Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 66 Days and 77464 Haiku later...

Yet, I realize
the venom of one so scorned
destroys the calm soul
Haiku # 16067, October 15, 2001 7:24 am ET
by jewel1
Of nature I know
Freedom given, is treasured
A decision hangs
Haiku # 16066, October 15, 2001 7:23 am ET
by jewel1
gray cloud hangs above
arid land's thirst soon be quenched
green grass burst to life
Haiku # 16065, October 15, 2001 6:21 am ET
by chase
butterfly kisses
kiss me with a loving tongue
speak to me in french
Haiku # 16064, October 15, 2001 4:34 am ET
by mellie
The delicate depth
the immunity spreads wide
truth is relative
Haiku # 16063, October 15, 2001 4:12 am ET
by jewel1
The game continues
clearly as words like dagger
strikes at the main vein
Haiku # 16062, October 15, 2001 4:07 am ET
by jewel1
Immersed in wisdom
undaunted spirit shines through
like beacon at night
Haiku # 16061, October 15, 2001 4:01 am ET
by jewel1
my apologies
it worked well in my browser
the winner: janis
Haiku # 16060, October 15, 2001 2:30 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
the interactive
haiku...what's your opinion?
hate ithas promise
Haiku # 16059, October 15, 2001 2:28 am ET
by efgv, take #2

the interactive

haiku...what's your opinion?

hate it

has promise

Haiku # 16058, October 15, 2001 2:22 am ET
by elven feathered goat vermin
elves in quandary
masters of their own genre
and fools to themselves
Haiku # 16057, October 15, 2001 2:05 am ET
by indiana
anthrax is subtle
starvation kills many more
not americans
Haiku # 16056, October 15, 2001 1:28 am ET
by ash
burning bush karma
sheds a light on osama
religious dharma

(or perhaps drama)
Haiku # 16055, October 15, 2001 1:27 am ET
by ash
i think someone needs
a hug...turn that frown upside
down, you big goof ball!
Haiku # 16054, October 15, 2001 1:22 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
ronin, if i ever saw u on the street,
that rotten ignorant grin on your face,
You'd be dead.
Haiku # 16053, October 15, 2001 1:18 am ET
by Jakob the L.

you finish this one:

Haiku # 16052, October 15, 2001 12:28 am ET
by fgv, if it works...

tags signify when counting

up to seventeen?
Haiku # 16051, October 15, 2001 12:27 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
A hUrRicaNe LooMed
a PoeT bLeW it AwAy
SunShiNe mAde itS wAy
Haiku # 16050, October 14, 2001 11:53 pm ET
by goku
tweedle, wheedle hum
what a fine windy weather
for hot air balloons
Haiku # 16049, October 14, 2001 11:19 pm ET
by indiana
the wooden stake pierced
deep into dracula
Haiku # 16048, October 14, 2001 10:41 pm ET
by indiana
Haiku # 16047, October 14, 2001 9:55 pm ET
by The Hurricane of Stand back, there's a Hurricane coming through!
I am so very very very
gay, because I have absolutely no idea
how many syllables go in each line of a haiku.
Haiku # 16046, October 14, 2001 9:48 pm ET
by Moxie
Dude with name that makes
no sense, stop making your text
so damn big and bright

I still don't know if
I can see, because that crap
was so fucking green.
Haiku # 16045, October 14, 2001 9:45 pm ET
by Nacho Master of Owner of the Universe
When you are done with
reading this lovely haiku,
go to my website.
Haiku # 16044, October 14, 2001 9:43 pm ET
by NachoMaster of Owner of the Universe
Haiku # 16043, October 14, 2001 9:41 pm ET
by ftdgfjbgfckhufgugjhfkyhfighedxjkyhgch of gfhdghdkhjrtown
Haiku # 16042, October 14, 2001 9:32 pm ET
by The Hurricane of Stand back, there's a Hurricane coming through!
No matter what there will
always be someone who hates corn chowder
and always rehashes tofu with pork
Haiku # 16041, October 14, 2001 9:31 pm ET
by Moxie
If you meet a girl
whose name is Pickle Master,
she is a lesbo.
Haiku # 16040, October 14, 2001 9:30 pm ET
by Nacho Master of The Universe (I own it)
Anthrax, the band was
the first thing that came to mind
from old lawn sales in Fall
Haiku # 16039, October 14, 2001 9:20 pm ET
by Moxie
It's been a long time
but words do kill, words can kill
esp. the empty ones
that mean nothing because
the words people mean tend to
be ignored
Haiku # 16038, October 14, 2001 9:19 pm ET
by Moxie
remember that band
that went by the name "Anthrax"?
me neither, really...
Haiku # 16037, October 14, 2001 8:48 pm ET
by ready for a spinal tap
Haiku # 16036, October 14, 2001 8:45 pm ET
by pre-emptive strike against typo watchers...that was meant to be "let's" of course
specialists in beer,
tobacco, chocolate, cheese,
the world's finest weed,

