Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

life will never be
as it was before, to mate
have you forgotten?
Haiku # 14867, September 26, 2001 11:28 am ET
by indiana
as good as it gets
we are imperfect supermen
we do fall in love

then we can be free
dadaista as living
dada now as art forever
Haiku # 14866, September 26, 2001 11:28 am ET
by Lee
My sign reveals much
mushy, soapy mess I fear
revealing myself

(try Venus, drama, art, sensitiveness)
Haiku # 14865, September 26, 2001 11:28 am ET
by jewel1
We would be different
to each other, face to face
breath to breath, who knows?
Haiku # 14864, September 26, 2001 11:26 am ET
by Lee
the games people play
to make others look as fools
maybe I am too innocent
for here
Haiku # 14863, September 26, 2001 11:25 am ET
by Lee
There! That really stings
Every "lady" believes that?
Vintage midgetry

Haiku # 14862, September 26, 2001 11:24 am ET
by jewel1
I am a Scorpio
we often fight in self defense
unintentionally falling back

and, the complex creatures we are
I shall in guilt take your cup
I am sorry
Haiku # 14861, September 26, 2001 11:23 am ET
by Lee
Why drink from a cup
which was not offered to you?
You only see WAR!
Haiku # 14860, September 26, 2001 11:21 am ET
by jewel1
are you a scorpio, mi' lady?
Haiku # 14859, September 26, 2001 11:20 am ET
by Lee
Where's the irony?
Is honesty ironic?
I am a midget

(but brave enough to admit it)
Haiku # 14858, September 26, 2001 11:19 am ET
by jewel1
if you are speaking
the truth, I will drink
the cup, angel, for you
Haiku # 14857, September 26, 2001 11:19 am ET
by Lee
i want you to be
ok, kiddo...
but I can't see you on the other end
Haiku # 14856, September 26, 2001 11:15 am ET
by Lee
Lee, I took the cup
Which you gave me and I am
just waiting, to end the soap
Haiku # 14855, September 26, 2001 11:13 am ET
by jewel1
I am certainly someone
who gets in a tither
over what goes on here!
Haiku # 14854, September 26, 2001 11:13 am ET
by Lee
proof - res ipsa loquitor!
the ghastly suspect
Haiku # 14853, September 26, 2001 11:11 am ET
by indiana
I am rural
why do people
digress to "street" level here?
Haiku # 14852, September 26, 2001 11:10 am ET
by Lee
it takes time for
the distraught to, digest
ideas from a chaos mind
Haiku # 14851, September 26, 2001 11:06 am ET
by Lee
Haiku # 14850, September 26, 2001 11:06 am ET
by Lee
my soul is weary
my mind confused and flighty
I reach for your hand
Haiku # 14849, September 26, 2001 11:05 am ET
by jewel1toindyre14818

shut the fuck up for a minute
Haiku # 14848, September 26, 2001 11:04 am ET
by ronin
frying pans and pots
of wars and terrorism
wonder what it is?

(whoa! can't write about lizards and
shits and this site is filled with
war, we are at war, the whole world is
at war...booool...s--t!
Haiku # 14847, September 26, 2001 11:03 am ET
by jewel1
tilts head curiously...

what is a midget mind?
is it a metaphor of ironic humility?
Haiku # 14846, September 26, 2001 11:02 am ET
by Lee
the long faces in
social contact dealt with the critic
in zen silence
Haiku # 14845, September 26, 2001 10:58 am ET
by Lee
three more stupid shits
use this room for their e-mail,
publicated crap!
-indiana julie
Haiku # 14844, September 26, 2001 10:56 am ET
by boo
Two sides to every
person, one is the light
the other is the shadow...

in denial, we are "superior" and the other is, "insane"
Haiku # 14843, September 26, 2001 10:56 am ET
by Lee
Haiku # 14842, September 26, 2001 10:54 am ET
by boo
In my midget mind
two people in lee but who
did i talk with last?

