With encouragement
Could go on for lots of years
Best you ignore me
by William Nippress
Gee thanks lots you guys
by William Nippress
Over-worked monkeys
Rebel against their master
Well, it could happen
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
endless blathering
feels like choking on plastic
bomb Nippress instead
by thunder stork
bush presents us with
brand new reality show
Petrol Survivor
by thunder stork
Travel?...That'll be myself, two
sons, many camels..."
by onjaysun (and can we make this happen in two days or so)
ash, stop being a critic
and let the poor man find out
for himself
by Mox
happy purim...
don't panic
by Mox
president george bush
it's the end of the known world
in a new abyss
by ash
you should get a job
ninety minutes of haiku
don't try a poet
by ash
hit the off button
but it just keeps on going
shut the fuck up, will
by ash
Doubt drifting high priest
Mountaintop proudly roaring
by William Nippress
Bolt hard wintertime
by William Nippress
Resonates blindly
Mesmerizing music drums
Loud Jazz drags you in
by William Nippress
Eternal spring shoots
Crazily onions thrusting
Sprouting thin green leaves
by William Nippress
Hollywood film sets
Sneezing cherry crushed redheads
Screen virgins, Oh sure
by William Nippress
Sad, sad, countenance
Frowns prowl, looking for a face
Just laugh to keep off
by William Nippress
Christ, that doubting angst
Adolescent reflections
Now, don
by William Nippress
Ardent plums dwindle
His testicles have just shrunk
Sad abstaination
by William Nippress
Politicians dance
He somersaults hopelessly
One more resigns
by William Nippress
Oil be seeing you
But not familiar places
In the old Baghdad
by William Nippress
Grotesque dark formless
Bushes thoughts of punishment
This is for my dad
by William Nippress
Puerile deception
Passion crashes, he
by William Nippress
Bush and Blair go talk
Dead civilians families
They will understand
by William Nippress
Yearning to be free
Freedom is what we
by William Nippress
Clean corruption rains
Enrons bankers hide millions
You and me who pay
by William Nippress
Fisherman shaking
Faintly distressed breathless
One that got away
by William Nippress
Hiding Blair in Bush
Peeps, just to check, am I right
No, find other way
by William Nippress
High pomposity
Pious Pontification
A justified war?
by William Nippress
If you don't... we do
And we're gonna bomb you
To Hell regardless
by A Student of The Great, Good Ol' U S of A (and Tony Blair)
if it's war you want
we'll give it to you in spades
but then, if you don't........
by ash
since my girl left town
jerking off like a banshee
if that's possible
by thunder stork
Save America
Kill the arabs who you know
They don't deserve life
by A Student of That policy will get Bush re-elected
He who thinks he's right
When his logic shows he's wrong
Is evil indeed
by A Student of Let's kill lots of arabs needlessly
Double standards persist
Such perfect people complain
Before they do sin
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
Born in to the world
Screaming and protesting
Please put me back in.
by sexually frustrated
Screams from the pulpit
Not worth the price
Of a single baby's tear.
by sexually frustrated
It's impossible
The ocean can't be emptied
By this eyedropper.
by sexually frustrated
Look at what you have wrought
Artificial bliss.
by sexually frustrated
As the drink goes down
The world attains new meaning
For a shortwhile.
by sexually frustrated
Dear friend, let it bleed
If bleed it must, so be it
Life does not go on.
by sexually frustrated
How is it this pillow
So light, so fluffy and white
Could stifle her cries?
by sexually frustrated
Fire up the bowl
Let the buddha marinate
In expanded lungs.
by sexually frustrated
Employed no longer
A gross injustice no doubt
They shall feel my wrath.
by sexually frustrated
All if it, a waste
Bless me Lord for I shall sin
Ten pill eucharist.
by sexually frustrated
Seal all the doors
Let the engine purr me to sleep
Goodbye dear children.
by sexually frustrated
Tears at her bedside
Nice life but it's time to go
Don't resuscitate.
by sexually frustrated
I looked to New hampshire
home of the real AP and said
"damn!!! I wish we had no taxes over here"
he probably answers..."fuck off moxie"
by Mox
yo nipress...good to see you, more prolific and better than i...
by Mox
submit the razor blade
as we stand on the brink of war
it cuts the protesters and the soldiers
who knows about this blood war
but does the ground flow with oil
or certain freedoms or just power?
by Mox