Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 60 Days and 77457 Haiku later...

joggers in winter
mostly are slight and slender-
exercising care.
Haiku # 45667, December 28, 2009 2:13 pm ET
by graysky
not even theater
sociopathic brainstorm
for freaks and losers
Haiku # 45666, December 28, 2009 2:04 pm ET
by pavlov rings the bell and bs comes running
if theater why not
website of the absurd it's
no big stretch to make
Haiku # 45665, December 28, 2009 1:44 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
website of the absurd
haiku tragicomedy
pinging 45664 acts.
Haiku # 45664, December 28, 2009 12:33 pm ET
by graysky
the haiku pontiff
waves to his adoring crowd
long live Sir William
Haiku # 45663, December 28, 2009 12:22 pm ET
by pandemic pathology
Sir Will the anchor
the beacon of light guiding
wayward travelers
Haiku # 45662, December 28, 2009 12:19 pm ET
by pandemic pathology
decade's worth of drivel
Sir William waits for Godot
on high lofty perch
Haiku # 45661, December 28, 2009 12:11 pm ET
by pandemic pathology
People come and go
Ten years I've posted on here
I can wait! OK.
Haiku # 45660, December 28, 2009 11:47 am ET
by William Nippress
gently falls the snow
covering a few unknowns
passing bye and bye.
Haiku # 45659, December 28, 2009 11:04 am ET
by graysky
you suck
Haiku # 45658, December 28, 2009 10:54 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
names rudely wrested
but all's fair in ruthless Wild
West haiku venue

as cited earlier
you'll find 49 Ray's Pizzas in
NYC fakirs abound
Haiku # 45657, December 28, 2009 8:48 am ET
by pandemic pathology
I love me! who do you love?

I'm right. Know I am
More intelligent than you
Need to be worshiped
Haiku # 45656, December 28, 2009 5:38 am ET
by pandemic pathology
It's late Sunday night
Weekend is nearly over
Back to work Monday
Haiku # 45655, December 28, 2009 12:44 am ET
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
Lucille Balled Desi
begot son Ricky and a
nine year TV run
Haiku # 45654, December 27, 2009 8:07 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
nature's fickle ways
sun's warmth melts snow to patches
tonight frigid blasts
Haiku # 45653, December 27, 2009 8:04 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
eyes close when sneezing
toes curl with deep orgasms
shit pants when sleeping
Haiku # 45652, December 27, 2009 7:58 pm ET
by which does not belong
only three stanzas
that time, you disappoint me
go for ten to twelve
Haiku # 45651, December 27, 2009 4:56 pm ET
by production control of break time is over
lost and late a priest
gives graveside eulogy for deceased homeless man

upon last "Amen" priest
asks where the family was
work crew responds thus..

we don't rightly know
but we're here putting in
this new septic tank

...thus a septic funeral
Haiku # 45650, December 27, 2009 4:13 pm ET
by the legend of septic funeral
amidst the ton of
self-aggrandizing flotsam
in Haiku River

I pine for the "pure"
rape incest misogyny
rants of septic man
Haiku # 45649, December 27, 2009 3:52 pm ET
by never thought I would say this
time to punch the clock
at the loser-mill again
get to work bs
Haiku # 45648, December 27, 2009 2:05 pm ET
by production control
haiku Freaks would make
Tod Browning proud here at the
freakazoid circus
Haiku # 45647, December 27, 2009 12:26 pm ET
by bunch o freaks
this jackal breeding
ground of semi-literate
vainglorious dolts

running amok in
myriad masquerades without
a sense of real self

just men behind the
Oz curtain belching fiery
but impotent threats
Haiku # 45646, December 27, 2009 12:21 pm ET
by pandemic pathology
Why should I end it?
I think I will continue
To use other names
Haiku # 45645, December 27, 2009 8:40 am ET
by laughing at you.
The light streaming in
My cave lights with mossy green
Who looks for me here?
Haiku # 45644, December 27, 2009 8:37 am ET
by William Nippress
Easy to wind up
You lot are so gullible
What to do next???
Haiku # 45643, December 27, 2009 8:34 am ET
by William Nippress
Dam It's all over
I have to use my real name
William Nippress
Haiku # 45642, December 27, 2009 8:30 am ET
by Get a Life and many others.
Ok I admit
those having a go at me
Were written by me

I use different names
It's all a game and your "IT"
Last laugh is on you!!!
Haiku # 45641, December 27, 2009 8:28 am ET
by William And many others
Sir William is "IT"
Now has to tag another
And on it goes.
Haiku # 45640, December 27, 2009 8:22 am ET
by Get A Life.
Voted Badhaiku's most written about.

