little illiterate fool
buy some literature
go and googlesearch
'schizoophrenic lunatic'
your definition
by mastahari of austria
quiet shiteater
your vile references
are not needed here
by Haikuminator
Trading Spaces Doug
What's with the brown, still stuck in
Sig Freud's anal stage
by onjaysun
i agree with ash
look- *UBER* *UBER* *UBER*
go have a hissy
(an *UBER* hissy)
by Uber Alles
homophobia ?
and xenophobia too ?
just get uber it
by ash
death to the boys
who constantly say uber.
do you have a lisp?
(hint hint limp wrist)
by Anonymous Poet
Lips McCoy dies scared
with a flurry of buckshot
like it aint no thang
by bukkake-tron
I think that was my
Americanized Spanish
for masturbation.
by #1 stunna of lemme e'splain
Sons, we all need to
calm down. I think this calls for
a "wanko breako"
by #1 stunna of it tur, it tur
is the wind bitter,
is it full of the pollen,
of some poison plant?
or is it just cold,
blowing out of some barren,
and icy landscape?
by some really terrible haiku here lately :)
the rustle of leaves
pages of an empty book
blown by bitter wind
by ash
oooh...listen to you
where shall i pin the medal?
ASH = "i have no life"
by Haikuminator
here before you came
here after you go away
it's not a contest
by ash
who really cares which
is the "REAL" one
you're both retarded
by Justin
get a life creep
by Haikuminator
ha- what an Ash-hole
why don't we all ignore him?
Ash is such a troll
by Justin
au contraire, dear ash
the irony was not lost
you colossal bore!
imitating you
is hardly a compliment
get the irony???
Haikuminator=1 ash=0
by Haikuminator
such imitation
whilst sincerely flattering
missed the irony
by ash
bitter and boring
completely predictable
here comes ash again.....
by Haikuminator
bitter and boring
completely predictable
here it comes again.....
by ash
blithely transcendent
i ignore such bad haiku
which is worse than bad
by ash
Smellie, you fucktard
>YOU< are what's wrong here
goddamn Hooverhead
switch your "suck" to "blow"
you gimpy, tit-knocking twat
piece of useless shit
by Haikuminator
I just like saying
I dont give a rat
by mellie
what has happened here?
all this hate & cruelty
you should be ashamed!
haikus are peaceful
please try to find your way back
to decency soon!
by voice of reason
C'est vrai! Le fran
by adolph
hey ASStahari
LaFayette was a pussy!!
suck on my oui-oui
those friggin' French skeeves
don't get me started on them
smelly subhumans...
by Anon M. Ass
Beaudelaire old pal
you tell the same stories in
frenchier words, that's it.
by mastahari of austria
hey Leviculus
nice attempt to be profound
you backwards hayseed
you have fallen short
with your tail between your legs
disgraceful exit
(with a fava bean up your ass)
by Bob
haughty as the mouse
pleased with new morsels pilfered!
-before the cat springs-
and now quick springing
claws deep. maw dripping. with Bob.
[and fresh FAVA beans]
by Leviculus
in this dungeon hell
foul lash of your tutelage
slow...i awaken...
...what now before me,
slithering and drunk with self?
can flatulence speak?
by Leviculus
Hannibal? Who's he?
Would he make good espresso?
-Alright, I confess
by Leviculus
listen, Hannibal
it's "FAVA BEANS"- jesus christ!!
get it right, shitbrains
by Bob
chianti and java beans
go well together
by Leviculus
silicone towers
i must climb those twin beauties
to the cherry top
by fagalaxatives
my phone is ringing
telemarketers from hell
dinner is ruined
by fagalaxitives
skin peels from the bone
destructive wind, blazing heat
nuclear nightmare
by fagalaxatives
heat of the jungle
gorilla tits in the mist
suckle me, Tarzan
by fagalaxatives
listen here fuck-face
stay an anonymous slut
nothing but chump change
by fagalaxatives
bouncing cheerleader
did you forget something, dear?
feel the beaver breeze
by fagalaxatives
night begins to fall
bright white stars, blinding beauty
damn, my ass itches...
by fagalaxatives
ash- don't blame a lack of sleep
on your shortcomings
quite disappointing
take dad's dick from your mouth and
focus on WRITING!!!!
by Anonymous Poet
so sorry anon
incisive edge blunted by
sleep deprivation
by ash
when lips squats to pee
somehow he looks like a chair
that fat chicks sit on
by bukkake-tron
....and learn to how to count:(
by Leviculus
limp wristed skank boy
bustin' in like "hey kool-ade!"
looking to eat jiz.
by bukkake-tron
i heard the penis
mightier than the sword
i must clean my ears
by Leviculus
poor brain damaged ash
you have really lost your edge
razor wit is gone...
by Anonymous Poet
button those coy lips
spitting new updated sucks
you suck : that is all
by ash
eww, you make tits sound really gross
by some btich of i like gurls