six people are there
but who will dare to do that
is it true or fat
by mpl of south asia
Oh my god it's true!
The crazies are replaced by
just more of the same
by Janis
first there was moxie
then there was zabadooee
and now there's milos
by ash
Hope that Emeril Lagasse lookelike
Beside my wife
Explores the cavities of wives
Of those that destroyed my family
one by one, respectively,
Hope the Hell awaits ya
by Milos Vujasinovic
spam beautiful spam
spam, spam, luverly spam, spam
spam wonderful spam
by monty python
the way i read it
the sound of one's hand crapping
doesn't count at all
by ash
five craps
seven craps
five craps
by crap masta
*Emeril Lagasse goes spelunking*
BAM! BAm! Bam! bam! bam!
Better than a roasted duck;
echoes in a cave.
by freshlysqueezed of USA
my heart is not on
it is not in a pan or
in the sky, why try
by MPL of Yazoo City LS USA
the postman is gay
Homosexual package
(the male must get through)
by chessbored of special delivery
blended family
why does that term make me think :
"hannibal lecter"
by ash
thin clouds pass full moon
an african moon delight
homesik overwhelms
by ap of west africa
yes yes yes yes
aleskandar crkvenjakov
i've gotta a friend in belgrade [serbia]
by Anonymous Poet
USA has done me vicious
Thing, really bad
Do they know Gxd
by Milos Vujasinovic
The only thing I can say
Fuck yourself
The most vicious sobs there are
by Milos Vujasinovic
Just would like to know
Why I was targeted
And Who owns mine now?
by Milos Vujasinovic
XXI century
USA destroys my family
noone to be responsible
by Milos Vujasinovic
American problem
Milos is lying
there is 300 million of us
and we all carry a squeaky clean pants
by Anonymous Poet
People harmed by the Nazis
Probably feel the same pain
The Americans have caused to me
by Milos Vujasinovic
by Milos Vujasinovic
how nice
to be the no.1 country in the world
and to destroy a little guy like me
U.S.A. has made me flattered
by Milos Vujasinovic of Belgrade, Sewerbia
usa has stolen in the past
it stole from me
i know it stole from me
by Milos Vujasinovic
oooh, serbians are so flexible
they are now picking on the best one
somebody told them to
by Milos Vujasinovic
totally awesome
a bunch of "adult" web links
thanks be to whankers
by ash
forget the Exit next year
just like the kings do
boycott the shiyatt
by Anonymous Poet
freedom, my ass
melting pot, my ass
who the hell sux here?!!!!
by Anonymous Poet
b92 sux monkey's ass
don't come to belgrade
screw serbia
by Anonymous Poet
Robinson Crusoe
Fucked cross dresser 6 days straight
became Man Friday
by chessbored of hula hula
Macho, Macho Man
I've got to be a Macho Man!
(I'm Randy Savage)
by chessbored of wrestling words
When you were young....and
your heart was an open boooook
Slash sucked Duff's fat cock
by chessbored of paradise shitty
Dear Arbman of MOOOOO
Writing a decent haiku
Seems quite beyond you
by chessbored of money where your mouth is
Oral Sex anagram
Suck my hose, Mr Axl Rose
Tired of your 80's pose
by chessbored of welcome to the jungle.........again...zzzz
Live and let dive, man!
Wait, what was I saying now?...
Ah, you suck my cock!!
by Arbman of MOOOOO!!!
Great Michael Moore
model 'Man of the People'
- fat with a shit hat
by chessbored of columbine
add beer to hear shite
Mel gibson - anti-Semite
by chessbored of down under
Going to Starbucks
Shitting on the john - surprise?
It is liquid crap!
by chessbored of room for milk
What is there to do?
Let's just eat and fuck all night
Hedonists! UNITE!
by Turneron of work
Going to Starbucks
Four dollars for a latte
It is liquid crack
by Junkie of Southbay, CA
Sitting on the john
Fuck! Who the hell just walked in?
Hate shitting at work
by Addy of L.A
if men are from mars
and women are from venus
where are dumbshits from
by Anonymous Poet
Eight-Five-Sixty Two
Marilyn Monroe found dead
Suicide my ass
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
melting' pot haiku
if true is that catholics organized
my projection from usa
then it is one stinky junk
by Milos Vujasinovic
you know!!! I believe you!!!
talk to me what to do!!!
who needs reasons when we have smartass like you !!!
turn down the volume
there's more than should be aloud
or even allowed
by ash
idiots!!! thats what you are
fuckin idiots!!!
all of you
by a man who wants to write something idiotic
Anointing with life
Whispering serenity
Rain as soft as light
by William nippress
A mismatch by choice
One petite soft feminine
Other large uncouth
by Who can fathom love?
A single look stuns
With fervor she holds my gaze
Eyes blaze with passion
by Dedicated to Sultry Nicky
Soft, my loves lips kiss
Held hard her soft body yields
Passion takes control
by William Nippress
Quantity goes up
Quality goes down and down
Chess think a little
Try engaging brain
Before you send your drivel
by Can lead a horse to water