see-saw margery
daw..evil is up and good
down for now...fuck you!
by fuck you very much
there's shells in my eggs
who made this fuckin' omelet
some damn brain surgeon?!
by humpty dumpty
a killer roams free
no one rehabilitates
evil's here to stay
by septic funeral
aaahh.. retirement
sweet mental masturbation
in haiku heaven
by Got any Kleenex
if I am a broken
shell of a man, call me hump
ty dumpty, eggshells
by scorp
the boot smashed in the
face forever, the old scene
of evil in orwell
by scorp
the energy wasted
on the brawling egos makes
me wish surrender
by scorp
trust in your instincts
bash in their brains with boot heels
a bum won't be missed
by septic funeral
shards of you, trauma
reflected, one jagged life
lined with deep vengeance
by Reflections of you
to slay the monster
in the field when the monster
is already bleeding...
by scorp
shallow puddle fills
patter of raindrops can't mask
the sound of small feet
by vince
think it's fun to write
edgy, taboo, provoking
really bad haiku?
in real life we weep
for abuse victims..faces
not soon forgotten
this culture of death
litters our streets with crumpled
lives and suffering
so laugh with the boyz
'till local news comes knockin'
to enfold your grief
by dedicated to Septic Funeral
I will of be back
But under yet another name
I have used many
by Get A Life for now!
Gently I write here
Wishing you all a nice day
And thanks for the fun
by Get A Life
Easy to wind people up
Pages of Rubbish
by Get A Life
endless bickering
some divergent opinions
and nothing changes
by ash
Septic, you're just fueling
the fire, and it's not really help-
ing any of us here.
So, both of you, just
Thank you, and have a
Nice day!
by Cheese of The cake
Scorp, just stop being a
troll, and let everybody else
write in peace. Thank you.
by Cheese of The cake
don't ever give up
the world can't burn in a day
it needs constant fuel
by septic funeral
enough said, I concede
the floor to the better perv
have at em fellow
by scorp
the actual meaning
of life is to live, we saw
and burned fight club...thanks
by scorp
the meaning of life:
small acts of terrorism
performed with a smile
by septic funeral
what the hell can I
say, I'm damned if I do and
I'm damned if I don;'t
so damn it, damn it
destroy all the way to hell
when I'd rather build
up to heaven
by scorp
it sure does vince, it
feels like high noon at midnight
and it doesn't end
by scorp
night falls much to soon
'neath rows of trees shadows grow
longer than tombstones
by vince
for your information
I like women and want to
marry one ok? pow
by scorp of what is your sign
better a sick mofo
than a boring reactionary feminist
too afraid to express
truth, just protest some
thing that offends them and
I am offended and the
beat goes on!
by scorp
so do what you will
shall be the whole of the law
love under will righto?
by scorp
look, the way I see it
I'm sunk anyways, what can I
do, there's no hope
by scorp
is septic funeral
a band I wonder
by Anonymous Poet
I had a convo
with a man who was violent
he stopped and moved on
now he walks away
by scorp
well at least it's not
hammer smashed face by that
cannibal corpse band
by scorp
let's face it, a wild
narrow focus on one thing
tunnel vision drive
by scorp
damn I'd like some of
that tapas, wasn't it henry
miller, food over sex?
by scorp
all right all right geeze
let me throw myself out of
the window here, let
you get back to talking
about tapas or whatever it
is passes for literature
by Anonymous Poet
I don't know you and
you don't know me, and I don't
know if I want to!
by scorp
woman hating? dash
it, I feel like a ram smack
a damn over on
and the noise is in
my head and my head is but
bang thump, fight bang thump
aren't men silly sometimes?
by scorp
I dunno, sex is
not enough without love it's
just, love is the thing
by scorp
the dregs of human
kind judged foul by one hurt too
wishy washy wild
by Anonymous Poet
wow...the angry "audience"
is a pretty good writer too
like to see your haiku
(hint we hate ourselves, we're guys)
by scorp
"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war that this foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion men, groaning for burial."
Shakespeare must have known sick mother fuckers like you two scum sucking, bottom feeders... SCORP..SEPTIC FUNERAL
Hark!! Your punkass, erudite quotes..."black eyes and bruises I do what I want with you" "decapitated hookers, mom must never know" "tell septic I like your shit, smear more of it on here", "hang yourself"..."fuck me till I bleed" nauseum
The Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy of SICK MOTHERFUCKERDOM
And for my rage, don't dare try to associate my anger/hatin' on you two with your women hating, sado-masochistic, self-loathing bad haiku...
Oh how I wish we could really see who you,poor excuses for men, are.
you those repeat sex offenders whose identities are made PUBLIC to keep you under a watchful eye.
Consider yourselves so very lucky you can hide in the bowels of BAD HAIKU
by The Crowd Called Out For More
let's calm down a bit
and focus on what matters
--friends, family, incest
by septic funeral
trust me, right now I'm
seeing stars going "again?"
what came over me
by scorp
word war going on
huddled mass stand by rubbles
going w...t...f...???
by vince
the word virus spreads
the inner struggle to say
how did James Frey get
by scorp of my friend leonard??
we and me could all
use a good lighten up I
am not fat but just
fluffy as one says
fast food she digs special
oh, bill said that one
by scorp
to be honest I'd
love to hear you all read and
shout and go for more
team effort flies on
hail mary, her head in hands
he came to this??? ahh!
by scorp
blushes...yes, it's that
damned internet highway rage
I think that guy is
pretty damn good but
he does put downs too, birds of
a feather you know
by scorp
FUCK THE 5-7-5!!
scurry in the darkness
little SCORP-ion...
Surely we'd all love to hear your fabled, stand-up act in a public forum...where you can read your monstrous pieces under the bright lights....
ALAS, we know it doesn't serve you well to "share" your haiku gems publicly.
It is so much easier to hide in your dark hole and anonymously spew your torrents of torment on Bad Haiku.
Perhaps some day THEY will give you a day pass so you'll be able to attend an open mike reading... and be sure to tell your multiple personality disordered friend, SEPTIC FUNERAL, he can bring his reamed out pieces of shit to read as well.
by The Crowd Called Out for More
Too good to be true
Like that unicorn I saw
Strolling down the street
by MDH! of South Jersey