it's allright okay
take what's real and leave the pain
as long as you can
by lost sighted ships
owing nothing to
the well of biting dust days
buckets come up clean
by make a wish
When read in isolation
It does not make sense
It was for an idiot
Who was there, then gone
He may come back soon
But he will go just as quick
Waste of time really
by William Nippress
reminder's of fun
some things to be put aside
priorities first
by ah shit :(
quite innovative
back to jimmie's days
by Austrian of enuff is enuff
carlos reygadas
i want to see your movie
mexican love scene
by Austrian film enthusiast of Outback
portugese oxbow
deep red neurotoxic fluid
move like a blue fish
by Austrian Port consumer
le hip hop francais
dear heinz reich of fm4
not always peaceful
by Austrian fan of zik/xxl of Better Informed than radio guy, hehe
I have found the way
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Delicious heaven
by geekengineer of stupid Virginia
mountains and molehills
very different in nature
the are not the same
by let it be what it is
Little pools of piss
Collects in stagnant puddles
It stinks a little
All lower life forms
Piss where they sleep, they like it
They feel like its home
You just pinch your nose
For any bad smell, that
by William Nippress
methods of still life
desire sweet fetching blows
make paintings wild
by sails of a path
blue fish Is living
in the hoof print of an ox
seeing nothing more
by Mino Mino Mino of Canada
Constantly changing
The world and my place in it
Where will I be next?
by Dancing Fool
to focus on the
right things, to feel the new life
to leave old dead skiens...
by Mox
somehow in the end
when it comes to pasta it
makes life worth living
by Mox
empty empathy
sympathy apathy, void
I feel like hash browns
by Mox
paris exposion
reign's inevitable fall
female decadence
by Austrian Amateur of Mythology
I wish I looked like
that Vicky's Secret hottie
don't say... you wish too
by or i will punch you
finding out true first
the reals when real is really
rather than after
by dark before the dawn
why does a wet dog
linger of this 80's scent
of getting a perm??
by peee yuuu
my favorite season
would be autumn...colors
please this cat like red crab
by ComiCat of Jerzey
there are many strange
changes but leaves turn red
snow falls, spring comes back
by Mox
evil depression
let us think positively
live long and prosper
by Depressed Austrian of Depressing Haiku
by William Nippress
are you referring
to little miss sunshine folk?
am i right or wrong?
by Austrian of closed question
her first time ever
stage lights and all those people
wearing her tutu
go on..go fishing
you made your own decision
you selfish bastard
keep saying your words
guys just don't do that dance shit
this one really hurts
I'll eat this mistake
she wont even know you're gone
she'll be beautiful
but I pray you grow
'cause she and he will catch on
and I pray for me
by just so angry..therapy sorry
can't erase my shapes
where they are ever after
at home or away
by powder puff
i've been off the air
the surf has been too sucky
i had gone to ground
by ash
demonstrate, replicate
set the tone, sit back and wait
can't resist kosheen
by Austrian of offshore
wolken gleich wir ziehn
wohin sanfter wind uns tr
by Austrian of bordellless
nipple pressing folks and your
nipples shall be squeezed
by Austrian Ritter of Neighbourless Area
picking up branches
cut down from the old apple
tree, to mow the lawn
by Mox
whoop, yell, howl and scream
nice long walks through fields and streams
wide open spaces
by are very nice
wide open spaces may
make good neighbors when if 500
miles from such folks
by Mox
I'm not sure what to
set down in words, pasting on
by Mox
fertile himmelbeet
big fat stinking kakarottes
where have they all gone
by Austrian of course
murderous sea waves
cheap haiku self therapy
go below surface?
by Austrian Existenzanalyst of Austrian submarine shop
William Nippress
There's lots you don't know about
Might really shock you
by guess of everywhere
Hey, Oesterreicher!
Wo wohnst Du denn..
In Himmel? In Bett?
by DP Fab of ich kann auch Deutsch
great big filthy mess
streets, hearts, air... spilling over
mother nature sighs
by cleanyourworldanddontcomeoutuntilitsdone
Now I want to sleep,
In dreams I play happily,
Nightmares are away.
by It fits in two Languages
Hey where are you Ash?
So long since you submitted
You OK? Your missed
by William Nippress
Dee Plee Fab
Creative instinct
Will find a way to exist
Why in public, here?
Perhaps we need it
What better test could we have?
Than by fellow man
Brutal prejudice
Some honest and some helpful
Always a challenge
by Dancing Fool up from my knees
seeing up on toes
stretched almost apart to feel
away from below
by positive on a negative
his love is poison
his fighting never ending
his chains never break
by just kill me already
whispy flow of hopes
drapes swing sounds of open air
come in and welcome
by free songs inside
I'm not offended,
merely trying out new codes
for living as me
by Dee Plee Fab of respectful genuflection
in the midnight hour
thomas tallis motets playing
ancient wall of sound
pierces soul and mind
melifluously singing,
peace of mind and heart
journalling process
no internal editor
heartspeak on the page
re-reading last year,
my journal when i moved out
inspiring me now
my mind runs so fast
back brain drive always thinking,
front connects with world
back drive processes
constantly checking life out,
response and sensing
i am struck by this
need to write it on this site,
public not journal?
perhaps i whisper
and test out my real voice here
anger is from where?
yet not anger, what is it?
Rage against machine?
why so many rules?
old patterns try to impose...
No more do they fit
i cannot respond
like i used to, broken free
and being just me
with thomas tallis
and his voices, long since dead,
soothingly healing
what is openness?
do any of you guys know?
and does it matter?
good grief, it's too much...
'Time for Bed' said Zebedee.
I go, seeking sleep
Sweet oblivion
my pillow is my lover
I snuggle closer
Auf Wiedersehen
Und Gute Nacht, Himmelbett,
Four poster dreamer
Ich will jetzt schlafen,
In Traeumen spielen froehlich,
Alptraeume sind weg.
by Dee Plee Fab of between the deil and the deep blue sea