profanity ode.
doff the pointed hat quickly-
express ideas.
by mundane
you ever notice
when one has nothing to say-
one then talks the most?
by mundane
twittering machine
was just a painting by Klee-
social engine now.
by mundane
horses can be cruel
they slog about carelessly-
until the barn dash.
by mundane
more coffee, more light
maybe many poems tonight-
rather a dull bright.
by mundane
walking in the woods
I stepped over a downed tree-
no one heard it fall.
by mundane
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
what else sucks, just tell
me to shut the fuck up and
move on, i don't like
it either, I have
tobacco to get
by bs
so what do you want
attention, amusement, what the fuck
what the fuck indeed
point and laugh
and die when someone
doesn't wanna be your clown
by bs
if you said "you suck"
and i were there for real
and ripped your eyeballs out
would you say that sucks?
that would suck wouldn't it
by bs
what else sucks...what bush
did with the internet, being less
the forum it was
spyware, adware, and
so on, which sucks, nuts in
china and russia?
some fat criminal
asshole stealing ids and thinking
nothing of anything
just his masturbational pleasures
what sucks?
what fucking sucks?
besides you saying you suck
by bs
what about the poor
fuck who ran into the house
with his car drunk? hmm?
that sucks
by bs
if you weren't telling
me you suck, what would you
be writing on here
by bs
aparently from a convo
i'm having I want to kill you
but I'm supposed to forgive
you and not hate you
because I'm stooping to your level
by bs
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
for YOU SUCK or anagram
YOU in same
by Anonymous Poet
well I'm stooping to
the level of some childish jerk
you suck, you're a child
by bs
stop telling me i suck
by vs
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
I'm tired of this
I want to stop, so I have
to stop this right now
by bs
then again I could
kill myself but, where would the
entertainment be
for worthless assholes
that say you suck
on this website
of worthless assholes
by bs
now all let us say
my dark side feels like it does
and leave it behind
you suck? you betcha asshole
by bs
maybe I will pray
for God to remove SOS
from the earth tonight
by bs
you suck as well
because i think
you are a worthless idiot
who would be better off
not alive anymore
by bs
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
hmm this is not my
real self, but something that is
a toy for people
I don't know
by bs
My God I am MAD
I am angry, I am tired
of my own thoughts, yes
asshole, I am MAD
by bs
hey get a life, do
you ever get your hands dirty
you pussy, or just
have your waiters
whipe your ass for you
you cheap rich ass
by bs
I eat Chef Boyardee
from a can asshole, it's an
old habit, not beans
I hate beans...makes me
want to beat the "not real me"
with a blunt object
for saying something
stupid to get a reaction
that's the reaction you'd get
by bs
you know that felt good
letting that out because it
means it's not inside
most of you feel and
think such thoughts, but express them
indirectly, through put downs
what i just wrote is
how i feel about the person
who calls me a loser
even if it is true
i don't care because that's
how much it bugs me
by bs
I can't walk away
the guy saying "he's bs"
saying I can't cook
if it were a bar
if he said the same thing
I would find something blunt
and crying hit him
over and over and over and over in the face
thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk
"I can't cook you lying piece of shit, I know how far up you are up the lawyers ass ha ha ha, with a nose smashed in lets see you make jokes in front of your friends" skull cracks
the joker pretending to be
me bleeds to death
i go to jail for 2nd degree murder
it's talked about for a week
and is over because people have forgotten their dead friend who said i can't cook and am worse and pathetic and a loser and I got sick and tired of being called a loser call the cops and get handcuffs i don't care anymore
by bs
you know if I met
some of you assholes on a
dark night, I'd just walk...
by bs
art and craziness
a stormy relationship
well demonstrated
by ash
My god! such drivel!!!
I only partly read these
They're not worth effort!!
It makes me wonder
Why does this site attract Nuts???
Real crazy people.!!
They don't write Haiku
They endlessly spout abuse
My God they are Mad!!!
Wouldn't want to meet any of them on a dark night.
by Get A Life
saturday's postponed
let cold winter have its way
watch the wet flakes fall
by vince of surrender
Loneliness is free.
I have nowhere I can fly,
so please clip these wings.
by snail
like the seasons pass
haiku changes over time
recently it sucks
by ash
bad haiku I did
not realize just how bad
bad haiku is here
by you all suck [most that is]
what can one do here
where cracked mirrors reflect the
monsters that we are
by et tu bs
how many times we've come
full circle and still can not
recognize we're lost
by et tu bs
the game within the
game knowing there is no end
game it just goes on
........and on and on and on and on nauseum
by et tu bs
who am i kidding
i'll eat cold beans from a can
cookings way too hard
by bs
fish and chips, now it
looks bad uncooked but once done
tartar and ketchup
by bs
I should take a nice
hot shower, get going and
stop falling for bait
(it smells)
by like fish bs
I think :) is a
syllable, one, sort of like
you know smile is yeah?
by bs
ahem, i must be
admired, I have this guy
do elvis next :)
by bs
underwear can stick
to your unwashed skin...i should
change them but i won't
by bs
we all do in some
way are losers to others
good luck now there snail
by bs