a! toki pona
toki pona li pona
olin toki e
by Anonymous Poet
U.S. men's soccer
Beating tough team Germany
This is what I hope
by Bob Jones Esq of Waco, TX
the power of cheese
is really quite impressive
when it's richard cheese
by scotch (back once again with the ill behavior)
ridiculous word
i see it's spelled "rendezvous"
damn belgian keyboard!
by scotch
i missed my rendevouz at "la becasse"
a stranger bade me sit down with his hand
explaining as he lifted up his glass
"because you're from an undeveloped land"
by scotch (stanza #1) of an american in brussels
he ordered us two dark westmalle doubles
my troubles weighed upon me like lead weights
he toasted, and i gagged upon bubbles
"the president of the united states!"
by scotch (stanza #2)
i asked if we could toast to someone else
he smirked and said, "well, he is a nice guy"
the westmalle rang my tastebuds like church bells
so potent that i felt that i could fly
by scotch (stanza #3)
saracastic flemish comments all aside,
buy me a westmalle, what's the sense of pride?
by scotch (stanza #4)
Chick in green starts fire
Burns hundred thousand acres
Before our Prez can
by onjaysun of frogtown
Onjaysun broke rule
Make W just dubba
Like White House junior
by onjaysun of frogtown
In he carries lunch
Free sack from W W Fund
Butch up that panda
by onjaysun of frogtown
sit in front of screen
shoulders hunch and eyes water
work - it be the death
by allie
Playing Smash Brothers
Had made my eyes gloss over
Yoshi smash and win~
by WyldKyss
So who are you now?
Moxie Fuckoff has a ring
Some labels don't fade
by echo
"fuck off" is to me
beginning to sound, well
kind of funny, eh?
by TheGuywhoNeedsaDifferentNameNow
She thought she was good
Now she has to be better
the scum did not bite!
by jewel1\
dying for take-off
i've got itchy feet too mate
other parts okay
by mellie
FUCK OFF! TheGuyWhowasMoxhere...
by Anonymous Poet
my scars are itchy
the skin continues to peel
soon i will weight bear
by ash
feeling of relief
but it is now summertime
goodbye yellow snow
by Largo
Sat on pier all night
Watching the stars from water
Covered in bug bites.
by WyldKyss
metaphorical death
I just want to let "him" go
by TheGuyWhowasMoxhere...
Let go or keep faith...
The cold winter takes too long
Hope slowly fading...
by jewel1
horny vulcan slut
everybody knows her name
big in lingerie
by Anonymous Poet
what happened to him?
that's a shocking announcement
show some evidence
by mellie
just so you know
by MoxieisDead
almost addicted
to Jap plot for bending minds
well, screw you haiku
by echo
sickened by my face
the bailiff punches me hard
teeth fall at my feet
by Anonymous Poet
two one one one six
the number of this haiku
not as good as four
by Anonymous Poet
we ride along trails
angled sunlight shining through
verdant summer trees
by Anonymous Poet
been a while paver
really I am not kidding
missed your input mate
by mellie
swallow anything?
How about my load, Mellie
and I'm not kidding
by Paver
by Anonymous Poet
a length of dried skin
peeled from the side of my foot
as human leather
by ash
past islets of langerhans
a siren's sweet call
by ash
what i meant to say
by indiana
a difficult choice
Be3 or Be4?
let it Be
by indiana-yourmovebro
Got your blender set?
Add gin, pussy, lime, quinine
Its catatonic
by echo
neighborhood feline
injured by a passing car
its catatonic
by echo
Diabetes lore:
Whats hyperglycemia?
Vampire magnet
by echo
hook line and sinker
would you like to set the bait?
while i cast the rod?
by indiana>>wecaninsertithere
I'm so gullible
I would swallow anything
and I'm not kidding
by mellie
he leveled the gun
by indiana>>oneclueoverthecuckoo
take it lying down
just a spoonful of sugar
helps la la go down
a sweet little song
mary poppins nuns alps god
must break the habit
by mellie
Need positive spin?
Blood is sweeter than water.
Guess we all must cope.
by echo
so i'm still legless
you may say something's afoot
i won't stand for it
by ash
let me console ash
I would do a better job
even blindfolded
getting down to it
comes naturally to mellie
I don't itch either
by mellie
(line 21084 is mine, why did it become
Anonymous Poet???)
by jewel1
i was consoling ash for pete's sake
............just fuck off me k
by ronin