Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 62 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

Ostriches, oysters
and steaks oh my! MUST GET JEANS
Damn you Pants of Chance
Haiku # 23682, December 3, 2002 4:52 pm ET
by onjaysun
i wish all these chicks
would stop riding on my jock
it's embarrassing
Haiku # 23681, December 3, 2002 2:32 pm ET
by Unrepentant Failure of the Hinterlands
' ... couldn't wait for you ... '
sounds like a strange reason to
marry someone else
Haiku # 23680, December 3, 2002 2:30 pm ET
by Unrepentant Failure of The Hinterlands
Uhnnfff ... intestines knot
Potato salad went bad
I really must poop
Haiku # 23679, December 3, 2002 2:18 pm ET
by Unrepentant Failure of the Hinterlands
There is so much work
The workers are so lazy
The checkbook's open
Haiku # 23678, December 3, 2002 3:08 am ET
by R. of PT
But when they get it
Then I can discuss with them
If they really care
Haiku # 23677, December 3, 2002 3:00 am ET
by R. of PT
First it must be clear -
If they want to convince me
forget about it
Haiku # 23676, December 3, 2002 2:58 am ET
by R. of PT
yeah, I wuv Chwismusss
yup, I rewwy rewwy do
Mewwy Chwismusss All
Haiku # 23675, December 2, 2002 8:47 pm ET
by Elmer Fudd
Thanksgiving is code
for ritual sacrifice
Christmas is coming
Haiku # 23674, December 2, 2002 4:22 pm ET
by titus wong
I haven't the time
or the will or the conscience
to make my mark here
Haiku # 23673, December 2, 2002 4:00 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
what did you think of
our fair city? did you go
anywhere while here?
Haiku # 23672, December 2, 2002 3:43 pm ET
by k
beautiful weather
is a pretty relative
concept, don't you think?
Haiku # 23671, December 2, 2002 3:42 pm ET
by k_who_prefers_fog_and_cloudy_weather of SF
Weekend in SF
A really beautiful place
Weather was nice too
Haiku # 23670, December 2, 2002 3:33 pm ET
by Janis of Toronto
R, you were put here
to serve a higher purpose:
write more Spam haiku.
Haiku # 23669, December 2, 2002 1:42 pm ET
by God (I can't get enough of that Spam haiku)
I nearly forgot
all about the Earth, you know -billions of planets...

Haiku # 23668, December 2, 2002 1:30 pm ET
by God
One thing I would change:
Pi is just way, way too long.
Next time it's just three.
Haiku # 23667, December 2, 2002 1:27 pm ET
by God
Thank you so much, R!
So this Creation of Mine -
you think it's okay?
Haiku # 23666, December 2, 2002 1:22 pm ET
by God
but she said she loved she xeroxed her butt
at Christmas party
Haiku # 23665, December 2, 2002 12:16 pm ET
by onjaysun (as for you Boss Guy..)
k, the only x
cia agent, is a
dead cia agent
Haiku # 23664, December 2, 2002 12:13 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
With a pure purpose,
truly counting on His help
It just cannot fail
Haiku # 23663, December 2, 2002 2:44 am ET
by R. of PT
J'etais agite' -
et grace a Ta bienveillance
je me suis calme'
Haiku # 23662, December 2, 2002 2:43 am ET
by R. of PT
K, I too saw 8
mile today, what did you
think of the movie?
Haiku # 23661, December 1, 2002 9:47 pm ET
by some internet chick
Oh shit it seems
I'm new to this dreadful place
I must aquire friends
Haiku # 23660, December 1, 2002 6:44 pm ET
by Tractor In Balls of Mt.Nebo ,WV
I wish you wouldn't
speaking in tongues is better
now that's my language
Haiku # 23659, December 1, 2002 11:03 am ET
by mellie
Four languages now -
Could post in a few more too
but maybe I won't
Haiku # 23658, December 1, 2002 10:29 am ET
by R. of PT
Per un nonnulla
mi sono agitato -
mi Hai salvato !
Haiku # 23657, December 1, 2002 10:26 am ET
by R. of PT
Piena bufera
Stomaco in subbuglio -
Pronto Soccorso
Haiku # 23656, December 1, 2002 10:24 am ET
by R. of PT
What we want to see
is eight lights, but much before
next Saturday night
Haiku # 23655, December 1, 2002 10:09 am ET
by R. of PT
Ce soir trois bougies -
Demain elles seront soit quatre
soit (je l'espere) huit !
Haiku # 23654, December 1, 2002 10:05 am ET
by R. of PT
making Christmas gifts...
bookbinding is pretty cool;
journals for haikus
Haiku # 23653, December 1, 2002 6:34 am ET
by k
going to see 8
Mile tomorrow morning
and three other films....
Haiku # 23652, December 1, 2002 6:31 am ET
by k of buy one ticket see four films.....
the world is a mirror
so that the sea is
empty shell of air
Haiku # 23651, December 1, 2002 6:21 am ET
by k
had dinner with an
ex-CIA agent. Of
course I wasn't warned.....
Haiku # 23650, December 1, 2002 6:19 am ET
by k of details...details...
insomnia and
art seem to work well into
3:00 am or so
Haiku # 23649, December 1, 2002 6:17 am ET
by k
Mitzrim, ashurim,
bavliim, veyevanim -
R'u kama nissim
Haiku # 23648, December 1, 2002 6:07 am ET
by R. of PT
Noi accendiamo
per i tuoi miracoli
queste candele
Haiku # 23647, December 1, 2002 5:55 am ET
by R. of PT
When darkness is deep
and getting completely black -
Then make the lights SHINE
Haiku # 23646, December 1, 2002 5:05 am ET
by R. of PT
One light, now two lights,
we're very close to eight lights -
All are miracles
Haiku # 23645, December 1, 2002 5:00 am ET
by R. of PT
The don't have one chance
in the world to convince me -
So why do they try ?
Haiku # 23644, December 1, 2002 4:57 am ET
by R. of PT
What if they don't know
what is good and what is bad ?
I won't change for that
Haiku # 23643, December 1, 2002 4:55 am ET
by R. of PT
What's the difference
between good taste and bad taste ?
Learn first what "good" means
Haiku # 23642, December 1, 2002 4:51 am ET
by R. of PT
Pour bien s'habiller
il faudrait quand-meme savoir
ce que "bien" veut dire
Haiku # 23641, December 1, 2002 4:48 am ET
by R. of PT
Dressing modestly
is not just a requirement -
It makes the soul shine
Haiku # 23640, December 1, 2002 4:44 am ET
by R. of PT
how nice ash! for an
encore why not fuck yourself
while we all watch you?
Haiku # 23639, November 30, 2002 5:46 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 23638, November 30, 2002 3:22 pm ET
by ash
irony is dead
i guess the reports are true
first god, and now this...
Haiku # 23637, November 30, 2002 1:13 pm ET
by scotch
oh yeah...scott (or scotch)
he may be all those mentioned
wouldn't surprise me
Haiku # 23636, November 30, 2002 9:39 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
and that gwenhyfar?
much too talented for bad
shines above the rest
Haiku # 23635, November 30, 2002 9:36 am ET
by ...wasting poetry here IMHO
superhybrid? note:
your post's rather juvenile
no one is impressed
Haiku # 23634, November 30, 2002 9:30 am ET
by no one
ash? truly doubtful...
(he has much more class than that)
a bored imposter
Haiku # 23633, November 30, 2002 9:19 am ET
by ...and nothing more IMHO
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