(tsk tsk tsk...heavy schitzo stuff,
personality splitting)
Haiku # 14841, September 26, 2001 10:53 am ET
by jewel1

hi-jackers unknown
with stolen identities

wounded knee hap'ning
so deserved? both undeserved!
both what was, what is.
Haiku # 14840, September 26, 2001 10:50 am ET
by artbell
I would be more happy
if you were you, Jewel,
and kept writing to shine light

on my darkness
Haiku # 14839, September 26, 2001 10:50 am ET
by Lee
it used to be live and let die
now it is live and let live
live simply so others may get good natural food
Haiku # 14838, September 26, 2001 10:48 am ET
by Lee
Will you be happy
If there were one less person?
Though it's a midget?

(I'll be glad to buy peace...)
Haiku # 14837, September 26, 2001 10:47 am ET
by jewel1
drama is a distraction
it is backsliding, causing me
to slip, back into

log man status

(logs in reference to the spec guy and the mote guy)
Haiku # 14836, September 26, 2001 10:46 am ET
by Lee
art bell - being a
woosie for bushie! Hear your
hypocrasy, guy!?

by you?!?! What was the attack
on New York but THAT!???!
Haiku # 14835, September 26, 2001 10:46 am ET
by artbell
Either this is fun
or this is not fun
tea, or no tea...

Haiku # 14834, September 26, 2001 10:45 am ET
by Lee
something about
logs in eyes, I saw
that last night and prayed on it

but I could not resist pizza
Haiku # 14833, September 26, 2001 10:44 am ET
by Lee
from ugliness to
beauty, tragedy to hope
from hence butterflies
Haiku # 14832, September 26, 2001 10:43 am ET
by indiana
revenge to revenge-
on and on. You like it all?
what's wrong with revenge?:

it blinds you to the
real source. you blame anyone
before proving truth
Haiku # 14831, September 26, 2001 10:43 am ET
by artbell of www.revenge?
I am honest too
yes, the curse of Sisyphus
has afflicted you

(common, bash me again, is that all
the fight you can give me? Gee, Im hurt)
Haiku # 14830, September 26, 2001 10:42 am ET
by jewel1
my style is Nietzcheian
without direction, cause for
terror, for alarm...

just a reaction, I want to do better as Scorpios do
Haiku # 14829, September 26, 2001 10:42 am ET
by Lee
what would be cool would
be if John Travolta showed up
to a Dennys and...oh he did
Haiku # 14828, September 26, 2001 10:41 am ET
by Lee
secret cells are blind
to who gives them direction
and blame the headless

we accused Laden
before there was any proof,
not looking for proof.
Haiku # 14827, September 26, 2001 10:41 am ET
by artbell
because we would find
that wasn't pearl harbor but
September Surprise!

and when we find out
we did it to ourselves we'll
take it lieing down.
--woosies for bushie
Haiku # 14826, September 26, 2001 10:39 am ET
by artbell
I am a sinner
I did not hit you
I attacked pizza
Haiku # 14825, September 26, 2001 10:38 am ET
by Lee
haikus for midgets
about lizards, shit or what
others get away

(but not I)
Haiku # 14824, September 26, 2001 10:36 am ET
by jewel1
I offer a gift
simple, real and sincere
he bashes my head
Haiku # 14823, September 26, 2001 10:34 am ET
by jewel1
I am too honest
I have a child side all too eager to fight
and a samurai wondering...

Is she allright?
Haiku # 14822, September 26, 2001 10:34 am ET
by Lee
Well, I was often
set in a fighting place, others
came to believe I was a fool

such is the law of power, such is either you are a full fledged nazi butcher or Jesus Christ himself, none between
Haiku # 14821, September 26, 2001 10:33 am ET
by Lee
with terror he chased
the prophet from town, stoned
she ran and he screamed...

"come back, I'm sorry!"

with his hands covered in blood
Haiku # 14820, September 26, 2001 10:31 am ET
by Lee
well, it's often the
mind at war with others is
in the cocoon trying to break free

frightening as that is...
Haiku # 14819, September 26, 2001 10:30 am ET
by Lee
what war shall prevail
if one loses a heartbeat
conquer that within
Haiku # 14818, September 26, 2001 10:20 am ET
by indiana
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