brittle, leached of hue
the leaf carpet lays in wait
for the coming spring
by mount madonna mama
he's end over end
summersaulting from your bed
inches from your grasp
by kevin's girl
The movie Traffic
Fine film ruined by a
Hollywood ending
by Janis
otherlands, they watch
US cheat children from the snatch
spoiled promises
by Mz.UnCunGenitalia
the ghost of demo,
crass even snide, wants your votes
to override... tide
by Brett of White outHouse, too
fuck this shit says i
fuck your two am deadline
this monkey's leaving
by Hollywood Bonfire
work heirarchy sucks
bloated egos deny truth
shit floats as gold sinks
by ash
why so many creeps?
various bosses, same crap
egos, power trips
shut up one minute
and i'll explain why you're wrong
no, they'd rather scream
fine, blithering fool
i'll follow orders, sir/ma'am
your work will be shit
by sheena
i lean my head back
let the ache wash over me
another bad day
by sheena
search for comfort zone
led me down strange, twisting paths
directions changed place
by sheena
black beans tumble out
smoothe and promising
they pool in her hand
by mount madonna mama
she sits on the bed
naked cool and unfolding
oragami birds
by mount madonna mama
held down one more time
the fighting intensified
she got serious
by mount madonna mama
couldn't agree more
morbid facination is
childishly grotty
by in your dreams
bodily fluids
graphic representations
just so much dribble
by ash
clunk is cuntsuck goo
finger fucking inside, too
clunk is written: C=(:
by cumpome of malibubitch
C=(: C==(: c==(: c===):
yuh gah mah dong ghat annn yer
cunt (!) thas better C=(:
by cumpome of malibubitch
senate half and half
now democrats' votes count - Re-
puke-lickins play dead
pack it in, mule skin;
paciderm terms: cream the cunt,
v.p. takes Owe-var
by unconceding of White outHouse, too
Swirling and viral
My brother's new computer
Surely infected
by Janis
Haiku ascii art
Of the X rated nature
Is quite intriguing
by Janis
ply c===O==8 on tongue
cuck is cocksuck want
cuck is facefuck like a cunt
cuck is written: C==O==8
by poemcum of ply.mouth
oc=8 Oc==8 cO==8 c=o==8 C==o==8
C=o===8 Co====8 C=o===8 C==o==8 C===o=8 gonna
cum! -C==o==8 -}C=o===8 ,*&}Co====8 yeah!
by poemcum of ply,mouth
Klorg is very fine
Went yesterday for visit
Then emerged today
by Janis
Mike Siegel great job!
Art Bell's back, I could love a
hog: wild about it!!
by Boo
Klorg! dot com web site
Consumer of my spare time
HTML hell
by Dyslexic Dvae of
MySQL the key
To the occasional crash
New language to learn
by Janis
potato-heads are
dick-taters with spud puds for
by quasimodo of White outHouse, too
president gore
dead. someone shot president
gore in the head count
he looked so dead
when he was winning; when his
chances were dead: live!
by unconceding of the White outHouse
to the haiku clique
get out of it: make me SICK
with your be-bop schtick
by boo of in you
which witch switched her
magic or shaman maybe
no more spells from Mel
by Moll F.
(for Janis and Ash)
dismissive submissively
more often than not
by mellie near the Coral Sea
Baton tapping he collared Mel
She was so ashamed .........
by Fanny O. Story
one two three four five
one two three four five six ?
one two three four five
by The Count
Mel is a butcher
four digets amputated
sawing mutton chops
by Critoria
Lisa oh Lisa
Staring at these words right now
Will make you go gay
On top of Janis
What a nice place to be now
Ooh, wait...don't...stop.....YES!
I just got back home.
My, things sure do change with time.
She made life a drag.
Problems everywhere
Submit is barely working
MS products suck
by Janis
sirens of net surf
carracks my frigate dinghy
on incoming waves
all hands on prick and
cling to her frigging rigging
fo'c'stle th'big com'r
gobs o' semen, O!-
verboard in the sea a' she
argo fuck yourself!
by matusek/squared of Argo, Bospherous
american truth (each 1st line)
"me, too" said like it's stupid
to in the first place.
(about face! the known) and fall
forward for the clown
firth unidentified source
advised no recall
by unconceding
Ocean breeze blows hard
The stillness in life one feels
Quickly unravels
by jeff of cleveland
whop ya ass more like
nicer things to lick mate
paddle pops and stuff
by mellie near the Coral Sea
dismissive ashley see
submissive beaten
by Mel
error messages
beaten out of submission
by ash
dismissive submissive
by mellie
Is anyone else
Having problems submitting
Their bad poetry?
by Janis
babe-f-16 rides
strong grips her horse and when she's
wet pounds dolphin surf
by C====8 of C==0==8
just go on and on
sit there being snide and crass
why not lick my ass
by Anonymous Poet
Ocean breeze blows hard
The calmness in life we feel
Quickly unravels
by jeff of cleveland