I dreamt of Dana
She had horns and cloven hooves
Much like Jane Fonda
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
if nothing seems right
reflect life is illusion
then change perspective
by ash
Spit out like a spore
I learned to be so hollow
And fake happiness
by Scott of Alton,
Magical mushrooms
Baked Forever in my skull
Paint me a picture
by Scott of Alton,
Giving up so soon?
Why the temp here is so nice!
Rake I must, Damn you!
by Scott of Alton,
Applehead Applehead dumb
Got beat up by Brian Ayer
Smoke dick in New York
by Kackarott
Fat fuck cant get laid
"Damnit! Where are my pringles?"
Eat your mommy''s cunt!
by Kackarott
Hey Stack you are fat
and like little boy penis
Nana is still dead!
by Kackarott
Hey Fatone dont cry
That nana is a bugcage
I still fuck her corpse
by Kackarott
We were gonna fight
blood on his Drew Carey face
dumb whore asked who won
by Dr. Zaius
Eggs on his gross teeth
big Drew Carey looking queer
his dead cat went "rrreeeeaa"
by AlbinoGorilla
failed referendum
lacking sound constitution
justly euthanased
by ash
Working my sac off
for 37 long years
makes me say this shit
by Tony's Grandpa
Juicey placentas
trickle down off the legs edge
as more life is born
by Tony's Grandpa
Another fallen tear
drying the dust
by Jenna of Racine, USA
life is a drive through
rolling hills dividing the
pastures of laughter
by Scott of Alton,
Ert tricklations
of anticoagulent
nasalments exude
by Scott of Alton,
Jackson said "Beat It"
I learned my lesson too well
Sequined gloves don''t work!
by Scott of Alton,
Giving up so soon?
Why the temp here is so nice!
Rake I must, Damn you!
by Scott of Alton,
let me slide my fat cock in
I know you want it
Kackarott, I have
read them all...you need some help
Red Heads have red hair
Those poor bastards, some are queer.
Jake you fuckin queer
Bloody tear stained face
Holding rocks... i smirk
by Kackarott
See the small flower
Stretching to reach the sunbeams
Please, don`t step on it
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
My neoprene pants
Keep me warm underwater
And prevent shrinkage
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
Ahoy giant snail
Walking with your single foot
Leavng one footprint
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
Glazed in my mischief,
She smiled and said, your not Greg
and she promptly fled
by Scott of Alton,
I listen hard when
Art says, "What a dream I had..."
If There Was Such Love...
by Scott of Alton,
Come back happy, Come
back happy, Come back happy
Klegem, Klegem, Kleg
by Scott of Alton,
forks like a wishbone
handlebars like a moustache
mangled motorbike
by ash
And so today my
world it smiles, your hand in mine
we walk the miles, Thanks
by Scott of Alton,
Years of what iffs drown
In an effervescent pool
Of marriage doldroms
by Scott of Alton,
Rolling Too Conscious
Endless Nights of Sleeplessness
I Miss Suzy Q
by Scott of Alton,
Michelob Golden
Shameless plug for the beer that
I most love to chug
by Scott of Alton,
Fuck Sparrows and Snails
I''d rather be a
bulldog than a bone, yes I
would, but not for good.
by Kimberly Sowell
Left Handed Communists?
...so, Simon says to
Garfunkel, "which hand do you
use to... ? Nevermind."
by Kimberly Sowell
I tried to write a
sonnet, but I couldn''t feel
it. I like Haiku.
by Kimberly Sowell
Jeremy Remy
Big old hairy pubic thatch
He is my hero
by HaiPoo
kenneth extension
watches too much tv, but
oh, what else to do?
by whoever
Hewn from an ingot
Is this timepiece of the gods
And it doesn`t tick
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
Tell me Jennifer
Which part of the word "Haiku"
Don''t you understand?
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
so slow the server
haiku remains beyond sight
greyness on the screen
by ash
bimbos and haiku
a real dangerous combo
menage e'' twathole
by Thunder Stork
Carefull with scissors
Chop that big seventies bush
OUCH! knicked the right one
by Kackarott
My name is Peggy Sue,
His name was Johnny Lou.
Our love was very new
We didn''t know what to do.
It was summer of ''67
I thought I''d died and gone to heaven.
I thought I liked Kevin, but
I''d just broke up with a boy named Devi
by Jennifer, Michele and Heidy of Grand Forks, U.S.A.
Youth inserts penis
Into freshly baked dessert
Good job it`s not hot
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
Big sharks run amok
In Poseidon Adventure
Where''s Ernest Borgnine?
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
I see dead people
But it''s hardly surprising
I''m a mortician
by Kenneth Extension of Yuggoth
Working like a dog
Can make you very tired
More money for booze
by HaiPoo
Haiku Paradox:
The more sincerely you try
The worse crap you write.
by Computer Teacher from Marble Falls of Marble Falls, USA