............k is all silent
..mebbe she's a bit conscious
......blushing and flushing
(or mebbe i just flatter myself)
by ronin@goodmorningoregon
Young Santa at christmas,
Would bring all the bad, bad girls,
A frontal wegie //^\
by Anonymous Poet
look under the tree
wrapped in a pretty red bow
it's... grandma's new cock
by Anonymous Poet
by asds of asda
by asds of asda
by asds of asda
by asds of asda
by asds of asda
by asds of asda
the smells transports me
coriander, tumeric...
but i'll take a plane
by scott
sun, hot red curry, tramping
escaping winter
by scott
stuff and things and stuff
the missing nervous world when
all is said and done
by Moxie
why does everyone
insist on sleeping at night?
The gym was empty...
by k of 4:18am
buzz buzz buzz buzz
shut up and drool some more
im not sure youre asleep
by guava
I want my girl back
vanished at a cracking pace
looking through her bones
by mellie
now come night's season
play beneath lights
breath's chance
by guava
toddle through nowhere
jumps delight beware
i come
by guava
lube of gone stupid
life's caress has waned
duty forever compelled
by guava
i'd love a segue
from my little cubicle
to my swinging pad
by scott
only Prince could write
a pro-feminist song that's
called "Pussy Control"
by are you ready?
A moxie flood?__no :(
Rather a moxie fugue, from
The very depths of HELL
by Anonymous Poet
Ask frozen water,
To lift it's icy faces,
The Almighty Sun____
by Anonymous Poet
Give me a Segway,
I will leave this earth cleaner,
Slug-slime-like paths gone_________
by Anonymous Poet
Steaming Starbucks brew,
Man combs hair in the mirror
of a parked Segway
by Anonymous Poet
Steaming Starbucks brew,
Man combs hair in the mirror
of parked bicycle
Steaming Starbucks brew,
Man combs hair in the mirror
of parked Segway
by Anonymous Poet
There is sweetness
in the trees, and fireflies
lose count of the leaves
But Moxie still sucks ass
by Anonymous Poet
being a loser has
certain advantages
like not caring
about self looks
by Moxie
she stands at the well
thirsting for life eternal
shall we drink there now?
by Moxie
............real cute k babe
though i am more more handsome
..........young and virile, too
by ronin
robert de niro
has a good name for haiku
not schwartzenagger
by ash
for syllables
pictures paint a thousand words
more than seventeen
by ash
ronin as a real
manger would be something
to behold. Back to WORK!
by k_against_
Class inheritance
is something I wrestle with.
The Python tightens
it's coils and it
seems like network programming
suddenly gets clear
er. Nice magic verse!
by k_against_class_divisions of taking my own exam, if I pass, i get a job, if I fail, bills go unpaid.
we've been set up!!!!!!!!!
by ronin
............i had my exams
everyone Would breeze through it
.............it was too easy
.........(something is fishy...
........coz, if so, things being
.........equal, the seniors get
.........the promotion. DAMN)
by ronin@hikhijanis
just for the record,
i was impersonated..
not my blah blah blah's
by the real scott in 2D
dead cat on the road
it was a sure thing that it
would squish just so and freeze
by Chris of left of the wide spot in the road
this is weird because
i can do whatever I
want and don't get caught
by chris of I DA Ho!
Cold is moving in
even jacking off gets hard
snow and ice aint nice
by chris of Pocatello, Idaho
this is a strange site
why are you guys writing all this
haiku? Nothing else to do?
by chris
blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah
by scott
blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah
by scott
my incantations
don't always work the first time
pardon the brimstone
by scott (the last two posts work fine on my Mac, not at all on my PC)