United Nations
Slumbering eminently
Wake up and smell fear
by William Nippress
To time travel
Dissociate from structure
by William Nippress
You know...this site used
to be halfway fun, even
if I hated it
by k
Salvia Divinorum
by William Nippress
well here's the bad news
not just possible but a fact
you ARE a robot
by ash (just freaking you out maaaaaaan....!)
actually though
i've never seen my insides
maybe a cyborg
by thunder stork
first time i smoked pot
thought it could be possible
i was a robot
by thunder stork
My Gal Eats Garlic
She Thinks Thatit It Makes Her Strong It Sure Does her Breath.
by Billbard of florida
Thunder Clapping Loud
Left Umbrella In Fhe Car
by Billbard of Florida
seek and destroy, the
envy of the damned is to
play the role of friend
by Null
The line is thread-like
between the boat and the shore
winds blow out to sea
by Betty LeBomb
blessed be
and merry part
by Mox
On that note, I'll hoist myself
Out of this cesspool of an internet
existence, for at least a shortwhile
My ego requires that I come back
on at some point.
by sexually frustrated
well, man
you're not alone
and blessed be
just might do it
by Mox
I feel lost sometimes
but, some people say
the solution is to
stop living on line
by Mox
Of course I'm single
Would a man with a loving mate
Rant and rave as I do, wasting
his entire life on some stupid
by sexually frustrated
sex, what if you
weren't single
would the yab meet the yum
in nirvana?
by Mox
hmm, I do weird things
by Mox
When to a Tool concert on DXM,
Ingredient found in Nyquil.
Perfectly legal, and you can make
it yourself. We're talking total
mind body disassociation. SPIRAL
by sexually frustrated
could wisdom
come from our president
or just puppeteering?
by Mox
this is a beat time
I guess but I'm not
I'm just level 2
anyhow at
whatever it is
by Mox
sex, are you single?
nakedly assured Old Bull Bill
was probably a Black Magickian
as well, old Christians try
to keep away in times of change
by Mox
some people prefer
less to more
legal to illegal
conservative to liberal
taste to taste
by Mox
Yes, LSD, the ultimate panacea
But I also self medicate with
Booze and pot.
by sexually frustrated
oh, so the LSD was more
like a self medication?
I was more an Irish solution
by Mox
hmm, dunking poundcake
and talking to hauser and o'brien
about old golds or Islam Inc?
I don't think I could write anything
that would match up to the experienced deprivation but
the bored are often those
who realize much wisdom is much sorrow
by Mox
So I have severe bipolar disorder
and take Zoloft. But LSD worked
for me.
by sexually frustrated
Psychelics are perfectly harmless
Naked Lunch was about heroin
Addiction or cocaine, I can't
remember. You don't know till
you've tried.
by sexually frustrated
I don't need LSD
because I have ADHD
and all I need is a twinkie
by Mox
the drugs bomb the hell
out of the mind, creating a naked lunch and a landscape made in hell
by Mox
hmm, rose gardens
in side
the burned out shell of dresden
by Mox
Cancerous haiku
It spreads and mutates freely
But it is still bad
by A Student of What if Satan was a small garden vegetable?
I like shitty writers
for example
by Anonymous Poet
Vonneguts a shitty writer
Read Kafka or Beckett or
Dostoevsky or Camus
those guys got it
by sexually frustrated
acid worked for me. It's just
matter of the right molecule hitting
the right neuron, and you're
forever changed.
by sexually frustrated
Vonnegut and the sound of one
hand clapping
out west
by Mox
oh hail eris
and a patridge in a pear tree
or on tv
by Anonymous Poet
not my choice
lsd isn't my thing
my mind is like that now
by Mox
Exactly, zen embraces paradox.
To talk about it is to not know it.
But hey we have to communicate
somehow, that's where the koans
come in.
by sexually frustrated
Yes, shit happens.
Zen tells you not to fight it.
Go with the flow. Take LSD
it doesn't matter enlightenment
can come from anything and not
just quiet sitting.
by sexually frustrating
the zen statement is
it just is
I don't know about schools
just some tea here and there
by Mox
hmm, what do the drugs do?
by Mox
well, does what we
know really matter or
to take to heart
the words of another
who might just be
words that mean nothing?
by Mox
then, shit
by Anonymous Poet
from moment to moment
by Anonymous Poet
it is quiet
by Anonymous Poet
If you think Zen is about
Meditation you're grossly mistaken.
Zen is heroic existentialism at
it's finest.
by sexually frustrated
You don't know shit about Zen
The Soto school is a lot about quiet meditation and all that bullshit, while the Rinzai tells you to hurl yourself into chaos and hope for the enlightenment to happen.
by sexually frustrated
Sorry, that wasn't AP,
I forget to put "Mox"
down, dadaista
by Mox