For the most mentions
It looks like I win again
Must stop entering

Hahahaha I love it!
Haiku # 45639, December 27, 2009 6:49 am ET
by William Nippress
tis the time of year
for new year resolutions.
mine? write bad haiku.
Haiku # 45638, December 27, 2009 1:01 am ET
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
Haiku # 45637, December 27, 2009 12:49 am ET
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
goddess Nemesis
dealt Narcissus a death blow...
love his reflection
Haiku # 45636, December 26, 2009 10:02 pm ET
by He who is so blinded by his own beauty
life was jut simpler
when zapooper ranted on
'bout gay Star Wars sex
Haiku # 45635, December 26, 2009 9:54 pm ET
by nostaglia aint what it used to be
sorry for the break
in form...prove me wrong..or duel
haikus to the death
Haiku # 45634, December 26, 2009 9:51 pm ET
by Sir William throws down the pink gauntlet
Little William in a bright new sash
fell in the fire and burnt to ash
now even though the room grows chilly
I haven't the heart to poke poor Willie
Haiku # 45633, December 26, 2009 9:47 pm ET
by tribute to Sir William N.
he ate the Cuervo
worm "con gusto" and lusted
for his lovers' sheathed
Haiku # 45632, December 26, 2009 9:45 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
and now I know why
zapooper lives to hurl Star
War gay invectives.....

and why he does so without the 5-7-5 form.
Haiku # 45631, December 26, 2009 7:19 pm ET
by asshole stamped on Sir Williams forehead
Were you telling me?
In this bad haiku format
I shouldn't do it???

But it's ok for you??? Twat!!
Haiku # 45630, December 26, 2009 6:27 pm ET
by William Nippress
yawn! you're so clever
well dam me boring critique
never thought of that!
Haiku # 45629, December 26, 2009 6:23 pm ET
by William Nippress
why does soil smell like
fish on a farm, or shit, yet
lovely things spring up?
Haiku # 45628, December 26, 2009 1:19 pm ET
by bs
come to think of it
was it a five minute argument, or did...

did I forget to
pay, no, you did not, did did!
but an argument

is a series of...
how absurd, now I see
how I have been all

this that skit...
Haiku # 45627, December 26, 2009 1:18 pm ET
by bs
souza's march lives on
in sacred memory of
the Monty Python players
Haiku # 45626, December 26, 2009 1:16 pm ET
by bs
a Cleese/Idle ditty
Oxford-Cambride debate done
in haiku format

orators beware
break the form...automatic

** -oops I just disqualified myself [6 syllables]
Haiku # 45625, December 26, 2009 10:35 am ET
by Monty Python lives in Bad Haiku land
discourse and debate
offered in haiku form an
INANE exercise

no small wonder it's
rightly labeled "Bad Haiku"
this tete a tete stands EXHIBIT A
Haiku # 45624, December 26, 2009 10:19 am ET
by Sir William should know better
Happy Christmas Ash
i guess it is spring down there?
May come to Queensland

Next year? To see a one of my exe girlfriends.
Haiku # 45623, December 26, 2009 5:13 am ET
by William Nippress
If I write history!
Past month this site has been full of great insight


This past month has been
full of such utter rubbish
Then they are both true

To someone it's true
and to someone it's a lie
You can't disprove that.

I say it again
History is conjecture
Which is bassed on lies!
Haiku # 45622, December 26, 2009 5:07 am ET
by William Nippress
so here we all are
as another year slips by
the time of our lives
Haiku # 45621, December 26, 2009 5:04 am ET
by ash
your words provoke thoughts
evoke reactions...its' not
about prove or disprove

not the point/counter
point dance but a birthing of
reflections expressed
Haiku # 45620, December 25, 2009 9:27 pm ET
by Let go of prove me wrong
thought up excuses
Does not disprove what i said.
History is lies
Haiku # 45619, December 25, 2009 7:08 pm ET
by William Nippress
words fit what we need
to believe..myths begotten
our acts justified

dusty school text reads
blacks the inferior race
prejudice prevails
Haiku # 45618, December 25, 2009 8:39 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
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