Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

dead cat on the road
it was a sure thing that it
would squish just so and freeze
Haiku # 17762, December 3, 2001 10:18 pm ET
by Chris of left of the wide spot in the road
this is weird because
i can do whatever I
want and don't get caught
Haiku # 17761, December 3, 2001 10:17 pm ET
by chris of I DA Ho!
Cold is moving in
even jacking off gets hard
snow and ice aint nice
Haiku # 17760, December 3, 2001 10:15 pm ET
by chris of Pocatello, Idaho
this is a strange site
why are you guys writing all this
haiku? Nothing else to do?
Haiku # 17759, December 3, 2001 10:14 pm ET
by chris
Haiku # 17758, December 3, 2001 10:13 pm ET
by wha?
Haiku # 17757, December 3, 2001 10:13 pm ET
by huh?q
Haiku # 17756, December 3, 2001 10:13 pm ET
by huh?
Haiku # 17755, December 3, 2001 10:13 pm ET
by huh?
Haiku # 17754, December 3, 2001 10:12 pm ET
by huh?

blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah
Haiku # 17753, December 3, 2001 10:11 pm ET
by scott

blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah
Haiku # 17752, December 3, 2001 10:09 pm ET
by scott
my incantations
don't always work the first time
pardon the brimstone
Haiku # 17751, December 3, 2001 9:03 pm ET
by scott (the last two posts work fine on my Mac, not at all on my PC)
Haiku # 17750, December 3, 2001 8:50 pm ET
by scott in 2D, take II
Haiku # 17749, December 3, 2001 8:43 pm ET
by scott in 2D or less
whatever happened
to this poor kid Jeremy?
did we scare him off?
Haiku # 17748, December 3, 2001 8:16 pm ET
by k of i mena he just wrote haiku about computers after all
i know the password
security, privacy
take your pic (a pun!)

who else has figured
out the guarded secret of
the sorcerer's stoned?
Haiku # 17747, December 3, 2001 8:13 pm ET
by k_against_passwords of Jeremy is too innocuous to be scott
what is the password?
it's a magical riddle:
speak friend, and enter
Haiku # 17746, December 3, 2001 6:11 pm ET
by scott (naively hoping the magic is used for good...) of Void That Binds
don't know if i want
to post my pic where a bunch
of drunks write haiku
Haiku # 17745, December 3, 2001 4:04 pm ET
by k_against_
the mystery solved!
at long last, the truth revealed:
scott is
Haiku # 17744, December 3, 2001 1:57 pm ET
by scott in 3D (drink plenty of water, my friend)
we are not like one
another, makes the whole thing
worth while...competing?

over what?
Haiku # 17743, December 3, 2001 11:21 am ET
by Moxie
I hear imaptient rips
in the paper next to me
saying, I am in a hurry
Haiku # 17742, December 3, 2001 11:00 am ET
by Moxie
tell me about how
people do the irredeeming thing
people just do that
Haiku # 17741, December 3, 2001 10:55 am ET
by Mox
Sense of humor, change...
The gothic women of the
world are an all out cure
Haiku # 17740, December 3, 2001 10:47 am ET
by Mox

i theenk i could luv ya janis
thaks for clearin the filters
but its steel toughh
Haiku # 17739, December 3, 2001 10:43 am ET
by ronin

how ya doin mox
stop being in
and be a
regular guy

hastah leh veestuh
mistah luvah luvah
Haiku # 17738, December 3, 2001 10:40 am ET
by ronin
Life's full of cheap shots
some are a bargain, some don't change
moving on but not so
Haiku # 17737, December 3, 2001 10:40 am ET
by Moxie

see yhou around k broad
hope you're as pretty
as you'reh pics
Haiku # 17736, December 3, 2001 10:38 am ET
by ronin

i know dude mox
but you're bi
that's y d derogatory
got it dude
Haiku # 17735, December 3, 2001 10:35 am ET
by ronin

cathc (hic) you around
.....gotta go, baby j us your pic ass
Haiku # 17734, December 3, 2001 10:34 am ET
by ronin@justhadcobravileandimdamnhorNhyy
(psst...I'm a guy...)...

The silent instant
messages saged a bit of
peace, and time outs
Haiku # 17733, December 3, 2001 10:33 am ET
by Mox

.........fuck it moxie lass
you're still damn frickin around time for foggies

.......(just kiddin around)
Haiku # 17732, December 3, 2001 10:31 am ET
by ronin
Competition is
happiness for a short time
it's gotta be fun
Haiku # 17731, December 3, 2001 10:29 am ET
by Mox

im supposed to take
.managerial exams
i chose to be drunk
Haiku # 17730, December 3, 2001 10:29 am ET
by ronin@hichichic

........jeremy is scott
people tend to talk more to
....themselves in this site
Haiku # 17729, December 3, 2001 10:27 am ET
by ronin@Wyou'resoobviousdudeduuuh

.......who the hell is he
he looks like he's a retard with a syndrome

....(world series sucks)
Haiku # 17728, December 3, 2001 10:23 am ET
by ronin@sokisjanis.hitherejanis
.....Ronin, you do tend
to flatter yourself. Instead
I was referring .....

Haiku # 17727, December 3, 2001 9:07 am ET
by the Investigator of having figured out how to upload also

....hey, more than one owns
this site unless, of course, she's
.........tied to one or more

(my pc reg and mail's secured)
Haiku # 17726, December 3, 2001 7:32 am ET
by ronin@reallysherlockyougooddobetterthanthat



Haiku # 17725, December 3, 2001 7:28 am ET
by ronin@WOOWOOWOO
hey aramaeic
is a tough language to read.
For one who seems smart

it wasn't very
intelligent to leave your
full name everywhere.
Haiku # 17724, December 3, 2001 3:46 am ET
by the Investigator of to judg3
note to jeremy:
i'd suggest an alias
things get quite rough here
Haiku # 17723, December 3, 2001 3:19 am ET
by scott in 17D (strung out)
one ex-girlfriend thought
'the best things in life are free"
she gave stolen goods
Haiku # 17722, December 3, 2001 3:01 am ET
by scott in 1.75D kids all around me
with my seat and space so cramped
..............i yield to bugs b
Haiku # 17721, December 3, 2001 2:23 am ET
by ronin@sigh

.....something in the air...
.a whiff of fresh cold whisper: is christmas time

(what magic to make us more
............human again)
Haiku # 17720, December 3, 2001 2:21 am ET
by ronin@

...i'm of mixed blood, the
result of which is perfect...
.......perfectly bloody

..(so who says i cant self-
Haiku # 17719, December 3, 2001 2:16 am ET
by ronin
......yuletide carolers
make me reminisce of old
...and bygone decades

.....that were so full of
child-like expections and
........sweet naivete

(just a coupla tens, unlike...)

Haiku # 17718, December 3, 2001 2:10 am ET
by ronin

home from work early
but on official business
....i now write haiku

....(no such thing as
....homophobic, only
....dementia praecox
........for foggies)
Haiku # 17717, December 3, 2001 1:47 am ET
by ronin@psychisbeyondyoufaeriequeen
I really thought that
homophobia just meant,
hatred of moxie
Haiku # 17716, December 2, 2001 11:05 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
have you pondered it?
'Bad Haiku: (necessary)"
strange yet somehow true
Haiku # 17715, December 2, 2001 10:54 pm ET
by scott in 1.5D of from deep inside the mandlebrot set
Haiku # 17714, December 2, 2001 10:15 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
when one spams here like
I have in the past, it is
selfish, and, stupid

Haiku # 17711, December 2, 2001 10:10 pm ET
by Moxie of repents of selfish stupidity
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