Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

Forgot to add space
When I posted four Haikus
They're hard to read now
Haiku # 17175, November 14, 2001 3:38 pm ET
by Moxie
A crack in the nose
of the wanna be Jay Silent Bob Hybrid
the 90s died, the innocent died

Haiku # 17174, November 14, 2001 3:38 pm ET
by Moxie
and it keeps going and goin
trhe familiar patterns of haha
and a shotgun in the mouth
pulled and another haha
I didn't have to do it myself
Haiku # 17173, November 14, 2001 3:37 pm ET
by Moxie
Nirvana awaits,
you rub the Buddha for luck?
let Buddha rub you!
Haiku # 17172, November 14, 2001 3:36 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Nyah Nyah Nyahs
and 1000 times over
till I crack your nose
and it bleeds...
Haiku # 17171, November 14, 2001 3:36 pm ET
by Moxie
They teach faith in Him
My faith prefers Him in me
Come, all ye faithful
Haiku # 17170, November 14, 2001 3:36 pm ET
by moxie
the men on two sides
of the keyboard, taking up
space, leaving other poets out

they're better, let THEM take over
Haiku # 17169, November 14, 2001 3:35 pm ET
by Moxie
I want to ignore the anonymous poet
and post things that are real haikus

I wonder if you would actually kill me if you met me for real...
Haiku # 17168, November 14, 2001 3:34 pm ET
by Moxie
I would like to meet you someday for real and determine what kind of person you really are...
Haiku # 17167, November 14, 2001 3:32 pm ET
by Moxie
dead moxie is good
maggots have a field day and
zen garden is safe
Haiku # 17166, November 14, 2001 3:27 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
You of the small world
would be a terrorist whipping
women in Afghanistan...
Haiku # 17165, November 14, 2001 3:24 pm ET
by Moxie
When you enter the schoolyard
as old as it gets, the teeth
still linger from the bites you left
Haiku # 17164, November 14, 2001 3:23 pm ET
by Moxie
faster than anthrax,
slower than moxie....TV...
is killing me!
Haiku # 17163, November 14, 2001 3:20 pm ET
by propaganda
some people ask me
why dead moxie makes me laugh
i have no idea
Haiku # 17162, November 14, 2001 3:13 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
this is not a drill
dead moxie has returned, so
find a place to hide.
Haiku # 17161, November 14, 2001 3:13 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
thought that dead moxie
would make a good hand puppet
misjudged the third grade
Haiku # 17160, November 14, 2001 3:10 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
dead moxie koan or
get a web cam and let us
watch you do it mox.
Haiku # 17159, November 14, 2001 3:08 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
If a moxie dies
and there is no one around
does he still count wrong?
Haiku # 17158, November 14, 2001 3:07 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Vicious gangs of dead Moxies
Terrorize site
Haiku # 17157, November 14, 2001 3:05 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
I remember your
handsome legs....always wishing
you had three of them
Haiku # 17156, November 14, 2001 3:03 pm ET
by moxie
Why do they hate us?
We are cute!...:^)...They are so bad :^)
Teach them some manners!!!.. :^)
Haiku # 17155, November 14, 2001 3:01 pm ET
by propaganda
Still, Taliban says I am gone
We shall replace them with saurkraut
and happy women using Turbo as pinata
Haiku # 17154, November 14, 2001 2:58 pm ET
by Moxie
Tell you liberals what
we'd be speaking of
a glass of water on the news
if water were all over the news
Haiku # 17153, November 14, 2001 2:57 pm ET
by Moxie
Afghani women,
Must wear bhurkas so lets
Bomb their families!
Haiku # 17152, November 14, 2001 2:57 pm ET
by propaganda
the gothic woman
of the year, week, month?
She gets us all through
Haiku # 17151, November 14, 2001 2:57 pm ET
by Moxie
Afghani women,
Have a different culture,
Haiku # 17150, November 14, 2001 2:55 pm ET
by propaganda (afternoon TV say anything but say it with a NICE smile)
Afternoon TV
Haiku # 17149, November 14, 2001 2:50 pm ET
by propaganda
Why do we like birds?
They soar? Are beautiful? And
Haiku # 17148, November 14, 2001 2:49 pm ET
by propaganda
Let's go nowhere in
America, drinking PBR
and smoking Djarums
Haiku # 17147, November 14, 2001 2:49 pm ET
by Moxie
had to stay downtown
to put out fires. i will go
north early next week

i'll still leave early
the cats are taken care of
the dog has plans too
Haiku # 17146, November 14, 2001 12:33 pm ET
by P/L
My jeans are sky blue
with white clouds and jet contrails
running up my seams
Haiku # 17145, November 14, 2001 11:02 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
Took my Tuesday off
and floated in a row boat
it's Monday again
Haiku # 17144, November 14, 2001 10:59 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
someone certainly
had a jihad with a chook
chicken curry yum

a fucking hot wok
seared a brand on to my hand
hotter than curry
Haiku # 17143, November 14, 2001 5:45 am ET
by mellie
a student jihad
if at first you don't succeed
just kill the teacher
Haiku # 17142, November 14, 2001 1:55 am ET
by ash
in a crowded pan
fish balls pushing each other
to avoid the stick
Haiku # 17141, November 14, 2001 1:54 am ET
by salvage
fried glazed bananas
skewered on a bamboo stick
eat it while it's hot
Haiku # 17140, November 14, 2001 1:31 am ET
by salvage
he made the class fail.
not all, but more than enough.
learn how to set tests.
Haiku # 17139, November 13, 2001 11:31 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
fuck the stupid math prof.
i hate his accent.
Haiku # 17138, November 13, 2001 11:29 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Snow falls thick and fast -
a tramcar comes, with all lights
burning at mid-day.
Haiku # 17137, November 13, 2001 7:35 pm ET
by Kin'ichi Sawaki
An Orange Roughie?
Or an Orange Smoothie. lo,
a Roughie Smoothie
Haiku # 17136, November 13, 2001 6:28 pm ET
by Janis (for Adam)
you are a smoothie
you have got sugar and spices
and you taste real good
Haiku # 17135, November 13, 2001 12:32 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
soy milk with pumpkin
non-fat frozen yogurt and
spices (protien boost)
Haiku # 17134, November 13, 2001 11:48 am ET
by Pumpkin Lover
we'll be together
my shit, that's all that matters
doesn't matter when
Haiku # 17133, November 13, 2001 11:06 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
I saw a girl kiss
a parrot yesterday so
mascots seen it all
Haiku # 17132, November 13, 2001 10:45 am ET
by Kokadjo
love while you still can,
embrace, hug while you still can,
never know what's next.
Haiku # 17131, November 13, 2001 6:41 am ET
by moonflower
love while you still can,
embrace, hug while you still can,
never know what's next.
Haiku # 17130, November 13, 2001 6:40 am ET
by moonflower
love while you still can,
embrace, hug while you still can,
never know what's next.
Haiku # 17129, November 13, 2001 6:39 am ET
by moonflower
a plane crash today,
many people dead again,
why did it happen?
Haiku # 17128, November 13, 2001 6:36 am ET
by moonflower
dont be sad okey?
i will be here day by day,
to love and comfort.
Haiku # 17127, November 13, 2001 6:33 am ET
by moonflower
saturation point
fresh mown lawn oozes moisture
then trickles downwards
Haiku # 17126, November 13, 2001 4:14 am ET
by mellie
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