I know it's not time....
but.. 5 out of 7 do it
like it's a secret
oh well it is though..
a secret from the prudies
all two of them..left
thus yet we do prove
it is stll fun to hide things
from others /parents (??)
by shhhhhhhhhhh..dont tax that too
sweet venice nightlife
players on a booze soaked stage
total badasses
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
i agree with you
ganja is good for the soul
i wish i had one
by sf
we can create jobs
stimulate economy
and make people laugh
by legalize the pot that your school teacher is smoking already
she gives in withdrawn
from distance set by fabrics
from her skin to his
by vince of knows how that feels
do not torture me
he is not good enough for you
my offer still stands
by sf
My hands want to move
along his back when we hug,
gathering him in.
Restraint is keeping
honesty in bondage while
trying not to feel.
by snail of discipline
a joke resplendant
tongue betwixt the balanced spheroids.
reserve most aghast
by Lush
imagine solace
sanctuary from horrors
hand beneath scrotum
by Lush
well we do sometimes
take each other to task here
but thems the dry bones
by bs
kind nature my ass
from the gutter we shall rise
but not very far
by sf
metal is a funny
genre, so much anger released
and they say things...
that many avoid
in these so called dark tunnels
inside the deep mind
by bs of ok, now that was bad
I've noticed since snail
showed up here a different
good kind nature shows here...
by bs of it is very welcome
Stories seems so real.
Grandmother asleep.
by Udayraj of India
new computer box
a clutch of other hardware
it's an obsession
by ash
Wearing my corset
You love how it flares my hip
My ass is yours to..?
by One D of inside
It is four years gone
I still feel the ghost of you
...floating inside me.
a comrade in arm
a friend, a competitor
the giver of strength
Strength sapped, cancer won.
Buried six feet deep you rest.
That was four years then.
But that ghost of yours
still finds a home within me.
...and there you will stay.
by Mean D. of SoCal
A noble thought strikes
and I try to capture it
by pen and paper.
by Mean D. of SoCal
As I clean my home,
each item has a meaning
that he will not see.
by snail of symbolic placement
One more day makes
just another year and so
when is fruition?
by Anonymous Poet
a splendid fellow
raised brow at norsk death metal
say you're comming love
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
the sea has given
sarcasm laced in wet faith
does it dry with love?
by I wanted to see his face
release where is it?
but the current just held on
and that piece of wood..
by was stuck..of here comes a beaver
she sings old show tunes
she's helped into bed then sleeps
tattoo on her breast
by broken dolly claps her hands to the beat..wrinkled n stuff
not even a noose
could stop the horrific fall
that lead to nowhere
by death is not an option here..
spoken by a child
love speaks in broken language
yet it speaks most plain
by vince
Imagine it's like
Psychiatric waiting room
Then it makes some sense
There are other ways
Other places to get help
On all ones hang-ups
Let me out! I'm sane!!!
Christ now you've got me at it
Haiku arguments
by Tisme
i like to pretend
that he leaves those thoughts for me
may day gets brighter
by mysterious pi wet dreams of splendor
And I reach for it
It is too far. I need just see
it glimmer from here
by nombre
there is nothing real
such is the game of language
the beautiful lie
by sf
from rage to sadness
the real feelings emerge to
apply the said balm
by bs
you know it is said
that what we are born as does
affect (effect?) the future
by bs of mizz-spellded
freezes of the heart
iced blood shattered shards on floor
thawing into pools
by red cross
christmas is coming
we want our stuff there on time
I'm going postal!!
by DHLto cut 9500 jobs
Who was arguing?
It's good to know what we are,
and what we are not.
by snail
So boring aren't they
These arguments in haiku
No talent needed!
by Tisme
the good times are dead
night creeps slowly upon us
freezing our tear drops
by sf of dead inside (again)
back for more abuse
to my senses,to my ears
and I wear a smile.
by Mean D. of SoCal
I wear red shoes now
maybe it is something sweet
a sign would tell you
by pnut
We are the true saints:
all who follow Jesus Christ,
not just those approved.
by snail is still not Catholic.
I can't write haikus
All their syllables and such
Flesh-eating inch worms
by Vasquez of Boston, MA
of course the mother
is the part of the father
and vicer verser
by bs
taps fingers impatiently
Mother Goddess? saints are an
interesting difference
by bs
the kids are born with
no sense of the constructions
of histories invented
by bs
the slight differences
of heresies waged war no
pontius pilate could wash
by bs
I know a woman
Who has had two babies "No sex"
Miracle of GOD?
by Tisme of Just IVF
carried a baby
with no apparant father
rumours were AWFUL!!
by Give her a break ~ Sheesh
reflection appears
her anger was apparant
oh my gosh I'm scared!!!!!!!
by bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary
I am a Christian,
but don't worship Mary as
the mother goddess.
by snail is not Catholic.