we are invaded
prolific haiku poets (?)
and moxie to boot
by ap
I'm facing the odds
of a few statements
civility speaks with forked toungue
by Mox
it is something of
human nature to test the waters
of another person's ego
but it does ripple
by Mox
I ate the AFLAC
and on the way back
I was insured
by Mox
He listens, he reads
Like water off a ducks back
He shrugs and forgets
by William Nippress
Waiting to watch Joe
Soldier...he fights sand,raqis
but there's a secret...
by onjaysun (...Saddam's in Cabo)
Cherry blossoms late
Old men chastise the seasons
They judge spring wanting
by William Nippress
yes, we have determined that, Saddam Hussein and that hair up ap's ass are similar in appearance
no comment at this time
by Mox
If I throw my pearls
before swine, did we go there?
oink oink, stomp stomp, rend
by Mox
yes, ap, if that is Jeremy, still has a hair up his ass...
by Mox
Dark cavernous eyes
Snoozing addicts gruesome scars
Aids loathsome insult
by William Nippress
by Anonymous Poet
I guess those yokels
in Iraq figured out that
sand won't stop bullets
by Bubba Zephyr
"Sandstorm slows advance"
one more day Saddams head stays
off a pointy stick.
by Bubba Zephyr
Why do our youth act black?
Baggy pants, ebonics, welfare,
Bad credit--somehow this is "cool."
by sexually frustrated
In world without God
Or meaning or rules
Everything's allowed.
by sexually frustrated
I write "juvenile"
Haikus, because nothing to
Me is juvenile.
by sexually frustrated
Hm, is it just me
Or do all black hip-hoppers
Dress like circus clowns?
by sexually frustrated
Christ, if there is one thing worse
than stupid people, its stupid people who think they're smart. Bubba, anonymous was saying that WHAT they post is stupid, not the fact THAT they post is stupid. If you're going to define something, buy a dictionary rather than using
your obviously feeble "mind".
by Anonymous Poet
now as to anonymous poet
who I believe to be called Jeremy
can create if he so desires
if you don't think it is beautiful
and he isn't in hair up the ass mode
he does fine...
by Mox
trouble with fundamentalist belief
Christian especially, see a lot
of nice people believe that but
a lot of nice people aren't Christians
and I'm not a nice person, just
forgiven, but, what I have done here
is hypocrisy and not Christian at all
like the, Crusades and Inquisition
good old Mother Church in a bad day
by Mox
yes, ap, when I'm accidentally
taking "ap" aside, is pretty harson his judgements, and I've been told
drum roll
"fuck off!"
by Mox
as to ash, I like what
he writes when he isn't telling
other people what to do
and what style would work for him
which isn't really his regard
roll your own
write your own
by Mox
as to myself, I take too personally
what people think of me here
and I still live at home so
what I have to say is quite,
a distraction from just minding my
own business and being responsible
by Mox
AP is a decent poet
but, he does have a hair up his
by Mox
reverse psychology
is getting what you want
by stating the oposite
tell them you love it
and he'll go away
by Mox
damned, awful, overbearing
status overaware, cares too much
about the next five minutes
passing season oh, I'm bitched out...
by Mox
searching for the next trend
not happy with what you got
ought to burn down every gallery
leftist, socialist, non free thinking
thoughtless backbiters!
by Mox
Hmm, just write,
stop fucking dissing each other
you god damn liberal pansy
asskissing looking for the next trend liberal scum welfare hypocrites...
by Mox
Irony defined:
Calling those who post stupid
by posting yourself
by Bubba Zephyr
The anonymous
Couldn't create beauty if
He tried.
by sexually frustrated
If you're going to be
Boring than go elsewhere
With your dull-ass crap.
by sexually frustrated
"I ain't so shocked or
Awed. What! You mean
I'm dead?!"
by sexually frustrated
Being juvenile can be funny, but not by default. More often than not, its just idiocy, and boy are you a bunch of fucking idiots.
by Anonymous Poet
I think this whole world
needs a giant martini
to swim in
by Mox
abstinence, excuse me
gazundheit...but a good argument
for priests getting girlfriends...
by Mox
If life gives you poop
Make some kind of fruity
by sexually frustrated
the idea of sex with
that woman makes, well
abstince look erotically appealing
by Mox
I did not have sexual relations with
That woman, maybe a little fingering and the occasional teabag but no sex.
by sexually frustrated
if shit happens, flush it
and close the lid on the toilet
by from good old Dr. T. of somewhere in maine
Jesus Christ, the guy
needs to move out, get a girlfriend
or boyfriend, and keep it God
damn legal
by Mox
Snap winter return.
The short spring inspired hope like
all false promises.
by Anonymous Poet
If there's a forest
And there's a pink elephant
Does it make a sound?
by sexually frustrated
considering the
news on the tube, times have changed
from those special reports
on Bill Clinton's sex life
by Mox
Check out her flesh
Baby's soft and infantile
A nice diaper too.
by sexually frustrated
is that glass full of water
or is the water inside the glass
full? shakes head self assuredly
at witty ko'an
by Mox
what is the sound of one hand
doing that thing it does
to cheap porns?
by Mox
ah, God, if I run
to the Golden Arches for
More doublecheeseburgers?
"I need a Jr, Whappahr?"
by Mox of Chezch republic, gazundheit
All the Zen roshis
Are rolling in their graves because
Of Dharma Bums.
by sexually frustrated