thirty-two thousand
some of them are pretty good
lots are complete crap
by ash
...she's clueless no more
but will she ever know how
.....good-looking* he is
.(*-the inner self, i mean)
by ronin@okayokaysoimbragginglikeanidiotsowhat
........gleefully* she stalks
.......the places i've visited
..........drawing a profile
........of the man that has
caused her many sleepless nights
.....and skipping heartbeats
...(*-with unabashed joy and
..........wanton abandon)
by ronin@:)
Live too far away?
by William Nippress
Never mind, next time
by William Nippress
Dam, need five numbers
And I only have just two
Sods law I suppose
by William Nippress
Kissing life
by William Nippress
Forging ahead now
Just striding down life
by William Nippress
the point of my life
a pointless persuit
persuing pointless amusements
by searle of wrapped in a sheet with a floral pattern
Cardboard Cut-Out Crucifixion
Concordant Concrete Carbonation
Corollary Corrosive Castration
by samhain
But I love monkeys
they are more artistic than
Coldplay, and smell less
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
Monkeys aren't english
They speak with whoops and whoop whoops
and write bad haiku
by A Student of Of course homosexuality is grounds for divorce, fake me
I think, what do you call it
by Anonymous Poet
I follow your statement
I think he
by Anonymous Poet
the sky's the limit
opportunities abound
repeat after me
by sexually frustrated (your haiku remind me of a foreign exchange student who's learning english as a second language)
life feeding on life
i'm busy decomposing
please don't disturb me
by sexually frustrated
don't argue with me
i have no real evidence
god is there, trust me
by sexually frustrated
dates make me nervous
explosive diarhhea
the date is over
by sexually frustrated
Know one thing for sure
His anger stands in his way
Hurts no one but him
by William Nippress
If they go on through
The true ways open to them
If not then they
by William Nippress
Guys less fortunate
by William Nippress
Stupid should not rule
You may say I
by William Nippress
Make him use his brain
I was a stupid too! Once
Maybe he can learn
by William Nippress
Imagine his life
Point out he
by William Nippress
If one says fuck you
No one likes you. Statement needs
some proof. Empty words
by William Nippress
Abuse is stupid
A well-formed arguments good
How to point it out?
by William Nippress
A deriliction
One has duty to point out
Lacks understanding
by William Nippress
I agree one should
try see the best in people
But sometimes thats base
by William Nippress
just remember when
conformity seems pretty
think Stepford Wives and...
you know, plastic folks
by Mox
emienm is a
snob, somewhat, but he pushed and
was pushed by the crowd
that dictates tastes and
desires to maintain a form
that is familiar
to them, and it takes
work, to bring to light a new
style, or form, to all...
by Mox
compete at all costs
for the prize that is a coat
throw Jacob in the
pit, to die, and lie
to inherit his goods, yet in
the end you all do
God's will to some great
degree, all of this will add
see you in heaven...
by Mox
to be called a plague
a virus... tit for tat, then
I am with lepers...
by Mox
People get stuck in
the roles they play and enjoy
putting others in
roles for them to play
their own psyches against to
remain trapped as well
that is what hell is
populated with and choice
made to be damned there...
better others with
"me" in hell, because heaven
is something feared then...
by Mox of ideal, the Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
I don't know, some folks
need to see someone else as
the Beast or Whore of
hell itself, the those
Nazis vs. the Jews, death camps
weak feeling strong, 'goats...
by Mox of shrugs
Very sad really
Trying to make friends on Webs
His is a lost cause
by William Nippress
Web Society
Sadly this is what is wrong
We will never meet
by William Nippress
Fearing rejection
He dare not put down his name
Predictable. No?
by William Nippress
He takes this rout
Out of small hope for himself
by William Nippress
Overcome with his unrequited love for me, he tries to deny his true feelings by writing the opposite
by William Nippress
If you read the one
Before you
by William Nippress
Some words can be made
Serve on several levels
All at the same time
by William Nippress
william has nothing else to do
nothing else in his life to fill the holes
torn asunder from lack of love, lack of friends,
hobbies, interests, just....posting incessantly on badhaiku and popping meds for his mental problems...fuck you one likes you you fucking asshole
by Anonymous Poet
Down the ages words
The French courts perfected it
Then we stole it back
by William Nippress
Bouwulf started
Something that remains with us
Our love of good words
by William Nippress
Simple minded, no?
I love playing with the words
Anglo-Saxons rule
by William Nippress
Zero hits the mark
Strange no bells or whistles sound
Only this to go
by William Nippress
Bet you thought Oh no
One did that deliberate
Give you all a clue
by William Nippress