should I want to try
to connect to this enclave
of slaves to style...
I will hit enter
i don't care no more
(redneck manifesto)
(real book, read it)
by bs
so shall I compile
a list of enemies, nixon
style, shy, removed in
some seculuded place
not knowing how to connect
to shallow liberals?
by bs
what will it say on
your stones, here lies an asshole
who drank the best wine
by bs
that's funny, I think you
people who go drivel are the
self concious guardians
of culture who ought
die first when the next
real World War hits
pompous, inhumane
and unremoved, not
worth human life anymore
by bs
oh shut the fuck up
can't you see the reason I act
like this is the critque?
by bs
so blot out the nights
i'll be inventing new stars
until you give in
by vince of the pursuit
the refresher course
periodically dished out
optimistic ash
by madonna mama
Skipped past half this page
It's self indulgent "BORING"
Except the last two!
by Stop writing drivel of For gods sake get a life
thoughtful reflection
studied classical syntax
surely it's not hard ?
by ash of 2d1b2
again i tell you
that hitting the enter key
doesn't cause haiku
by ash
I laugh for I am
easily set off, proving
the "fool" postulate
by bs of sighs and smiles
do make an ugly taste but it
did well for hitler
till he shot himself
by bs of he should have been an archtect
I don't like passing
hateful judgements, that's not the
real me, I just am...
fearful, paranoid
coming free at last, and to
you a stranger...
by bs
yes I know those who
pass judgement are judged in turn
so what's new, politics
as usual
by bs
where do you idiots
come from, some hallowed empty
spire of obsolete writing?
by bs
hatred consumes for
if it is shallow then you
get what you give back
by bs
I would burn all your
books and heil hitler for hate
replaces real time
debate, hatred is
real, i would hate and be a
true being of dark
then a false and bland
aesthetic bowing to the
urbane bullshit of...
well, people so "charming"
so rich, so removed from the
common experience...
by bs of god damn eggheads
I picture myself
hitting him in the face not
once but again and
again, feeling the
rush of intimidation
the vague sense of bland
evil the school yard
bully felt at trashing the boy
with too many books
by bs
i laugh at the bland
liberal asshole who calls
my words foolish, I
would tell him babble
on, critics abound like birds
of eating garbage
flocking over some
recent kill, all saying the
same thing, squawk, and shit
by bs
each person wanting
desperately to be heard
a crowded bar
by devinj
an english major,
says the man in the pink shirt.
what's a chanticleer?
by devinj
a cup of red wine
overturned on my table
party foul! she says
by devinj
crimson liquid rock
tears apart its silver skin
the trees are burning
by madonna mama
crushed and bittersweet
she sighs as her hair fall down
in blue poles of rain
by madonna mama
dell, dell, what's that smell ?
just your cred that burns in hell
fix it ? time may tell
by ash of afflicted by dells from hell
that's it, I'll be rich
I'm gonna start farming fish
some Sarpa Salpa
by dude.. smells like fish
How can I expect
you to keep to rules unknown?
By revealing them.
by Anonymous Poet
When you understand
A promise broken twice is
twice as bad-you'll know.
by Anonymous Poet
the words are hiding
cannot find them anywhere
somehow that's okay
by nice wave
we fall to vague depths
between all you will not say
and all i can't ask
by vince
I resist the urge
His words are crap and stupid
Who will tell the twit?
by Just write one a month
what, I didn't shave?
the loss of shaving cream the
greatest tragedy
by bs
stages of life pass
by the wayside what seemed big
is not years later
by bs
I just heard thr word...
whis-key, you know I'm now to
dream of glenlivet...
ah, that's not a bad dream...
by bs
closer in meaning
to all the remains throughout
our feet on the ground
by beach sand feels nice..xoxo
what to eat for lunch?
most anything will suffice
as long as it's fried
by plasticinsect
nice little boobies
all you boys go spank yourselves
you like little boobs
by what
okay i 'm sorry
I gotta go do work now
great big sigh..ho hum
by i just want attention
mom forgot to tell
you have a bastard brother
and yeah ..he has tits
by embrace the idea
hot wax down her back
oooh and ouch.. whats really cool
her sexy pole work
by Jess.. wow girl check yu out high five
cmon cmon man
put up your dukes and fight like
your momma taught you
by oh bitch please just give me a hug
fire thrown all about
leaving behind burning trails
just my kind to hike
by sun spots
i've cried all morning
the rejection of this life
my heart black and blue
by dead pussy
name the time and place
we'll see what aligns about
i prefer high noon
by underwear spurs...
odor permeates
a crowded elevator
don't look at me, man
by plasticinsect
trespass forgotten
river of cask strength whiskey
not yet forgiven
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
the flow of words comes
out and the throwing of arms
in sighs of protest
and I leave for a
bit, come back, see the euro
spiced talk about spain
what about the low
culture, the middlebrow what's
so "low" about it
(sorry, the law died
with Jesus on the Cross)
by bs
it's still what it is
I really feel critics don't
think when they speak much
by bs
Friends new, old, worldwide!
Facebooks taking on new life
Soon to circle Earth
by William Nippress of Facebook
with addictive potential
the "off-my-facebook"
by ash