by Anonymous Poet
It's like ninety out
So had a juicy fruit pop
Just to tease the ants.
by onjaysun
fuck off moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
Have I talk to you
'bout the wonders of Prep H?
Tames that flame, Janis
by onjaysun
This site should not live
for much longer if assholes
keep flaming each other
by Janis
what anonymous?
why would you stick up for ash?
are you his lover?
by newkidvoodoo
hey, newkidpoopoo
can't figure out who's more dense
you or that gimp Mox
that is NOT ash's pic
but why bother telling you
retarded redneck
by Anonymous Poet
that pseudo mustache
isn't fooling anyone.
Ash gets no pussy.
by newkidvoodoo
and Ash, what the fuck?
why would you post your picture?
nice fucking mustache...
by newkidvoodoo
With F.O. Mox rants
Anon Poet has a great
Have you considered
The rewarding career of
a court reporter?
by onjaysun
been gone for awhile,
now that i am back, it's clear...
moxie cannot count.
by newkidvoodoo
i will say this much,
ash knows how to write haikus
take a tip, Moxie
*five seven five*, slut
not random nutjob ramblings
you are NO poet...
by Anonymous Poet
rain is falling down
and then sometimes it isn't
seasons are fickle
my link
by ash
no, i'm not king don
nor am i a goth poet
but i do haiku
by ash
too bad impostors
i don't look that young for years
and mox can't count well
by ash
U R GAY!!!!
by Anonymous Poet
fuck all of you so
here is my pic, look at it
and think about ME!
by ash
Ash, I take that back
you are a complete moron
who needs to be shot
(quickly- no apostrophes)
by Moxie
one should do one's best
no apostrophes in ones
in that context mox
by ash
clever as hell, huh?
guess that must be DAMNED clever
(maniacal laugh.........)
by ash
fuck off Moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off Moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off Moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off Moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off Moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off Moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off Moxie....
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off Moxie...
by Anonymous Poet
i am convinced, Mox
that you are an IMBECILE
post ***HAIKUS***, dumbass!!
you win the contest
for the biggest fucktard here
stop shitting out SPAM...
by Anonymous Poet
the better poets are the one's not engaged in this
silly contest...
includes Janis...
hate to say Ash is quite clever as hell too...
by Mox
Janis's China?
Got that Bull y'all ordered
and it's named Moxie.
by onjaysun
janis, not to fear
you ain't worth the effort, dear
bigger fish to fry
by Anonymous Poet
I beat my fat cock
Like my red headed step-son.
Jizz shot in my mouth.
by Vert
This place is scary
I almost fear writing this
Lest I be attacked
by Janis
gotta love this site
life, death, some more of the same
grandma has a cock
by ash
you are as dumb as dirt
how many times are you told
follow directions
quit your ranting "poetry"
it speaks to no one
(except you & your padded room)
by Anonymous Poet
go fuck yourself, ap
by Moxie
moxie unleashes
philisophical drivel
bunch of empty words
nietzsche you are not
you may as well write chinese
what a waste of space
(don't forget to die)
by Anonymous Poet
the reaction proves the sting
two Scorpios at odds...
and the cocoon adds one more
by Moxie
The better choice of course
is life, despite, there will always be
Asshole Poets...and assholes
and, best ignored, otherwise
death is wasted time
with swine who like to trample pearls
by Moxie
often those who mock
and laugh on anothers misfortune
are worthless themselves
and often, are thinking
get the gun, shoot
and the last sound they hear is 45 mags
moving thru brain cells
by Moxie
This whole website has
gotten Satanic, me I blame a lot
but, the side bars?
My blood on your hands?
You don't know each other
if you died in front of me
and I saved you...think about it chumley
by Moxie
the man from New Hampshire
and the man from Maine
duel with poems at 10 paces
by Moxie
jesus fucking christ!
armchair psychologist bit?
die moxie, just die
by Anonymous Poet
just fuck off moxie
by Anonymous Poet
there's a point where most
folks don't think about their own
selves but project on others
their shortfalls...of the other
dies, they feel they've won
by Moxie
hmm, suicide as a zen
statement in itself
by Moxie
moxie endlessly
contemplating suicide,
animated gif.
by Anonymous Poet
contemplating suicide
is just one way to say
go ahead and shoot
by Moxie