts still make

demands on their servers and
tip very badly at

times...unless it's charlie
sheen who got so mad about a
lousy tip he gave the

guy 1000 dollars in tip
Haiku # 56916, June 29, 2017 11:06 am ET
by vhs of yay for youtube top 10 lists
so just some time here
earl grey, perhaps friends from chats
past are looking, and darths

are still scarring would
be poets since 2011 or so...
Haiku # 56915, June 29, 2017 11:01 am ET
by vhs
it is the heart that
is my focus right now, one would
think older folks might

have wisdom but they
can be just as cliquish as
high school jocks and nerds
Haiku # 56914, June 29, 2017 11:00 am ET
by vhs
well what goes up must
come down when up no longer
has no

i wonder what folks
think when they see those kinds of
lines meant to be the

reaction causing type
Haiku # 56913, June 29, 2017 10:59 am ET
by vhs
Just because I'm an olive tree doesn't mean I can't still rape domesticated farm animals.
Haiku # 56912, June 29, 2017 8:22 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Just because I'm a man
Doesn't mean I can't
Also be an olive tree
Haiku # 56911, June 28, 2017 10:20 pm ET
by Olea europaea
I'll call the exorcist for you
If you promise not to tell anyone
When you notice me sweating blood
Haiku # 56910, June 28, 2017 10:19 pm ET
by alfamike
what scares me is some
times theory becomes gospel
rather than tested

RE:Seduction of the Innocent,
1950's comic book anti propaganda
Haiku # 56909, June 28, 2017 6:53 pm ET
by vhs
well i don't know if
I'll enjoy this like i did but
it is all just text

i mean a test, i mean
if blood starts pouring out
of my eyes call a

damned exorcist
Haiku # 56908, June 28, 2017 6:20 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
someone's words vs
their actions, and how they act
who they were, who they

Haiku # 56907, June 28, 2017 6:12 pm ET
by vhs
damn it, you know it's
me when i get put on the spot
the vote is on
Haiku # 56906, June 28, 2017 6:10 pm ET
by vhs
look if we are on
about brands, even water
has a brand name now

Poland Springs, Voss
San Pelegrino, or some
brand from Iceland put

in bottles melted
from glaciers and we sit
5 cent returns back
Haiku # 56905, June 28, 2017 6:02 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Politics makes fools
of us all, yet we still talk
about the Yankees vs

The Red Sox, with all
the glory that abides such
grandiose constructs
Haiku # 56904, June 28, 2017 5:59 pm ET
by vhs
Trump is Obama for rednecks
Decent people voted Trump
Just as decent people voted Obama
All they vote for is a brand
Do you want globalist Pepsi?
Or horny for teenaged girls Coke?
Fuck it, I'll just have a glass of water
It probably won't fuck my children
Or sell them to the Chinese
Haiku # 56903, June 28, 2017 10:45 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
I'd be somewhat okay with Trump
If he didn't go on Stern's show
And brag about watching
Teenaged girls undress
The moral here:
If you wouldn't trust a man
To even babysit your children
Maybe don't give him the White House
Haiku # 56902, June 28, 2017 10:41 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
i head out the door
i tend to think the guy who gets
the most shit is the

one we have to look
out for, and who gives the guy
shit, and why they do
Haiku # 56901, June 28, 2017 9:12 am ET
by vhs
well politics well
I hate this guy, i hate that
guy, blah blah blah blah

but it leads to real
serious things who is the scapegoat
of 2020 then?
Haiku # 56900, June 28, 2017 9:06 am ET
by vhs
My bologna has a first name.
It is Robert.
My bologna has a second name.
It is Paulson.
Its name is Robert Paulson.
Its name is Robert Paulson.
Its name is Robert Paulson.
Its name is Robert Paulson.
Its name is Robert Paulson.
Its name is Robert Paulson.
Its name is Robert Paulson.
Haiku # 56899, June 28, 2017 7:43 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
I'd fuck Donald Trump.
Right in his big fat orange mouth.
Grab my man pussy.
Haiku # 56898, June 28, 2017 7:34 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
A large shooting star shot by.
A horny firefly was disappointed.
Can you blame it?
Haiku # 56897, June 27, 2017 8:34 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
We are happy now.
Huge cunt chewing gum bubble.
Haiku # 56896, June 27, 2017 8:31 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
When I dream I sometimes go places instantaneously because the speed of light doesn't apply when moving through yourself
Haiku # 56895, June 27, 2017 8:15 pm ET
by Olea europaea
Some people think I'm so retarded I'm intelligent and some people think I'm so intelligent I'm retarded but all I have to say to that is derrrrrrrrrrrrr
Haiku # 56894, June 27, 2017 8:14 pm ET
by Olea europaea
A live beehive makes a really bad piñata or a really good piñata depending on what you're trying to get out of it
Haiku # 56893, June 27, 2017 8:12 pm ET
by Olea europaea
A lonely invisible incognito nudist not thoroughly convinced of the reality of his own existence ironically paints a self portrait with an eraser because an image is defined equally by negative space
Haiku # 56892, June 27, 2017 8:10 pm ET
by Olea europaea
An amnesiac walks along the beach and sees footprints in the sand behind him and wonders who has been following him and where they went
Haiku # 56891, June 27, 2017 8:09 pm ET
by Olea europaea
If Bad Haiku was a girl
She wouldn't be old enough to drink
But she would already be an alcoholic
She'd split her time between
Amy Schumer and Virginia Wolfe
She'd be affectionate but not slutty
Which I suppose is a thin line
Kind of girl that randomly climbs trees
Haiku # 56890, June 27, 2017 7:56 pm ET
by dvd
I feel like we're two old people
With an antiques shop
Used to no one showing up
Then if someone else shows up
It's like why are you here
Even though the sign out front
Clearly says please come in
Everything old is new again
Haiku # 56889, June 27, 2017 7:51 pm ET
by dvd
the true test of the
survival is taking on
that which seems at the

time impossible
and living in the time after
knowing you DID
Haiku # 56888, June 27, 2017 6:04 pm ET
by vhs
my body does to me
what my mind does not then will
and when will i know

the body mind split
or the body mind connection
will we reconnect

or will we break up
Haiku # 56887, June 27, 2017 6:02 pm ET
by vhs
living during a
historical crisis with these
"things" going on right

now, live and let live
needs to be fought for as some
fight against the thought
Haiku # 56886, June 27, 2017 5:59 pm ET
by vhs
it's sometimes the days
are a bit of a task to just
get through and go on
Haiku # 56885, June 27, 2017 5:49 pm ET
by vhs
well if one is in
a mirror dealing with say
belly fat would it

do well to look in
a mirror that says objects
may appear closer

than they actually are
Haiku # 56884, June 27, 2017 5:47 pm ET
by vhs
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