You've got the lib dems
No one's going to vote them
They sit on the fence
You've got the tories
People like them even less
They're totally screwed
And we have labour
Who are, simply, the tories
But more popular
by A Student of Politics
as she goes on and
talks about her life on the
coast, she lives free again
by Mox
lost in the saddle
back again to boot
myself in the arse
by Mox
Survivors begin
to vanish and shrunken heads
show up on E-Bay
by onjaysun (what a ka-wink-a-dink)
silverspoon labour?
glib lawyers, social workers
forgeting their roots?
by must be better than the thatcher strap-on up the butt though
You take precautions
We don't really care because
Labour screws us now
by A Student of Manchester
america, nation of
bubbleboys and bubblegirls,
at war with the moops
by george can't standya
selling out of duct
tape and plastic sheeting, free,
proud, america.
by hiding in a stuffy closet
Let's drop the big one
See what happens
Bikini Hockey
by I'm so sorry, Mr. Newman of Rowboat, Nebraska
I didn't stop as
my train left the station and
headed down the hill
by Betty LeBomb
atmosphere weird
Tennessee Williams play time
something is brewing
by mellie
I am now so old,
Nobody can surprise me -
Well, nobody does...
by R. of PT
black holes are compact
singularities of stuff
perhaps, waiting to explode
into a new big bang...
by Mox
need I repeat AP will never be a writer?
nah, I think he will be
but he will be better
when he forgets about little old me
by Mox
showers bring rain gnomes
with their wee yellow slickers
and lies about me!
by onjaysun (it's winter again)
I can smell the green
while skipping across the field
the ground is smushy
by Betty LeBomb
The sun on my face
the darkness red and orange
with my eyelids closed
by Betty LeBomb
This morning I wake
after the long winter snows
with my eyes open
by Betty LeBomb
so original
so completely eloquent
so go fuck yourself
by ash
fuck off moxie/ash
by Anonymous Poet
the most creative
haiku I have ever done,
were anonymous
by so fuck yourself mate
See how Bush changes
Once the innocents were that
Now they're terrorists
As the enemy
Is no longer Saddam but
Basic iraqis
by A Student of What's 'infidel' mean?
plagiarism or
repetition? no shame when
there is no name hon.
by Anonymous Poet
such plagiarism
masked by anonymity
you should be ashamed
by ash
wow, that sounded bad
not meant suicidal
only frustrated
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, TX
going to sleep soon
home life is too much for me
hope not to wake up
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, TX
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
by Anonymous Poet
Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, and reboot.
Order shall return.
by Anonymous Poet
The Web site you seek
Cannot be located, but
Countless more exist.
by Anonymous Poet
by my calculus
if the world was all yankees
we'd need over 9,500% more resources
by ash (and longer haiku obviously)
mox; primordial
vacuum? sucking the light out
of worlds without count?
by is that enough?
What has Moxie done
That angers you so AP
Would s(he) be a fool?
by A Student of Wondering
Hitler could have used
Pre-emptive action as an
Excuse for attack
by A Student of Bush isn't Hitler. Hitler wasn't a moron
for some reason AP
i don't think you'll
succeed as a real writer
by Mox
oh and fuck OFF moxie
by Anonymous Poet
the comparisons
to WWII aren't valid
this is different
by Anonymous Poet
WWII this ain't
it's WWIII with Bush as
Hitler run amok
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off moxie
by Anonymous Poet
different accent
ein guttes Beispiel for hmmm
grandma has a cock
by mellie
What to do today?
Think I'll murder some children
And bomb some people
Then I'll pollute stuff
It makes me so proud to be
An american
by A Student of Harder, Cheney, harder
We would speak german
In the same way that arabs
Will speak your english
by A Student of Who's the fascist dictatorial little sucka now (Hitler was legally elected - more democratic than Bush)
Ethical debate
Would be a good thing to do
If you had ethics
by A Student of Kill the arabs!! It's the only (final) solution
German tries to stay
The same by removing some
Words that they don't like
by A Student of Make the whole world moronic? That would end the conflict?
what i say is this:
make the world America!
end all this conflict.
by yeah, German isn't a bastardized version of another language, i was handed down from the gods...retard.
if you don't like it,
you are free to go save them.
good luck, and godspeed...
by if the Arab peoples would take care of their own, we wouldn't have to punish them like children...
Saw Chicago last
night, great songs, great dance, still ain't
no Bugsy Malone.
by onjaysun (gotta get me a splurge gun)
Look the other way
Till what you are told will come
Comes and screws you up
by A Student of German is a better language than american bastardised english
What would you prefer
To be screwed by a despot
Or bombed every day?
by A Student of Let's kill some innocent foreigners, the scum
in MY opinion,
you should all suffer the fate
apathy affords.
it is obvious
that none of you have the balls
to handle the task.
by because America is strong, she will always be attacked. I can live with that.
some of these posters
are most obviously French.
stick to making wine...
by you would all be speaking german if we had ALWAYS looked the other way.