what was that noise..James?!!
mind your dining room manners
and what matters most
Flatulence...sweet phrase...
toss it into mixed greens with
splash of vinaigrette
by mother sorry I farted upwind
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
my slow ascent to
respectability was
paved but slippery
by its a long way down cocksucker!
Christine Keeler wore
high heels in high places no
Lewinsky was she
by Profumo ate Monica sucked
here we throw stones not
weigh them you spend pounds while we
try to lose/gain them
by a stone weighs a pound costs
if fear be farts "then"
surely you smell correctly
breathe deep my love
by pandemic flatulence grammatically corrected
if fear be farts than
surely you smell correctly
breathe deeply my love
by pandemic flatulence
I'm big and I'm strong
whats that noise under my bed?
Mummy come here quick
by Placated mediocrity
Idle threats are made
Getting too close to the truth?
I can smell the fear
by Pathetic ornothology
A nine stone weakling
Threats are as near as I get
To some real violence
by Pandemic apathy
I'm a bed bandit
Wont even know I was there
As I'm so tiny
But my gift to you
Leaving a small deposit
I come in the night
by Pathetic apology of endemic pathetically
the peons can not
handle the truth those who know
will make sure of that
by Oswald did not shoot JFK
lose the evidence
how do you fuckin' lose a
president's brain?!!
by haiku conspiracy
Ruby's free access
to the patsy Oswald and
Jack's mob ties...hmmmm?!!!
by haiku conspiracy
'midst the panic by
book depository eyes
fixed on grassy knoll!!!
by zapruder porn film the killing of JFK
inept humpty mess
he couldn't pick his shit up
a bad EGGsample
by maybe I shgould get back on track
could I but ferret
out this weasel who delights
wearing others' clothes
I would lift him up
by the scruff of his mangy
neck and shake him thus!!!!
by the genuine article pandemic pathology
freaky comic run
explicate the theme is bound
between crime and fun
by marvelous
theft of persona
pandemic pathology
name raped by a ghost
imposing vile
overlays of his sickness
'pon my copyright
wolves that lurk about
in skins torn from another
should be shot on sight
by not flattered you have taken my name
Who is this boychild?
pandemic pathology
Hey grow up sunshine
by Grotskys bagles of New York
used to unwrap you
tender layers unfolding
but now, we are cool
talking slowly still
recounting our daily bores
as if it's routine
no meaning in words
no substance in hotel rooms
flowers shriveled dry
and yet we hold on
left strangled by the phone line
all that is not said
by vince
pleasant smiling frog
sitting on a lily pad-
ready to jump-start.
by graysky
glad to see this site
is back to its boring self
what a relief guys
by Anonymous Poet
bagel and butter
a reason for cheerfulness-
ready on a plate.
by graysky
I will Stamp and Scream
Then you will have to love me
I want attention!!!
by pandemic pathology
If I insult you
It's cause I love you so much
Why don't you love me?
by pandemic pathology
I'm not like my mum
I'm a big boy. All grown up
Can pee on my own
by pandrmic pathology
I need to be loved
Please someone just anyone
Love me please LOVE ME!!!
by pandemic pathology
green fabric
stretched out on shy earth
shock of sky
by vince
hospice raft safeguards
dad 'fore his final voyage
sets sail toward dawn
by Haiku half-wit
drip drip watch life ebb
terminal sedation drips
slowly yet surely
by no longer in pain
cramps are so much like
ten thousand bubbled up turds
with no where to go
by hummm
serious bad cramps
you just don't understand me
~~looking for a knife
by your balls..
the hero of Pi
drills holes in his head to set
free the incessant _________
by Can I borrow your Black and Decker?
standing alone this
testament to God's greatest
power...virgin birch
by I witnessed a virgin birch
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
pallid line of white
birch float in a sea of pine
tree..sfuck fuck fuckin'!!
by the hills are alive with the sound of Tourettes
these postings prove that
pharmaceuticals in our
drinking water and
pesticides toxic
wastes and Jesus are the one
way ticket to Hell
by Look honey Im growing tits
end of days mayan
calendar apocryphal
rapture th...th...that's
.............................all folks!!!
by looney tunes rapture
The earth moves under
you gotta say it's over
let go of my feet
by Carol is King..make something of it
feel the disturbance
in the force..notice haiku
pace is quickening
all signs pointing to
End of Daze for the aimless
wandering souls here
by 50k haikus End of Daze
fair weather runner
the lion of winter slows
to brisk frigid walks
by Anonymous Poet
more interactive
sociopathic brainstorms
ping pong for ding dongs
by Anonymous Poet
on continuum
of lunacy where falls this
for haiku misfits
throw out diagnostic terms...
devil's dominion
by pandemic pathology
joggers in winter
mostly are slight and slender-
exercising care.
by graysky
not even theater
sociopathic brainstorm
for freaks and losers
by pavlov rings the bell and bs comes running
if theater why not
website of the absurd it's
no big stretch to make
by Anonymous Poet
website of the absurd
haiku tragicomedy
pinging 45664 acts.
by graysky
the haiku pontiff
waves to his adoring crowd
long live Sir William
by pandemic pathology
Sir Will the anchor
the beacon of light guiding
wayward travelers
by pandemic pathology