Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 59 Days and 77457 Haiku later...

day trading cowboy
rides the bucking bull market
alamo pending
Haiku # 3058, February 13, 2000 2:52 pm ET
by ash
Where are you, I miss
you, Hollywood Bonfire
I jack off wildly
Haiku # 3057, February 13, 2000 10:12 am ET
by code red
This site has gone straight
to hell in a handbasket
hot sex with a corpse
Haiku # 3056, February 13, 2000 10:10 am ET
by code bleu
A fat ass man
who walks as fast as he can
He had to take a shit!!
HA! Ha!
Haiku # 3054, February 13, 2000 8:40 am ET
by Nikki
don''t hassle basho
his crap makes your shit sparkle
and that takes talent
Haiku # 3053, February 12, 2000 6:10 pm ET
by basho-bugovsky
basho you screwed up
hole starts with an h, dipstick
not a w
Haiku # 3052, February 12, 2000 6:02 pm ET
by chopstick of oneness
crystal clear morning
pissed a huge whole in the snow
i''m feelin groovy
Haiku # 3051, February 12, 2000 5:54 pm ET
by Basho-fukupalot
basho is my name
and bad haiku is my game
tis my claim to shame
Haiku # 3050, February 12, 2000 5:45 pm ET
by basho-tsunami
tumbleweed mama
flippin fritters like a pro
rotgut drags us down
Haiku # 3049, February 11, 2000 6:56 pm ET
by basho-saurus
cold coffee ring sticks
Whitesnake on the radio
taste is perilous
Haiku # 3048, February 11, 2000 1:32 pm ET
by Janesse of Toronto, Canada
burning hot sunshine
sparkling estuarine vista
freezing cold water
Haiku # 3047, February 11, 2000 2:43 am ET
by ash
once upon a time
happily ever after
was a fairy tale
Haiku # 3046, February 11, 2000 2:41 am ET
by ash
I have a bad cold
A sneeze projects from my mouth
Boogers on the screen
Haiku # 3045, February 10, 2000 10:16 am ET
by SunGod of USA
some yestersomething
i had much more energy
and i could focus
Haiku # 3044, February 9, 2000 8:30 pm ET
by ash
yo informatics
though i don''t understand u
your message is strong
Haiku # 3043, February 9, 2000 8:29 pm ET
by ash
softly falls the rain
alas it is acid rain
Spot goes belly up
Haiku # 3042, February 9, 2000 5:05 pm ET
by Basho-poseur
play it again Sam
love is a many splendoured......
hey shake that groove thing
Haiku # 3041, February 9, 2000 4:56 pm ET
by Basho-lobotomus
does it substitute
for emo-nutrition if
I do the love cuss?
Haiku # 3040, February 8, 2000 4:33 pm ET
by Crank Queen
compassion salt lick!
It lies! speaks! laughes! & kisses!
fuck you Joe Valle
Haiku # 3039, February 8, 2000 4:11 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Hairy skank bitch ho''
She said she loved me then left
To pursue gayness
Haiku # 3038, February 8, 2000 2:56 pm ET
by Richard Simmons of Lickin' Balls in Idaho Falls, USA
if I don''t clean up
I''ll piss sideways next morning
but i''ll sleep better
Haiku # 3037, February 7, 2000 7:25 pm ET
by Thunder Stork
Frost crisp on the grass
Sun Peaks b/w the mountains
Melting it by noon.
Haiku # 3036, February 6, 2000 4:00 pm ET
by Heather of Aurora, USA
first there is a mor-
on then there is no moron
then there is first there
Haiku # 3035, February 6, 2000 10:28 am ET
by Banzai-Bob of Toyotaville
Grammy frowns at a
nurse who tells her she is too
sick to leave her bed.
Haiku # 3034, February 6, 2000 12:11 am ET
by Kimberly Sowell
I want to feel yourhands shuddering as you pressgently against me.
