Here's an idea
Why not make another site
Just about nothing
by NO_One of Toronto, Canada
This is just to see
If Janis actually
Ever reads these things.
by Adam of Tranna, Canada
my colon is full
I wanna empty it but . . it stinks when i do
by SHINKuU 1
my colon is full
I wanna empty it but . . it stinks when i do
by SHINKuU 1
I'm anorexic,
makes my afro look bigger
my pants are falling.
by SHINKuU 1
I'M SLEEPYbed calls to me
leave me alone bed
you just want my time
I want to play games
Tekken 2 is in John's room
he's down stairs, wAKE UP!
but, why is he mad?
why is he yelling, stop punk.
by ShINKuU 1 of DetrO, the land of milks and honeys
hell damn and bastard
can be spoken and no boobs
this here is PG
by ShINKuU 1 of DetrO, the lnd of milks and honeys
sitting on a girl
stupid thing, sit on me, girl
this is not stupid
by ShINKuU 1 of DetrO, the lnd of milks and honeys
John is mean to me
I prefer when he's not.Why's
he gotta be like that?
by Lo-low
have to blow dry hair
frown on it drying stupid
stupid, stupid hair.
by Lo-low
head slammed into wall
Shinkuu will not let me smoke
value my lips though...
by Lo-low
my roommate should wash
brushes his teeth, but no toothpaste
showers twice a week
by Shinkuu 1
love is big pussy?
directions on pixie stick
garuntee some sweet
by Shinkuu 1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
by Togran_1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
by Togran_1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
by Togran_1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
by Togran_1
Please give me chicken
Please give me oil
by Shiloh of Toronto, Canada
suck suck suck suck spit
suck suck suck suck suck suck spit
suck suck suck suck spit
by butthead of Jamesown, us
Three strikes and you're out.
Just three?! But I want four strikes
Sorry, pal. No such luck.
by Sean of London, UK
Tell you what I want
What I really, really want
No more Spice Girls' stuff
by Sean of London, UK
IT's Rap Haiku, It iS,
Words wiTh fuNk thAt, sKip and juMp,
That's rAp haiKu, iT is
by Cousin Al of North Vancouver, Canada
8- stanza spamphlet
What is this strange word?
Etiology stings me
by Kerry Patton of Missoula, usa
the cat sprayed the couch...
and the dog needs neutering...
another fine day
by don of olympia, usa
haiku; an art form
short, concise, a complete thought
in seventeen syl...........
by don of olympia, usa
Jesus spake "Let he
without sin cast the first stone.
Ow!!! Now stop that Mom !!!"
by don of olympia, usa
in out in out in
out in out in out in out
in out in out done
by don of olympia, usa
Pity the poor French
going nowhere since they cut
all the smart heads off
by don of olympia, usa
"Wait! I changed my mind!
I don't want to die for you."
Thusly spake Jesus.
by don of olympia, usa
Stucky the pig had
Happy fun life before shipped
To meat packing plant
by Serjei Rachnid of I, CORN
What is all this shit?
I'm dying on a wood pole
For you? Selfish slut!
by Serjei Rachnid of I, CORN
Ray, Stan, Gary, Mike
Clipper, Peehole, Clyde, Irving.
Males I have killed.
by Serjei Rachnid of I, CORN
I am mister tough.
Witness my toughness. I sure
Be tough. Bow or die.
by Serjei Rachnid of I, CORN
Beef is real food
Beef is for real people
Beef is your best friend
by Serjei Rachnid of Duh, Boing
Sparks when rip off head!
Violence is fun, Taz says.
What can it be, hmm?
by Serjei Rachnid of Duh, Boing
Roommate likes anus
Rats under fridge flip jolly
Dude give 'nother tab
by Serjei of Duh, Boing
Dude dude dude dude dude
Dude dude dude dude dude dude dude
Dude dude dude hella
by Serjei Rachnid of Duh, Boing
Trouble in badlands
I evil! Go kill! Unga
Splat landscape. Hungry?
by Serjei of Duh, Boing
Trouble in badlands I evil! Go kill! Unga Splat landscape. Hungry?
by Serjei of Duh, Boing
Bitch gave me an itch
Bought a motherfucking gun
Bitch is gonna die
by Nathan Rapp
I got me a whore
Threw her up against the door
Pimpin' ain't easy
by Nathan Rapp
Got a gun in hand
Motherfucking killing spree
Dare to come by me
by Nathan Rapp of Norman,
This R2 has a
bad motivator unit.
I want my sun deck!
by G
make sure that you leave
those br tags after each
line of your Haiku
by pretty polly
the pond is rippled
by the splash of his landing:
a naked fat guy.
by pretty polly
that dave guy is not
writing haiku. luckily
i have a pistol.
by pretty polly
wonderful pig
beckoning sweetly in the sun
rooting anyone?
by Matilda of USA
Letter to The President
Nuclear disaster master baiter, hater of all things with wings like birds and turds.
HEY!Turds don't fly!
They do when they hit the fan man, so don't reach for the button or I'll be cuttin' off your finger; I'd like to
by dave of Hell, Who cares?
They print anything.
Even the crap that I write.
How stupid are they?
by dave of hell, Joe Mama
The frog will not splish
Til the Holy Toad of Death
thinks it's time to croak.
by Michael Sheinbaum of King of Prussia, USA