Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

the tribe has spoken
we have survived to write
really bad haiku
Haiku # 10110, May 4, 2001 9:42 am ET
by mellie
Jimmy Olsen says
Super! How did you do that Clark
is it a bird is it............
Haiku # 10109, May 4, 2001 9:36 am ET
by mellie
That Clark Kent always
pitches the tent when Lois
Lane walks by. Stretch pants.
Haiku # 10108, May 4, 2001 8:51 am ET
by impro
riddle me this and
riddle me that, who's afraid
of the big, black bat?
Haiku # 10107, May 4, 2001 8:46 am ET
by impro
Chalk outline of a
murdered verse, posthumus cry
echoes in silence
Haiku # 10106, May 4, 2001 8:44 am ET
by impro
wa' chou goan t'do
when yo' bis-kit rollah gone?
momma need rollin'.

Haiku # 10105, May 4, 2001 7:23 am ET
by ap
ash for god's sake man!!
use a dictionary, please!
and watch the counting!
Haiku # 10104, May 4, 2001 3:16 am ET
by Hmmm ...........
i is da reeeel me !
any paleface imposterer
obbvirusly ain't me................!

Haiku # 10103, May 4, 2001 3:14 am ET
by ash
i is da reel me
any paleface imposterer
obbviously ain't me................!

Haiku # 10102, May 4, 2001 3:13 am ET
by ash
i is da reae me
any paleface imposterer
obbviously ain't me................!
Haiku # 10101, May 4, 2001 3:12 am ET
by ash
he who's loves last, loves
longest. Agape of my
soul, my heart, Mon Dieu!
Haiku # 10100, May 4, 2001 12:26 am ET
by impro
The one whom I love
her name is two long, the one
I'm with is three long
Haiku # 10099, May 4, 2001 12:21 am ET
by impro
could danger await
me in land of sleep? Empty
bed and no rapture
Haiku # 10098, May 4, 2001 12:17 am ET
by impro
I post here again
symphony's epiphany
meant for digestion
Haiku # 10097, May 4, 2001 12:14 am ET
by impro
it's all over now
flying away with the birds
feel whole lot better
Haiku # 10096, May 3, 2001 11:40 pm ET
by mellie
may it continue
blissful days wearing pluggers
rumbles in the hills
Haiku # 10095, May 3, 2001 11:39 pm ET
by mellie
damn its a relief
to post just for the joy of
creating. create.
Haiku # 10094, May 3, 2001 10:55 pm ET
by ap
lying up or in
tomorrow comes the storming
bluster, torrents, wind
Haiku # 10093, May 3, 2001 10:50 pm ET
by ap
wife has a great ass
do i exist for that piece?
shallow bastard, yes!
Haiku # 10092, May 3, 2001 10:45 pm ET
by ap
peaceful existence.
the love of my wife, children.
wife has a great ass.
Haiku # 10091, May 3, 2001 10:41 pm ET
by ap
seasonal haiku
with the planet rotating
the thyme must be ripe
Haiku # 10090, May 3, 2001 10:39 pm ET
by ash
the art of living
might be absence of desire
ask herman hesse
Haiku # 10089, May 3, 2001 10:39 pm ET
by ap
herbs go with chicken.
time to plant thyme. thyme to plant?
No. Don't have the time.

Haiku # 10088, May 3, 2001 10:36 pm ET
by ap
pathetic moxie
a psychosis by proxy
rotting my socks, see?
Haiku # 10087, May 3, 2001 10:33 pm ET
by ash
This site is stupid,
The gayest site in the world,
Smells like old, fried balls.
Haiku # 10086, May 3, 2001 10:32 pm ET
by Bob
tell mellie tell all
i guarantee good results
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 10085, May 3, 2001 10:21 pm ET
by ap
measure by result
this devil thrives in the flame
pick a worthy foe
Haiku # 10084, May 3, 2001 10:16 pm ET
by ap
each day we ignore
all manner of ignorance
as part of the course

as stupidity
abounds, we perservere, yes?
we can do it here.
Haiku # 10083, May 3, 2001 10:13 pm ET
by ap
with so much at stake
there ought to be some flaming
i've got the matches
Haiku # 10082, May 3, 2001 10:12 pm ET
by ash
we can save this form,
preserve our right to enjoy
just ignore the fool.
Haiku # 10081, May 3, 2001 10:08 pm ET
by ap
read 10043
sorry about form
but it's true

I'll never chat again
Haiku # 10080, May 3, 2001 10:03 pm ET
by ap
no problem with ap
it is just that other chap
spruiking endless crap
Haiku # 10079, May 3, 2001 10:02 pm ET
by ash
never ever me
at least consider the post, ash
ignore this churl
Haiku # 10078, May 3, 2001 9:58 pm ET
by ap
apostrophe man
knows it should have been others'
unhand my handle
Haiku # 10077, May 3, 2001 9:56 pm ET
by ash of in reference to #8961
please read
back to 10043.
It's true.
Sorry about form.
Haiku # 10076, May 3, 2001 9:54 pm ET
by ap
Haiku # 10075, May 3, 2001 9:54 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
pallid imposter?
Paranoid motherfucker
said it. n'moi pas.
Haiku # 10074, May 3, 2001 9:53 pm ET
by ap
one spurious post
it's haiku 8-9-6-1
i did't write that
Haiku # 10073, May 3, 2001 9:52 pm ET
by ash
as a rule of thumb
psychopaths ignore the facts
the world is at fault
Haiku # 10072, May 3, 2001 9:49 pm ET
by ash
i am the real me
any pallid imposter
obviously not
Haiku # 10071, May 3, 2001 9:46 pm ET
by ash
Haiku # 10070, May 3, 2001 9:43 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
my turn again! Cunt
to mouth, Cock inside - In Deep
suck to fill on cum!
Haiku # 10069, May 3, 2001 8:34 pm ET
by Miss Eeything
Funny, I'm ha HA
wait... Funny- heeheehee - ah,
moment. Fu- haa* haa*
Haiku # 10068, May 3, 2001 8:33 pm ET
by unknown songster
You must remember
this... ??? youmustrememberthis?
ah, sigh is a... (sigh)
Haiku # 10067, May 3, 2001 8:30 pm ET
by Rick
Aussie immigration form disclaimers.
nawo chutney ferrets llowed!!!!
nawo uphill gardeners llowed!!!
Haiku # 10066, May 3, 2001 7:29 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
like relationships,
those who care the least, seem to
always get their way
Haiku # 10065, May 3, 2001 7:22 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
reminds me of that old
spy book title -Wilderness
of Mirrors-, this site
Haiku # 10064, May 3, 2001 7:17 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
remember people
any one can send in stuff
under ANY name
Haiku # 10063, May 3, 2001 7:13 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
just Henry James kind
of guys, in a Howard Stern
kind of a world
Haiku # 10062, May 3, 2001 7:12 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
For angry Ashlans
I got what I sowed
and here it is
Haiku # 10061, May 3, 2001 6:52 pm ET
by Moxie
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