Haiku # 3033, February 6, 2000 12:00 am ET
by Kat Krotch
Lezzer: noun, Lez-zah
women in comfortable shoes
maybe dungarees
Haiku # 3032, February 5, 2000 5:17 pm ET
by Floatation Device
forget bill bradley
cast your vote for keith richards
he''s got a jump shot
Haiku # 3031, February 5, 2000 4:24 pm ET
by basho-redundo of Chechnya--007
forget bill bradley
cast your vote for keith richards
he''s got a jump shot
Haiku # 3030, February 5, 2000 4:24 pm ET
by basho-redundo of Chechnya--007
toot a line for Bush
drop a bomb for Sen. McCain
vote for bill bradley
Haiku # 3029, February 5, 2000 4:15 pm ET
by basho-yomama of Yokohama
where are all the bards
where are all the sweet strippers
only traffic cops
Haiku # 3028, February 5, 2000 4:08 pm ET
by bash-oso-whatsus
this program has per-
formed an illegal oper-
ation and will be............
Haiku # 3027, February 5, 2000 3:58 pm ET
by Basho-nassis
once upon a time
the ghost of lectricity
burned norwegian wood
Haiku # 3026, February 5, 2000 3:50 pm ET
by Basho-potomus
to be or not to
be that is the question wheth-
er it is nobler----
Haiku # 3025, February 4, 2000 4:55 pm ET
by Basho-banzai
she let me drink her
her thighs trembling on my face
Like honey and wine
Haiku # 3024, February 4, 2000 11:01 am ET
by Thick Feet
That dog bit me hard
It really hurt alot and
Blood poured out of it
Haiku # 3023, February 4, 2000 9:37 am ET
by Another Guy
I like cheese alot
It tastes very very good
I be the baddest
Haiku # 3022, February 4, 2000 9:32 am ET
by The Guy
to be young once more
oh what i would not do for
glandular madness
Haiku # 3021, February 3, 2000 6:00 pm ET
by basho-constipatus
desperate fiberoptic
binary blow job
Haiku # 3020, February 3, 2000 5:50 pm ET
by Basho-le pew
get a life she said
been there and done that said he
so try death she said
Haiku # 3019, February 3, 2000 5:37 pm ET
by Basho-defungo
dismembered corpses
in my room. i collected
them from the city.
Haiku # 3018, February 3, 2000 5:28 pm ET
by bohica
I am scared of the
thick warm deep dark humid jungle
of my boyfriend''s ass
Haiku # 3017, February 3, 2000 3:56 pm ET
by monkeyfritter
Sharp teeth excite me.
Wet lips caress my throat and
teach me how to bleed.

Sharp teeth and deep throat,
Wet tongue and snaggletoothed bitch
Teach my cock to fear.
Haiku # 3016, February 3, 2000 3:53 pm ET
by monkeyfritter
Woman who fly upside down have hairy crack-up{;
Haiku # 3015, February 3, 2000 2:36 pm ET
by Big Bratt of anchorage,
Woman who fly upside down have hairy crack-up{;
Haiku # 3014, February 3, 2000 2:33 pm ET
by Big Bratt of anchorage,
I am in full bloom
as your scent wafts up to me
Ahhh! The smell....Tuna!
Haiku # 3013, February 3, 2000 11:44 am ET
by Thick Feet
Chocolate honey
Sucking, swirling, tasting you
But your mouth says, "No."
Haiku # 3012, February 3, 2000 11:00 am ET
by Thick Feet
Sexy black Buddhist
I dig her soooo fucking much
"Whatever," she says
Haiku # 3011, February 3, 2000 10:28 am ET
by ThickFeet
How cool is that
Haiku # 3010, February 3, 2000 10:15 am ET
by Chikin
I can almost feel
your awkward fingers against
my erect nipples.
Haiku # 3009, February 2, 2000 7:39 pm ET
by Kimberly Sowell
Sharp teeth excite me.
Wet lips caress my throat and
teach me how to bleed.
Haiku # 3008, February 2, 2000 7:31 pm ET
by Kimberly Sowell
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