Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

That hateful face of
God is just like all the rest
evil face of God
Haiku # 3834, July 18, 2000 2:25 am ET
by Pelican Bob
I've seen god's face
hates me with disinterest
Just like all the rest
Haiku # 3833, July 18, 2000 2:23 am ET
by Pelican Bob
I mean no offense
mount madonna mama's poems
make me cry. Thank you.
Haiku # 3832, July 18, 2000 2:12 am ET
by Pelican Bob
How will your reign end?
Become what you would destroy
buy your damn nikes
Haiku # 3831, July 18, 2000 1:14 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
not so much sexy as dead
and that is just bad.
Haiku # 3830, July 18, 2000 1:05 am ET
by PelicanBob of,
sluggy slime, you geek
get back to your own damn site
shit in your backyard
Haiku # 3829, July 17, 2000 11:28 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Thumper is my friend
I'd do anything for him
Maiming fools, for one
Haiku # 3828, July 17, 2000 11:05 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
leaving the patio
man goes back to his bedroom
and falls fast asleep
Haiku # 3827, July 17, 2000 10:52 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
damn computer geeks
they couldn't write no haiku
knock them on their heads
Haiku # 3826, July 17, 2000 10:39 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
the sky has fallen
all of your precious birds have
died. boo hoo, boo hoo.
Haiku # 3825, July 17, 2000 9:39 pm ET
by Cristina
Haiku, i can do
as I sit down at the desk
and then fall asleep
Haiku # 3824, July 17, 2000 9:37 pm ET
by Cristina
Careen down the road
Flash of rabbit under tire
I named him Thumper
Haiku # 3823, July 17, 2000 6:56 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
They pretend to eat
flesh. Cannibalism which
symbolizes Christ.
Haiku # 3822, July 17, 2000 12:55 pm ET
by Arik
guys who drive around,
their big beats shaking cement,
are pretty damn cool.
Haiku # 3821, July 17, 2000 12:43 pm ET
by baby zack
hot wheel on carpet
poised in darkness patiently
waiting for my foot

Haiku # 3820, July 16, 2000 8:24 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
six lanes of pure hell
suck in dark and noxious fumes
waiting for the end

Haiku # 3819, July 16, 2000 8:21 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
toyo bowl heartburn
third world trash clogs the gutter
lone palm in asphalt
Haiku # 3818, July 16, 2000 8:17 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
waking, the woman
sighs as she looks out the window
patio cocktails
Haiku # 3817, July 16, 2000 8:14 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
Blocked off parking lot
long walks to rent videos
lazy people keep driving
Haiku # 3816, July 16, 2000 8:00 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Purple ducky poo
Barfy super toiletries
confusion? why yes
Haiku # 3815, July 16, 2000 7:14 pm ET
by Mink007
Hey piss off, sluggy!
Your shit is not welcome here.
You're not that funny.
Haiku # 3814, July 16, 2000 1:57 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Hey Haikus are fun
I think I will write one yay
Jason thinks I dumb
Haiku # 3813, July 16, 2000 6:55 am ET
by gdeb
Endless channel flipping
The bane of late night viewing
Nothing's on TV
Haiku # 3812, July 15, 2000 11:30 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town , USA
Nature's filled with fools
They must point this out to all
Some use big red font
Haiku # 3811, July 15, 2000 11:24 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Haiku # 3810, July 15, 2000 6:12 pm ET
by The of Guy,
Haiku # 3809, July 15, 2000 4:30 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
My friends say that I
lash out at society
die bitch six six six
Haiku # 3808, July 15, 2000 4:27 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
90% chance
to sit and drool. You are wrong
again, weatherman.
Haiku # 3807, July 15, 2000 3:59 pm ET
by Arik
I punched his square head
and the moron just sat there.
Computers are dumb
Haiku # 3806, July 15, 2000 3:47 pm ET
by Arik
now to my patio
I go for a shot of cheap
gin and some dip chips
Haiku # 3805, July 15, 2000 7:35 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
storm has subsided
as waters traverse the streets
into the old sewer
Haiku # 3804, July 15, 2000 7:30 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
What's a "metope"? -
Space between the triglyphs of
a Duric friez.
Haiku # 3803, July 15, 2000 6:48 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
the drunken master
vendibly airs his website
marketing faux paus
Haiku # 3802, July 15, 2000 3:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
my daughter, she's two
may discern concept of loss
but maybe not death
Haiku # 3801, July 15, 2000 3:17 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 3800, July 15, 2000 3:15 am ET
by dickface of jkl sthjkl ;jklnj, as in tiger
imagine there's no
heaven, imagine there's no
people, no rel'gion, too...
Haiku # 3799, July 15, 2000 3:15 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
found a faster way
to zip into this website
Haiku # 3798, July 15, 2000 3:09 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Burning lips on fire
Only a few peppers, please
Haiku # 3797, July 14, 2000 11:36 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
This haiku blows balls
Why the hell am I writing
This stupid-ass thing?
Haiku # 3796, July 14, 2000 10:23 pm ET
by Glod Glodssonssonsson of Hell, US
i hate everyone ecept for people that have tits and cunts and give head and r female
Haiku # 3795, July 14, 2000 9:56 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Chronic pain. You can
Forget momentarily
Writing bad haiku.
Haiku # 3794, July 14, 2000 3:40 pm ET
by Haiku Hacker
I said, "Palendrome,"
"can it countermand?" It can...
"Palendrome!" Said I.
Haiku # 3793, July 14, 2000 1:36 pm ET
by Arik
Inbox full of mail
Please forgive me for delay
In reply to Oz.
Haiku # 3792, July 14, 2000 12:45 pm ET
by Jane of Princeton,
prose proposes
repeated reminiscence
it's iteration
Haiku # 3791, July 14, 2000 7:16 am ET
by ash
my own idiom
lends latitude to express
my own idiot
Haiku # 3790, July 14, 2000 5:55 am ET
by ash
in the darkened room
he lays next to her waiting
for the final breath
Haiku # 3789, July 13, 2000 3:47 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
irregular breath
rattled out through secretions
gasping agonal
Haiku # 3788, July 13, 2000 3:42 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
egregious error
exist existentially
else end endlessly
Haiku # 3787, July 13, 2000 3:31 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
Is he a genius?
The daily Haiku writer
No, he is just bored.
Haiku # 3786, July 13, 2000 1:47 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Repaved parking lot
Noxious fumes fill my nostrils
I'm feeling happy
Haiku # 3785, July 12, 2000 8:25 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
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