Xena's XXX
xenophobic xenomorph
x-rayed Xavier.
by Xie Xingfang
Wascawy wabbits
wound witless white warmongers
wearing women's wigs.
by Wil Wheaton
Very vacuous
vaginas vacuumed vacant
via vogue valve vents.
by Vivienne Vavoom
Ugly underwear
undulates under udders
utterly undone.
by Ultimately Usain
Tiny tits torn to
ten tantalizing tidbits
terrorize Tampa.
by Tina Turner
Oh please, just stop. Please!
Go back to bathroom humor . . .
anything else please.
by No More Alphabet Games
Syllable slamming
snotty salamanders shy
Slyly sideways, Sam.
by Sylvester Stallone
Rancid ribbed rubbers
ruined Ruth's ravioli
by Ryan Reynolds
Quietly question
queer queens queefing quirkily
quipping qubits.
by Quintillus
Niggardly nasties
nip nine nifty nipples now
nullify nothing.
by Nad Nostril of Noops Nedited
Pissing putrid puke,
prole puppies pound pink pussy
pomegranate pie.
by Prince Phillip
Oh, ostrich ova
obscure omnivorous orbs'
odd oscillation.
by Ozzy Osbourne
Niggardly nasties
nip nine nifty nipples now
nullify nothingness.
by Nad Nostril
Mister Megabyte
mastubates marsupials
milking mad mothers.
by Moth Man
Your algorithm
or alliteration-bot
Is a great big bore.
by ABCDEF yawwwnnn of Truly Bad Haiku
Lactating lamas
lick lollipops lazily
languishing lastly.
by Lucy Liu
Karen's kangaroo
kicks koalas' kelp kababs'
by Kim Kardashian
All toilets are white.
Hey now, that's being racist!
We need black toilets.
by Crabby-cunt Karen of Multicolored toilet movement for liberated bowel movements
Janet's enema
Was mistaken for haiku
By a white toilet
by Person of Color Purple
Jill joyfully jumped
Jack jamming jubilant jade
jettisoning junk.
by Janet Jackson
Hey! It is OK
To travel across state lines
To kill communists.
by Cross State Lines
That Youtube Karen is HOT !
I think I need to lather...
Or maybe lath her.
by Big Eyed Babe of Car Window
Calm your mother down.
That bitch owes me a haiku.
Written on her skin.
by Ed Gein of Quiet Farmhouse
Gentle autumn breeze.
Silk caresses my ass-cheeks...
Time to recharge phone.
by Sensual Cables of Plugged In (Out)
Vanishing Dog-man.
Turn my phone around, baby.
Rotten verse will live!
by Fermented Dog of Acquired Taste
Rotten seagull dog
Flying over this haiku.
Now prepare to breathe.
by Pulmonary Prophecies of Restoration
Eat my haiku. Yes.
Stuff it down your silly throat.
Then vomit it up.
by Unconditional Love of Your Dead Grandmother
Take your booster shot.
Take it NOW. And then again
Every seven months.
by This Haiku Brought to You by PFIZER of Great Reset My Ass
I love my black race.
My black people will stand strong...
Beacause we are white.
by Afrika, Child of Europe
Ignorant idle
imbeciles ignite insects
into innocence.
by Ivan Illich
A hill to die on:
Dissidents versus sheeple.
Kill me for my views
by I Despise You of Nothing Personal
Christmas lights on porch
Klown world quelled for the moment...
Regroup and prepare.
by Subvert the Collective Neurosis of Our Moment
I need tobacco.
A fine English tobacco.
Kiss my PIPE, haters.
by Nose Inhale of Watch the Smoke Dissipate
Let us meet right here
By the goodness of Janis
Internet hostess.
by Canadians good for Something
Absolutely asinine
And alphabetized!
by At All Angles of Altitude
Horny hobbits have
huevos hanging happily
humping hags' hoses.
by Helen Hunt
The DELTA Variant!
Oh gosh ! The DELTA Variant.
Oh I am so SCARED. Help !!!
by Sign Me Up for Boosters Every 3 Days Mommy of Tony Fauci's Diseased Sociopathic Soul
Gregory gaily
gangbangs grotesque green gremlins
gargling gold grog.
by Gal Gadot
Fabulous faggots
freakily fornicating
fat frogs far from France.
by Fabio
Eat your banana.
It will make you feel better.
Your blood sugar's low.
by Doctor Happy
Elephants eating
eggs erase Eamon's earwigs
evenly ebbing.
by Elvira
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck facebook
by scotch
educated eels
electrically energized
emerge everywhere
by scotch of Damit
don’t do damn donuts
dangerous doofus drivers
dipshit dickhead dolts
by scotch of Not on my lawn!
Dangerous dingos
don't dig dirt diligently
downward, Damien.
by Digong Duterte
Cole's cantankerous
cat can't contemplate Cory's
casserole clutter.
by Charlie Chaplin
Blowing bodacious
boogers banefully backwards
beats buggering bums.
by Beethoven
Allison's aardvark
asks about apples and ass
all around Austin.
by Ansel Adams
Our homes are prisons.
Locked in by Fear and Loathing,
FaceBook and TikTok.
by Get out while you can! of Escape to Fiji.
I know what's to come.
Doom and gloom for everyone.
Like evil Oprah.
by You get a disease and you get a disease and everyone gets a disease! of Or starvation, or prison/concentration camps. Whatever.