M. Night Shyamalan
Declares plot twist for the train
It goes in my ass
by Butt Nerd of Boobs just pretend to be asses on women's chest
That's reality
Truth is something different
I think farts smell good
That is my own reality
But it is not truth to you
You see what I mean?
I hope so because
I have no idea where
This train is going
by Manbingo Ricola
Street kids huffing glue.
They will not live to forty.
But what fun they'll have!
Getting fucked each night.
Often by sev'ral grown men.
Just to buy some food.
Don't give them money.
They'll just buy more Rugby glue.
Give them fruit and bread.
by DF of How's this for truth?
There is no truth here.
Poems contain only lies.
See, I told you so!
by df
That wasn't my sword.
And it wasn't your pride that
got penetrated.
by df
Dark Souls, why do you
Slowly insert your hot sword
Into my pride?
by Arghusto Iron Pride of Mirrah
could you give to me
incomprehensible truth?
you can eat maggots
by Anonymous Poet
Finally some truth,
and a bit of humor here .
D F cracks me up
by Mandingo Ebola
The old man in line.
Purgatory in WalMart.
He sneezed out his teeth.
by df
I did a good thing.
Taught kids to play frog baseball.
Saves lots of money.
Frogs don't cost a thing.
Their parents did not approve.
I guess they are rich.
by Anonymous Poet
We lie to ourselves
and each other all the time
Casting the first stone?
by Jeebus of Nazareth
Why does God tell lies?
Is that any way to be?
I am that I am.
by df
If you can stand pain,
enough manowar poison
can get you quite high.
I will dry some out.
Then I will try to smoke them.
High risk Transcendence.
I'll keep you informed.
In case you want a ticket
to a Higher Plane.
by DF
A beer got revenge.
Well, really it was nine beers.
What a hangover!
by DF of Cheap 3rd world beer.... just say no.
Cats making fish stew
Children play with the frogsbee
Bears plotting revenge
by A Slice of Life
Dead frog in the road.
It lies there flat and rather...
by Darth Figpucker of Frog Fisbee = Frogsbee
There once was a poem that was stupid.
The word stupid rhymes with cupid.
At least it's not a haiku;
For that would smell of poo.
And in my pants I just poop-ed.d
by Anonymous Poet
passing by the gate
wafting smell of haiku stew
like hot stale fish beer
by ComiCat of Jerzey
always smiling face
lustful gaze unrequited
party of one please
by Clint Thomson of Dallas
put on your red shoes
and dance the blues because it
is time to do so
by bye bowie
You know it is true.
The cat in the hat tapped that
Hooker acrobat
by Anonymous Poet
It is one of the best real estate websites that i have ever visited. I know many real estate agents looking for good property websites. I will share this website with them. Thanks for sharing.
graniet tafelblad
by graniet tafelblad of uae
Dreaming lottery
Wasting time on foolishness
That will never be
by Anonymous Poet
Funky monkey cum.
It flies through the zoo cage bars.
And lands in your face.
Reminiscent of
Clarice Starling getting owned
by Multiple Miggs.
You're a monkey's bitch.
But there are worse things to be.
Such as a poet.
by DF
Phuque hoff copycat
Hue Kant eliminate ewe
Drink from mourning due
by Mandingo Ebola
Only bonus is...
leaving the toilet seat up.
missing her essence
by Bromeo Copernicus
Masturbator cum
His foreskin is green wrinkled
Mad pervert horny
by DF
The waiter is dumb
He forgot ice cream sprinkles
Sad dessert for me
by Flip (Wilson) the script
The weather is dumb.
I forecast titty sprinkles.
Small droplets of me.
by DF
My head is not bald.
That's a receding hair line.
Will you shave my balls?
by DF
middle aged man creep
writes terrible poetry
and has a bald head
by Anonymous Poet
weather forecaster
is terrible at her job,
but has a nice rack
by Anonymous Poet
how long will it take
for somebody to read this
and then regret it
by I waste your time
Simply because
there is nothing else
To waste on
by Anonymous Poet
You get just one life.
Why would you choose to waste it
by writing poems?
by Nanny McFuddybum
Give in to your hate.
Let the anger flow through you.
From it you gain strength.
That's if you want strength.
I think it's overrated.
And nearly useless.
What's the point of it?
For ruling over people?
That's so fucking gay.
What a waste of time!
I'd rather run a sewer.
Ruling over poop.
Better you should quit.
Give up your hate and anger.
Go buy a surf board.
Get stoned twice a day.
Go fishing on the weekends.
It's the new Sith code.
Acolytes bring beer!
Apprentice, fetch me my bong!
I will clean the buds.
Mr. Zog's Sex Wax.
A long board and a high tide.
Mai Tais and seafood.
Fucking dumb Jedi.
They don't know what they're missing.
The Sith rule the waves!
by Lord Figpucker of Relaxing under the stars by an ocean in a galaxy far far away.
I fucked a sea worm.
It was better than fleshlight.
But I prefer pigs.
by DF
Rejoice while you can
'Tis the eve of New Years Eve
Then get back to work
by Evil Corporate Monster
Children huffing glue.
This is to ease hunger pains.
The brand is "Rugby".
by DF of Tacloban
Trump is a good name
for a Dr. Seuss rhyme book.
New on Amazon.
Trumpty Dumpty built a high wall. Trumpty Dumpty's wall did nothing at all. Trumpty Dumpty then shat on that wall* showing his dangly bits to all. Trumpty Dumpty showed to all he has small balls that he calls zumps. Upon his zumps are tiny lumps**. Trumpty Dumpty humped the dump he took out his rump then humped the rump of Forrest Gump and it went "thump thump thump" and made Gump jump on a stump. Trumpty Dumpty shot a lumpy clump of hump gunk; he has the mumps. And measles. And likely several strains of ebola. The end.
*Explosive diarrhea from bad Mexican food.
**Likely some exotic form of herpes from Miss America.
by Anonymous Poet
Milkfat overdose.
Poisonous mass of nutmeg.
Headache from bad rum.
by De Eggnoggin of Gnome
Beauty of Stillness
Going Nowhere Adventures
The Joy of Quiet
by deknoggin of home
A sliver of moon
Silhouettes in charcoal gray
Short past long stay
by deknoggin of home
It is time to sleep.
A few shots of rum would help.
Instead I write this.
by Anonymous Poet
Cats are very clean.
Dogs poop all over the place.
The Chinese eat both.
by Darth Figpucker of Planting underwater mines in the South Pacific
Best Christmas poem ever!
Jesus would approve!
by Anonymous Poet
Heavy battle tanks.
Guarding shopping malls and schools.
That will stop ISIS.
High-tech fighter jets
carrying strategic nukes
make us feel secure.
But nothing can stop
my incomplete sentences
nor my enjambment.
(evil laughter fading out with echo effect)
by DF the Supreme Enjambmentist of Palau.
Who's your favorite?
Milkman Dan or Bug-Eyed Earl?
I'll take both of them!
by DF
Remember Underoos?
Now they make them for seniors.
Bullet proof Depends.
by Kinky Crotchless Kevlar