a haiku food fight
no one gives a fuck about
what's flung about
by Septic Blutarsky
that goes for me too
my maniacal brother
won't ever shut up
by scorp
lambs pigs and mad cows
go into the meat grinder
haiku sausage made
by butcher septic
i apologize
i know not what i do here
it's repulsive
........(don't hate me)
by bs
just like Elvis i'm
fat and medicated...destined
to die on toilet
by son of septic scorp bs ms wordperfect
bull shit more shit piled
higher and deeper [bs/ms/phd] it all
a septic pool here
by Septic Gathering
take pity on me
like the weakling lamb i am
i don't want to die
by son of septic scorp bs
Elvii* have arrived
crooning haikus in total
horrid dissonance
by son of septic, bs ms
i always wished for
a life better than this one
sorry i can't cope
by son of septic scorp bs
like pigs to slaughter
squealing for their lives sensing
their destiny's sealed
by schlatenhausen fumpf
mirrors make me sad
everytime i like in one
i have to throw up
by son of septic scorp bs
i'm a huge loser
nothing i say is funny
i live with my mom
by son of septic scorp bs
flurry of haikus
pelt this site like the blizzard
soon bearing down
by Joey of Bayonne cousin of septic
where've you been
i've been looking all over
checked the toilet twice
by bs
to prove it's really
me take my DNA for evidence
open your mouth say.."AAAH"
by septic funeral
no fun house this hall
of mirrors where imposters
roam with impunity
by septic funeral
i suck your mom's tit
right before my afternoon
naps...i dried her out
by bs
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
where are you father
why are you not proud of me
flesh of your foul flesh
by son of septic
at some point ego
inflates beyond its limits
pop goes the weasel
.......(rodent balloons for sale)
by son of septic
you'll never beat me
haiku Judas that you are
now go hang yourself
by son of septic
the time has not come
to Get A Life or A Girlfriend
girls are too scary
by scorp
bozo can juggle
even more than we all thought
is that a chain saw?
....................(cuts of head)
by son of septic
excuse me again
mom dipped my pacifier
in high fructose corn
....................syrup! The white man's poison!
by bs
shut up miscreant
zabadooey or "you suck"
whomever you are you fuck
by son of septic
i shan't clean my room
no matter what mommy says
i'm a big boy now
by scorp
off my meds again!
rollercoaster of love man
my butt's the best ride
by scorp
perhaps a vegan
diet might quell your thirst
for blood gentlemen
by scorp
vivisection ain't
all that it's cut out to be
pun..ishing fucker!
by son of septic
bone marrow has great
nutritional value but
I couldn't deal with
........his incessant screaming
by septic funeral
i shall feel your meat
then masticate your gristle
vomit on the bones
by septic funeral
I bet that one chic has a big fat stinky pussy!
by Tbone
inmates run amok
on the ward shhh! shrinks
are getting their ECT
the dance craze here the
Haldol Shuffle attendants
hold loonies at bay
by here at funny farm
what if I realized
there's other forums besides
this one and wrote there?
by bs
what if they opened
a site to write bad haiku
and no one bothered
by sounds of silence
I quit my day job
because the head chef ask me
to toss his salad
by son of septic
cover me with tattoos
Maori tattoos 'cause I
want to eat your child
by Iron Mike
with a haiku pen
he cut them three ways, wide deep
and repeatedly
by Haiku half-wit
father o' father
why hast thou forsaken me
'twas an accident
by son of septic
in it heat it dripped
like a cherry popsicle
chlamydia sucks
by son of septic
mad cow disease and
bad haiku..imports from 'cross
the pond to die for
by Greenwich mean time
sit on my face and
let our juices mingle thine
essence melds with mine
by son of septic
give me sinewy
haikus to gnash I want to
taste its' gaminess
by I will pass on the pap
Tourette's boy stuck on
"you suck you suck you suck you
suck you do indeed
by anonymous poet sux
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
odd how these sounds mimic sex
death and infancy
by son of septic
haiku #45206 Anon
singular focused robot
it walks and it talks...
push its' button and
it will speak.."you suck" "you suck"
and made by Mattel*
......* - batteries not included
by son of septic
"you suck" REDUX
fifteen more syllables and
you've made a haiku
"Haiku Help Line?" It's
me again still stuck on two
syllables, please help!!
thrice a day I suck..le
from Anon's mom's six teats
jackal that she is
....I never tire at this
by son of septic
when the image dies
the dream becomes a nightmare
and fades all to black
by bs
you suck
by Anonymous Poet