through the fog of
the unheated winter more
mud than snow, fight on
by bs
ears on the handset
endless umbilical line
your voice is missing
by vince
then the record stopped
for love, what of the meaning
oh your just jokin
by cards
Someone taught me shame,
but we can unlearn it all
together, my love.
by snail
crystal licks lollies
she said it takes about ten
licks to the center
by pickle head
Bubba makes cheap cars.
Dick Shelby sings bad haiku.
We hold our noses.
by Labor Poet of Not Dixie
there's a higher cause
and people often think that
they are Kings but are
otherwise...these are
my last words to you, nothing
deep or, practical
by bs
now it's official
registered to own a gun
what were they thinking?
by don;t worry I only pack pink mace
I am an evil "she"
well I have done containing
my fine mystery
by evil woman and why she goes to church
that girl was so pissed
jealousy was obvious
as she smacked red lips
by i feel sad for her
whatever you want..
human nuture implies things
driven from your thoughts
by what s that supposed to mean
barracuda hook
shiny objects are just trickxxx
the sea gull ate it
by poor wittle birdie
mermaid to captain
heed the storm coming this way
the waves are quite large
by jude
'Bama and Shelby,
like a pile of bad haiku.
I step carefully.
by Willy the Welder of Michigan
go fark yourself for
nothing i say is worth the
blather of net sheep
by bs
another second
math and science equations
more time for nature
by I say we add five..just for fun
and besides ya know..
it is the sidekick that is
a serious TWIT
by my new character is going to be really sic
yoogi and booboo
now why are you offended???
you have a sidekick?
by AHAHAHAHAHAH.. chocolate cake out my nose~
someone is sucking
on someone's duck? well all things
considered, the net...
by bs
Run away with me
and we can become nudists
in the wilderness.
by snail
go ffffpt yourself with
your angry haiku, designed
to provoke response...
such are the groping wars
of insecure overcompetitive
frankensteins, total strangers probably sitting
at home living off the state
by bs
most annoying twit
totally and completely
kill your side kick dude
by the shows new dude needs to stop suckin your is sad
I will bring you here
and press you to my bosom
until you can't breathe.
by snail
I saw a lot of lights
last night in the sky and on
the trees and realized
the darkness with no
lights, if all was light then we
would not dig the light's a bad haiku...
it's not even a haiku
by bs
I get so close to~
then my stomach turns and I
don't.. I am afraid
by looking at the ads
thunk, some say those words
in code and mean something else
or are right on spot
by bs
there is a safe place
where my wings set forth to fly
yes..thank you Jesus
by if it offends you..pretend you dont see it.
heh heh heh...ah no...
she said I am the worst man
in the world she of
course is a lesbo
with anger management harms
and no self willford...
by bs
we have a winner
of all the haikus thus far
that one makes me think
by oh..really
resentment was gen
x and gen x got dumb along
the way, lost track some
by bs
Sorry. Your style's close
Deep thoughtfull inteligent
Thought you were dee plee
by William
we might squander our
days living in mistakes and
waking up with pigs
by bs
well that's a kind thought
but some aren't so kind because
they worship class, cash
by bs
no I'm not your fab
Dee Plee is who you wish for?
no.. that is not me..
by upi two are a delight to read though
some guy told me here
I was worthless but here I am
still writing haiku things
by bs
Hi. fabulosa is that you?
Have you found a need to write?
I have missed you so
by William
love must be sincere
where is your social research
mine is in your church
by william you are wonderful
well, whatever happens
it's a wonder why it does but
the world keeps spinning
old stevie wondered you know
by bs
Thanks. We have both been
praying for things to work out
if it is God's will.
by snail
what we wear on the
surface doesn't show the whole
picture of the soul
by bs
good luck to you snail
may it be for real in the
new year, go with God
by bs
footsteps on the ground
in the evening stumbles
from a few bock beers
by bs
risks for nothing bears
fruits to fibers consequence
mockery and grind
by bs
in the news madmen
bear the fruits when joy should be
the state of the norm
by bs
old school hipsters with
the tragedy of the lost
frozen in book times
by bs
He thinks I may be
his soulmate. From what I've seen,
the boy may be right.
by snail
Oh cheesus I'm sorry
I have not been a good girl
My ass is unwashed
by cheesusluvva of moomoo
I can fight and win
against clouds
but with an eclipse
hopes destroyed
by Cracker Jack of NYC
12 years
42 days
I've waited
new moon
new night
still waited
come out
I can wait no longer
by Lynnie of Hell
red water
cloudy waves
who knows?
there we are
there he is
come back
he knows
you know
so tell me
by Lynnie of Hell