ever see the horror
film, man finds pregnant woman
then one night she's not
he has sex with her
then he's sucked into her then
she's pregnant again...
eats a man up now
don't it? add to the idea
there's male and female
signs in the stars, and
such idealism does say
a lot, to us cocks...
by bhs
gather ye ova
and dash the phallus once more
audience reclines
by Lush
let us face the truth
gender biased axiom
males: superior
by Lush
oh come on now then
aren't we all fung shuied or
what have you man/woah
we are the breaks to
each other on the runaway
highway of life
by bhs
Got to have our fix
Woman to stroke our ego
So simple us men
by William
Give money to banks
They can't manage our Billions
Capital idea
by William
Nothing fucks up your
Friday like realizing
its only Tuesday
by Anonymous Poet
my vertex 2 sleeps
as if spiked by nembutal
fuck you ocz
by ash
Lonely small town girl
Bad boy. Fast car. Alcohol.
Tragedy ensues.
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
a disburbing prose
designed to get tension
might not need answers...
so we leave it here
read, green, blue, and so on,
angry sounds of loss
by bhs
Romantic Christmas Memories
Approximately 50,000 universes explode in my left nostril, the sparkly bursting lights reminding me of dead Christmases past with all the bright green and red pools of bloody wrapping around the memories of grandparents and dinners that are no more and never to be again. The farce-ness of it all, the dead curb-side forests after New Years
by Chicken Fucker of Hell's outhouse
well I just made a
slight investment in cheese
tonight, films that is
tom servo and crow
are going to haunt me for
the next five months now
by bhs
colleague of janis
the rapture of recaptcha
delivers the goods
by ash
Bad Haiku, and welcome to
your new web server.
by Adam
ringing familiar
holy deja vu, batman
badhaiku term search
by Lush
said tolling bell pealed
amid recently deceased
do not ask for whom
by Lush
a monkish Merton
on hearing the tolling Donne
paid some fine homage
by Lush
in freshman english
found no man is an island
John Donne, collected
by Lush
seeing we have choice
i rarely watch tv now
the web is more fun
by ash
I hope this place does
not become c-span book tv
in haiku form now...
by bhs
it's all relative
whilst no man is an island
some are insular
by ash
mmhmm, we all live
in our own little realms of
existence, bubbles
who said no man is
an island. thomas meron
I think, he died from
an electric fan
during a shower and this
way to go, not cool
by bhs
what others may think
defines so very little
for my existence
by ash
tolkien wrote in his
fantasy writing the world
of his creation
was sung into be
a discordant voice, a
dark lord sang his own
in his myth this voice
brought evil into that world
but the song was sung
the song would be sung
again, when the time came to
make it all anew
by bhs
sometimes meaningful
often whistled out of tune
haiku is a song
looking for reasons
predicting inspiration
pointless cogitation
sometimes you get it
other times it's a conundrum
it doesn't matter
by ash
sounds as if zounds a
golem has walked from rabbis
halls, seeking revenge
for working sabbath
a man of clay, only shut down
when God becomes Death
boot to the head
by bhs
sodden cerebrum
besotted with simulacrum
holy frijoles
by Lush
horizons are mine
cantering, feeble t'wards naught
a ghostly gallop
by Lush
on burial grounds
some erect a mirrored hall
poltergeists galore
by Lush
so what do people
here care about, what drives you
all to create this
by bhs
what was the old gen
x stereotype, cobain or
to fade away, to step
back from the limelight
and to settle down, the
fourth turning then?
by bhs
you have families
maybe. people love, die, breathe
believe, disbelieve
transcendence was a
lost art perhaps to those who
forget to transcend
by bhs
still though life goes on
I repeat over the years we don't
know one another for
real, just what we read
here, of each other, I would either
hate or like you as
I deem fit over
time and likewise, or not care
likewise. wish I could
by bhs
passion is better
than delayed suicide, because
so much powdered words
are just dead dust with
no water, no life, just dust mites
posing as writers
by bhs
well I'm glad I care
because I can't be the person
who is too cool for school
by bhs
and I care too much
because I am not wired
to be a "aesthete"
that is whatever
passes here for "great haiku"
is a relic of
Gen X past
by bhs
well to be honest
it's like a fire hydrant
dogs marking the pump
by bhs
marking our surrounds
disdain on the public sheet
internet tissues
by ash
reading your haiku
you compel me to confess
i really don't care
by ash
it is not that bad
it is a point of view that
one feels of the self
at the time
by bhs
is it really that
bad, and who cares, and who cares
who really does care
by bhs
given my real life
sucks I might give in and give up
never having known
a permanent hope
or a place of my own or
I lose words right here
by bhs
where have all the spots
to sit in gone, to write and
lead thoughts on paper
obsolete to think
in such a way, private thoughts
are now a dead thing
by bhs
in the end the end
no more words, just silence, but
nothingness, what is?
by bhs
idealism discounts
in the year of the mobs on
right and left, who flies
by bhs
I am not hanging
from a rope in a room dead
giving into words
thoughts, fears, comments, I
am alive, give or take what
dreams just may come so
by bhs
then again why not
even bother, let those damned
towers of babel
collapse and stand back
and watch the show, all come down
to simpler times then
by bhs
then again if the
whole disaster theme is
right global warming
will wash us all to
kingdom come, and all this
will be wasted time
by bhs
if you adopt a
faith in the process you might
feel less apt to be
self worshiping types
were I your server at a
restaurant, I'd punch you
in those nose and lose my job
by bhs
when chickens rule their
roost, the best thing to do is
to go around them
this is how new schools
of art, thought and so on thus
begin elsewhere, hmm
by bhs