If you're going to be
Boring than go elsewhere
With your dull-ass crap.
by sexually frustrated
"I ain't so shocked or
Awed. What! You mean
I'm dead?!"
by sexually frustrated
Being juvenile can be funny, but not by default. More often than not, its just idiocy, and boy are you a bunch of fucking idiots.
by Anonymous Poet
I think this whole world
needs a giant martini
to swim in
by Mox
abstinence, excuse me
gazundheit...but a good argument
for priests getting girlfriends...
by Mox
If life gives you poop
Make some kind of fruity
by sexually frustrated
the idea of sex with
that woman makes, well
abstince look erotically appealing
by Mox
I did not have sexual relations with
That woman, maybe a little fingering and the occasional teabag but no sex.
by sexually frustrated
if shit happens, flush it
and close the lid on the toilet
by from good old Dr. T. of somewhere in maine
Jesus Christ, the guy
needs to move out, get a girlfriend
or boyfriend, and keep it God
damn legal
by Mox
Snap winter return.
The short spring inspired hope like
all false promises.
by Anonymous Poet
If there's a forest
And there's a pink elephant
Does it make a sound?
by sexually frustrated
considering the
news on the tube, times have changed
from those special reports
on Bill Clinton's sex life
by Mox
Check out her flesh
Baby's soft and infantile
A nice diaper too.
by sexually frustrated
is that glass full of water
or is the water inside the glass
full? shakes head self assuredly
at witty ko'an
by Mox
what is the sound of one hand
doing that thing it does
to cheap porns?
by Mox
ah, God, if I run
to the Golden Arches for
More doublecheeseburgers?
"I need a Jr, Whappahr?"
by Mox of Chezch republic, gazundheit
All the Zen roshis
Are rolling in their graves because
Of Dharma Bums.
by sexually frustrated
there is a time for
kind words then there is a time
for smashing the head of some
16 year old mall rat eavesdropping on your game in the arcade into the wall
to serve pest control purposes
by Mox
My eyes unfocus
until parts become a whole;
like dying, perhaps.
by cloudcover
My advice then is
To get off the computer
And go for a jog.
by sexually frustrated
Sheesh, what if Beat
what masturbation, and
someone burned On the Road...
by Mox of Kerouac will rip my nuts off
Thank God for the shock
we can only take so much, awe.
these people who write these haikus
are experienced at explosions of words and flaming references to babylon
by Mox
Rapist to his son:
"You're not a man till you've tossed
Paraplegic salad."
by sexually frustrated
Sex, that's quite funny actually
trouble is I'm overweight
and like double cheeseburgers
but fat is very sad, I know
by Mox
As the old Book of Books
goes on course again, a book of wars and judgements
who wrote the damn thing
and when's the sequel?
by Mox
The last one was actually mine.
by sexually frustrated
Now how do they deal with sodomites in New Hampshire?
by Anonymous Poet
damn it lee, you got
so much pressure at home
too distracted for POWs
and those slain at home
go wave a flag, run a cd over
protest, burn a candle
meaningless to deal with
empty stress and still
sin the deeps sins
by Mox
I'm a sodomite
by Anonymous Poet
I have buck teeth...
by Mox
Annoyed molester
"Can you keep it down? I'm
Trying to rape in here!"
by sexually frustrated
Buck tooth sodomite
Can't escape the pull of
Blackhole's gravity.
by sexually frustrated
Who else masturbates
To the weather channel? Oh
Voluptuous cloud.
by sexually frustrated
Bush forgot to ask
his pals Rumsfeld and Cheney
"you want fries with that?"
by Glandy Thunderbundle
Boycott US goods?
It'll last till that first bite
of Das Kraut Burger
by Bubba Zephyr
They all burn our flag,
Chant "Death to America"
but buy Eminem.
by Bubba Zephyr
I am the haiku
That enjoys talking about
Its own construction.
by sexually frustrated
Stupid therapist
How can mind ever know about
Its own mental health?
by sexually frustrated
The following statement is true:
The above statement is false.
Life is paradox.
by sexually frustrated
"Whoop!" cries the monkey
"Whoop!" it cries over again
A clever monkey
by A Student of Or maybe it's saying "War!"
First Afghanistan,
Next Iraq, Then squeeze Iran,
And mop-up mideast.
by debil-bush wet dream
What colour your thoughts
Green child of the universe
Unclouded light blue?
by William Nippress
These damn haiku are
addictive. I wish I'd ne'er
found this haiku site.
by Bubba Zephyr
Respect the Vietnam Vet
Being tortured by the Viet Cong,
The Viet Cong Rock the house baby!
by Anonymous Poet
Respect the Viet Cong,
They tortured us real good-like,
They are smart and KEWL..
by Richard Larson of Springfield, IL
Give me a monkey
That jumps high and says "Whoop! Whoop!"
And I'll build a fridge
by A Student of Die Liebe! Die Liebe!
Bzzzz brrpp ooh ha ha!
the robot merrily squeals
grinding on your skull
by Betty LeBomb
Give me a robot
orange and polka dotted
and I'll sing a song
by Betty LeBomb
That's interesting
Tactics are fear and terror
Just like he wanted
by Talib of The students (