Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 120 Days and 77570 Haiku later...

on religion posts:

the divine's present
the question is just whether
you acknowledge it
Haiku # 5172, November 27, 2000 6:14 pm ET
by sheena
T-boner is right
his best advice on women:
just duck and cover
Haiku # 5171, November 27, 2000 8:09 am ET
by soma of notatworktoday
leather against skin
hand gently slips down my pants
i jerk off wildly

heated breath on neck
spinning u-turns under sheets
she jerks off wildly
Haiku # 5170, November 27, 2000 8:03 am ET
by soma of gettinouty
free robert downey
do us all a big favour
lock up jim carrey
Haiku # 5169, November 27, 2000 4:50 am ET
by ash
only the oak trees
holding on to their leaves now
the wind is moaning
Haiku # 5168, November 26, 2000 12:40 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
hot moist breath exhaled
into cupped gloved hands returns
feeling to lace boots
Haiku # 5167, November 26, 2000 12:35 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
the frozen river
creaking as the tide rises
startles a small bird
Haiku # 5166, November 26, 2000 12:28 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
golden hues of morning
tell me to rise and shine
where is my warnm bed?
Haiku # 5165, November 26, 2000 1:22 am ET
by sadamme of humboldt vo.
galvanized by fear
bare feet skim the hot pavement
outdistancing rats
Haiku # 5164, November 24, 2000 3:02 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
galvanized metal
roof percussing in the wind
equator's music

Haiku # 5163, November 24, 2000 2:58 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
monumental angst
a fashion accessory
for the insecure
Haiku # 5162, November 23, 2000 11:23 pm ET
by ash
no need to struggle
the world is ridiculous
relax and accept
Haiku # 5161, November 23, 2000 11:22 pm ET
by ash
jesus and prozac
depressed about depression
only the lonely
Haiku # 5160, November 23, 2000 10:35 pm ET
by soma of onthepharmacuticals
ronins been busy
pontificating haiku
and his religion
Haiku # 5159, November 23, 2000 10:29 pm ET
by soma of inthevalley more macho shit
i am thus my own true friend
.that wife's happy
Haiku # 5158, November 23, 2000 9:06 pm ET
by ronin@hisownfriend
..friend's wife, to be sure
well, waddaya expect, huh...
....second-chance romance?
Haiku # 5157, November 23, 2000 8:55 pm ET
by ronin@;--)
....heeded your advise
am now off to Singapore...
...but with wife in tow
Haiku # 5156, November 23, 2000 8:51 pm ET
by ronin
i believe in God
i believe in family
i believe in man
Haiku # 5155, November 23, 2000 8:49 pm ET
by ronin@thebrightside
..we dont argue God
we cant hypotheticate
...its experiential
Haiku # 5153, November 23, 2000 8:44 pm ET
by ronin@heyamos
Deep into the void...
a plunge:
an ocean of thorns.
Haiku # 5152, November 23, 2000 8:43 pm ET
by ronin@thelast3werebyjapanesemastersbutthisshithereismine
sheena's been busy
baking her juicy turkey
in thick haiku sauce
Haiku # 5151, November 23, 2000 8:34 pm ET
by soma
thanksgiving for what?
consuming until you puke,
and dead indians

not enough turkey
starving in 3rd world countries
we shall binge then purge
Haiku # 5150, November 23, 2000 8:25 pm ET
by soma of *#!@^~)(#
okay wish me luck
hope i get home safe tonight
guess we'll see, won't we?
Haiku # 5149, November 23, 2000 1:08 pm ET
by sheena
it's kind of scary
when the whole building echoes
this is so 'blair witch'
Haiku # 5148, November 23, 2000 1:06 pm ET
by sheena
lonely thanksgiving
working in an empty place
my music is all
Haiku # 5147, November 23, 2000 1:05 pm ET
by sheena
she's a stupenda
that marvellous pudenda
where will it end, huh ?
Haiku # 5146, November 22, 2000 6:46 pm ET
by ash
let me warm my ears
between your milky-white thighs
panties optional
Haiku # 5145, November 22, 2000 5:14 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
*wild card*

i've held luckless hands
but i feel like i've drawn now
not aces - jokers
Haiku # 5144, November 22, 2000 4:02 pm ET
by sheena
this cold winter wind
makes some things clear in my mind
ravelled balls rewind
Haiku # 5143, November 22, 2000 3:57 pm ET
by sheena
all the moths have gone
where butterflies sleep dusty
dreams and nightmares die
Haiku # 5142, November 22, 2000 3:55 pm ET
by sheena
blue peninsula.............
sounds like some fine dream to me
but i'm wide awake
Haiku # 5141, November 22, 2000 3:50 pm ET
by sheena
hey frenchy tis cool
was just having sucky day
thanks for worrying...
Haiku # 5140, November 22, 2000 3:49 pm ET
by sheena
bad haiku, struggling
to be good little poems;
buoyed by irony...
Haiku # 5139, November 22, 2000 3:23 pm ET
by Homage
words so easily
misinterpreted and not
often understood

emotions rattle my brain
constantly whirling
Haiku # 5138, November 22, 2000 12:54 pm ET
by jasper of swimminginapoolodreams
Haiku # 5137, November 22, 2000 12:52 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
blew it yet again
just to keep you on your toes
ennui ? pas du tout
Haiku # 5136, November 22, 2000 6:23 am ET
by ash
ennui ? pas moi
feel that humidity rise
summer's a-coming
Haiku # 5135, November 22, 2000 3:53 am ET
by ash
freshening winds of change blow
and the world is turned
Haiku # 5134, November 22, 2000 3:49 am ET
by ash
saunter blindly as
puppets tied to many strings
are we all but sheep?
Haiku # 5133, November 22, 2000 12:53 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
gripped by daft passion
sometimes my heart feels too much
sleep will never come
Haiku # 5132, November 21, 2000 11:59 pm ET
by anonymous of inadazedstateomind
How you doing Ash
A fellow Sydney sider
As bored as I am
Haiku # 5131, November 21, 2000 5:21 pm ET
by hhtigerlily
turn the rusty knob
am i ready to reveal?
open my souls door
Haiku # 5130, November 21, 2000 5:07 pm ET
by jasper of inasmogfilledhaven
Glad the power's back!
Only one thing is missing.
Where are you Sheena?
Haiku # 5129, November 21, 2000 4:26 pm ET
by frenchy
A brain in a vat?
Why then, this intricate vat...
Slowly Killing Me?
Haiku # 5128, November 21, 2000 12:28 pm ET
by eob1kanobi
My own Universe...
Of which you all are apart...
Exists in my Head.
Haiku # 5127, November 21, 2000 12:22 pm ET
by eob1kanobi
Can not be Defined?
God is a Social-Science...
Science is a God?
Haiku # 5126, November 21, 2000 12:05 pm ET
by eob1kanobi of Humboldt
My curious flake
Spontaneous companion
Why value reason
Haiku # 5125, November 21, 2000 12:00 pm ET
by Janis
Impulsive logic
The agressive underdog
Jupiter barren
Haiku # 5124, November 21, 2000 11:59 am ET
by Janis
Summer opinion
tolerant philosopher
this eternal high
Haiku # 5123, November 21, 2000 11:59 am ET
by Janis
What happened you ask?
Site down for many hours
Bad Power Failure
Haiku # 5122, November 20, 2000 11:53 pm ET
by Janis
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