and not to mention,
last but not least, tolerance,
the Dutch have it down
Haiku # 16035, October 14, 2001 8:44 pm ET
by ap
new threat to the world
no more powders up the nose
guess it's back to crack
Haiku # 16034, October 14, 2001 8:32 pm ET
by ash
your colors so blue
our lonely eyes turned to you
(let bring back boo, too)
Haiku # 16033, October 14, 2001 4:30 pm ET
by fgv, holding a seance for the dearly departed
betty please come back
your colored haikus dazzle
among haiku trash
Haiku # 16032, October 14, 2001 4:10 pm ET
by ap
and for the record
you accused me of smashing
your japanese nose
Haiku # 16031, October 14, 2001 3:52 pm ET
by trumping the race card
what are you smoking?
i am not responsible
for ash's haiku
Haiku # 16030, October 14, 2001 3:48 pm ET
by i have enough names, don't need to steal the names of others
not a racial slur
baby-talk: "very stinky"
only bad haiku
Haiku # 16029, October 14, 2001 3:43 pm ET
by peace already!
.......same with "oheYO"
.....which is really ohei NA*
......scott tries to be slick

(he plays with two emphatic
..particles, YO and NA to be
......seemingly innocuous)
Haiku # 16028, October 14, 2001 3:43 pm ET
by ronin@*arrogantscott
betty is long gone
vitriol has replaced her
sublime offerings
Haiku # 16027, October 14, 2001 3:42 pm ET
by fgv
..A Literal Translation Once More
............."totemo 'kuchai' "
........totemo KUchi/CHAIro


thus: too many horrid brown holes.

Haiku # 16026, October 14, 2001 3:38 pm ET
by ronin@oncemorearacialslur?
kusai...kuchai is
the cute baby-talk version other teacher

if i understand
the nihongo that's used here
it is quite basic

and quite elitist
when not employed for haiku
but just for chit-chat
Haiku # 16025, October 14, 2001 3:36 pm ET
by goatjin (peace to your japanese nose, ronin-san) it poetry
.you ask, if you "do" my jap
nose? smash your white first

..(scott, u can't hide behind
ash'es name. hanashimasu?
Haiku # 16024, October 14, 2001 2:33 pm ET
by ronin

....but still i'm impressed
i do know it is no mean feat do the tenses

........(oyasumi nasai)
Haiku # 16023, October 14, 2001 10:38 am ET
by ronin@sohowcomeyournamerarelycropsup

....i have been called
a fool girl, arrogant and
....a tasteless urchin

..(ahhh, a nihongo too
...literal and corrupted.
....and no verbs and
........particles too)
Haiku # 16022, October 14, 2001 10:28 am ET
by ronin@andjustwhatis"kuchai"?acorruptionofkuchikochaorchairo
it's already here
biological warfare
my farts are deadly
Haiku # 16021, October 14, 2001 9:13 am ET
by ash
the tree bears its own
the abundance of its fruit
and dry wood for fire
Haiku # 16020, October 14, 2001 8:06 am ET
by indiana
once familiar lines
quickly exposed the queen bee
to the goat
Haiku # 16019, October 14, 2001 7:59 am ET
by indiana
scissors go snip, snip,
hedge cutters go, clip-clip-clip,
dildos just go hmmmmmmm
Haiku # 16018, October 14, 2001 3:34 am ET
by bbbbash
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