why do i act the
typical tortured poet
we all need hobbies
by sexually frustrated
bucking as she moves
that great American ass
even God must weep
by sexually frustrated
not writing in form
annoying as all get out
must skip over those
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, Tx
who are these people
richard?... sheila?.... msx?
do you have a life???
by Funko of vegas
Scott is off buggering litte boys,
he is a pervert.....but so am I,
thats why I ditched my kids,
cause I want no responsibility
for anything but me and my lil
bitch scott
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX
Sheila Newton, nude webcam
come one, come all!! haha...
I am a ho biznatch
I live in roundrock tx
scott is a ho
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock Tx
shoot urself in the ARSE..(what
kinda word is ARSE anywayz?) i dont care, punkin head beyatch!
by richard larson of springfield, il
suicide??? kill urself..who cares?
i would, but i am 90 years old,
ya friggin bastage....
by richard larson of springfield, il
fuck off moxie
or just do it mate quickly
you can end this pain
by mellie :-( but don't... call H E L P in real life not cyberlife PLEASE
in the end, telling a sucide
"hang in there" might not be
the right idea with a noose
around the neck and the idea
his thoughts caused other suicides
by MSX
criticism gets to the point
where a lot of people do charge ahead, too stupid or oblivious to it's effects, or wired by it, charge ahead, but a lot feel that their practice, is ruined by these people who seem to be ran by, being jaded, being more enamoured of their own godhood or Godliness...
academic cynaide kool aid
and Prof. Jim Jones is teaching you can't create nothing 101, you pass with the first sip, into eternity
by MSX
let's just pretend I have a .45
it's loaded... and relief finally comes when I fire, pointing at my
head, blam, brains splatter
no more words of how retarded I am, no more, words of which writing is loftier, no more petty bickering about the household chores or job, no more failed work
no more words...
by MSX
it's gotten so foolish
that when I say I want to kill myself
I don't believe me anymore
and shrug it off as foolish banter
by MSX
for some reason I am so insecure
right now, I want to kick William's
ass, for real...
by MSX
I usually take
criticism thinking that
I need to slice my wrists
and prove to the person how
"weak" I am, and not controlling
my emotions... Think about it,
you follow a life script, carefully
considering everything you do.
but who wrote the script...
if my thoughts are so simple
would not suicide be the choice
so loftier people such as yourself
can rule the field?
by MSX
the constant attack
leads to distraction, and the
peace of mind is disturbed
by those who dicate taste
those who tear up a church
and set up a gallery inside
know not what they do
and don't care to know
lofty false gods...
might as well be Jim Jones
a murderer of children and himself
by MSX
the pharisees in
jesus's day were noted for
their lofty goals and
lofty language...I am suspicious
of it and usually want to warn the
men who use it that they too
can be wrong and often are
stupid, basically, with authority
by MSX
sodomize your professors
burn their sacred works
set up a wicker man full of dead white men
by MSX
wienerdog vs.
canadian geese...dig for
moles or chase gooses?
by onjaysun (Bosco chose to do both)
by sheila newton of round rock tx
who stole my baloney sammich?
was it sammy the seal?
or was it some freak of nature
by William Nimpress
by Anonymous Poet
the last gut who wrote is an
ass hammer
by Anonymous Poet
seriously, you are all LOSERS
this site officially totally sucks
by Anonymous Poet
Emulate snails trail
Drag my arse across the floor
Now see where I
by William Nippress
Footprints in the dew
My dog
by William Nippress
Written captured thoughts
Expressing ones own simple view
Has some real power
by William Nippress
Sexually, Bad night
Or just a mighty come down
Stay clean and think right
by William Nippress
Painted word picture
So descriptive view I see
Welcome back to Ash
by William Nippress
veils of grey water
sepia shades of landscape
waiting for rainbows
by ash
the teething rugrat
drooling like a rabid dog
slaps across the boards
by ash
on the verandah
kookaburra sits dripping
scanning wet green grass
by ash
My heart beats so hard,
It's impossible to breathe,
All because of you.
by something rosie
support broken homes
mommy and daddy's divorce
my one merit badge
by sexually frustrated
sunday afternoon
the sickening malaise of
life's Everydayness.
by sexually frustrated
miracle of birth
not very miraculous
after billionth time
by sexually frustrated
fierce halitosis
emanating from old men
the stink of dead years.
by sexually frustrated
jackass professor
if you had some real talent
then you would not teach
by sexually frustrated
really no surprise
how writing professors are
so mediocre
by sexually frustrated
our writing programs
diploma mills that destroy
the creative drive
by sexually frustrated
not to life they go
but to writing workshops to
become great writers
by sexually frustrated
academic void
his blank stare from the lectern
we take as wisdom
by sexually frustrated
middle-aged poet
his broken hopes of greatness
no wonder he's mad
by sexually frustrated
thinks he's poetic
thumbing through a thesaurus
writing desk haiku
by sexually frustrated
he's clever no doubt
for the sake of cleverness
but art escapes him
by sexually frustrated
they may be ugly
but mother loves them no less
so goes my haiku
by sexually frustrated
my words are clumsy
but they're mine so i love them
write on graceless one!
by sexually frustrated
plays the judge on high
the connousiouer of good taste
cause he's all tapped out
by sexually frustrated
better to create
than decontruct from lofty
academic heights
by sexually frustrated