Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

a flooded sketchlike
territory of trees in
sepia, seeping.
Haiku # 17021, November 8, 2001 5:04 am ET
by k_against_
waving antennae
watching the days grow longer
cognisant cockroach
Haiku # 17020, November 8, 2001 3:22 am ET
by ash
a blazing night sky
reflected in dark water
the bright stars
Haiku # 17018, November 7, 2001 9:23 pm ET
by scott in 3D
I don't have much hair
The hairdresser has it now
She has a broom too
Haiku # 17010, November 7, 2001 5:58 pm ET
by Dataman
sky and earth fuse in
one giant body of light.

Haiku # 17009, November 7, 2001 5:58 pm ET
by haiku_disavower
Tree branches show bare
Coloured leaves fall to the ground.
Can this be Autumn?
Haiku # 17008, November 7, 2001 5:56 pm ET
by Dataman
it's human nature, and well...
i am a smart ass
Haiku # 17007, November 7, 2001 4:12 pm ET
by scott in 3D (jeez, try something new and get called boring)
damn sorry cockroaches i meant
Haiku # 17006, November 7, 2001 4:05 pm ET
by sheena
ash, how DO they know?
the cokroaches, i mean
do YOU know they know?
Haiku # 17005, November 7, 2001 4:04 pm ET
by sheena
although, real poets
you're fun but quiet of late
wish you would return
Haiku # 17004, November 7, 2001 4:03 pm ET
by sheena
attention: dripsticks
please cut it out with the crap
you're so damn boring
Haiku # 17003, November 7, 2001 4:01 pm ET
by sheena@sayhey
my cape gathers dust
the Haiku Avenger sleeps
Haiku # 17002, November 7, 2001 3:56 pm ET
by scott
so do apes have souls?
and a more pressing question:
what about turkeys?
Haiku # 17001, November 7, 2001 2:58 pm ET
by great ape scott!
Life lived by facts and
without a soul is life unlived
and life untasted
Haiku # 17000, November 7, 2001 11:02 am ET
by Ijaci
Those who regard life
as dead now say as they live
it is existential

Haiku # 16999, November 7, 2001 10:48 am ET
by Ijaci
Couldn't hear a thing,
So Dad fucked me in the ear.
Earwax tastes bitter.
Haiku # 16998, November 7, 2001 10:36 am ET
by Vert
Wondering if the
extension of "life" concern
is for your friends too
Haiku # 16997, November 7, 2001 10:31 am ET
by Ijaci
christmas is coming
turkeys and geese fattening
mellie is slimming
Haiku # 16996, November 7, 2001 5:09 am ET
by mellie
huge tropical drops
soaking parched earth scribbly gums
loud thunder rumbling

dog's gone bananas
baby sleeps on blissfully
steaming bitumen

excited girl stands
playing sweet ocarina
on the verandah
Haiku # 16995, November 7, 2001 2:35 am ET
by mellie
cold rainstorm
yet summer is on the way
the cockroaches know
Haiku # 16994, November 7, 2001 12:53 am ET
by ash
ev'rybody dies
you should just accept the facts
and live while you can
Haiku # 16993, November 7, 2001 12:47 am ET
by ash
human family,
six billion degrees of
Haiku # 16992, November 7, 2001 12:02 am ET
by we are alone
you higher primates,
obsessed with your extinction...
there's billions of you!
Haiku # 16991, November 6, 2001 8:01 pm ET
by great (ape) scott!
bananas won't do
it don't matter what you do
gotta throw some poo
Haiku # 16990, November 6, 2001 7:49 pm ET
by scott the monkeyman
face down in your puke
the acid burns my eyeballs
but what a fine treat
Haiku # 16989, November 6, 2001 5:48 pm ET
by poink
the raw stench of piss
swallow air keep from puking
giant pile of feces
Haiku # 16988, November 6, 2001 5:44 pm ET
by poink
You stand on Haystack
after the party ends and
you know why you were there
Haiku # 16987, November 6, 2001 4:08 pm ET
by Ijaci
Still hand fed by those
in the news, uncertain too
providing thought bites
Haiku # 16986, November 6, 2001 3:49 pm ET
by Ijaci
Writer's block sets in with
the cold weather and other dis
And more red suits worn
Haiku # 16985, November 6, 2001 3:48 pm ET
by Ijaci
Well, the young died
in Ohio at the hands of
Militia, their 1968?

Haiku # 16984, November 6, 2001 12:08 pm ET
by Moxie
We're not apes like you
say, we're good people, you see?
Ooh, ooh, ah, AHHH, AHHHHH!
Haiku # 16983, November 6, 2001 11:58 am ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
Yes much agreed,
These apes will devour you
Haiku # 16982, November 6, 2001 11:57 am ET
by Dr. Claw of ??
Ahh me alkieboy,
You arrive at last with gifts
I hope, for the apes..
Haiku # 16981, November 6, 2001 11:56 am ET
by Fellownarrator
You poor fool! What's this!
One toke over the...
Haiku # 16980, November 6, 2001 11:55 am ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
Rolling into here,
I find my two friends, you two
need to fill me in..
Haiku # 16979, November 6, 2001 11:54 am ET
by Alkieboy
My friend and humble
narrator, planet of the
apes has, yes, begun.
Haiku # 16978, November 6, 2001 11:50 am ET
by Dr. Claw of ??
If someone here died
it doesn't matter how good
or bad their haiku was...

A life ended...that's what matters...
Haiku # 16977, November 6, 2001 11:49 am ET
by Moxie
Me devotchka,
I left you oh too long and
Now monkeys rule here..
Haiku # 16976, November 6, 2001 11:48 am ET
by Fellownarrator
I almost did die...
Happened in an accident with
a semi and my knee...

well, you gotta be in my shoes
to be born-again, even an arse
like me...amazing grace...Jesus loves you
everyone else hates your haiku?
that goes for you all
Haiku # 16975, November 6, 2001 11:19 am ET
by Moxie
sensual haiku
the words melt on the web site
you wanna cyber?
Haiku # 16974, November 6, 2001 11:15 am ET
by Dustin
love nascar races
then drink beer and beat kids
big day for redneck
Haiku # 16973, November 6, 2001 11:11 am ET
by Dustin
My sky is now blue
thick with bad poetry goo
I missed mellie too
Haiku # 16972, November 6, 2001 10:48 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
betty you're my friend
miss you when you're not here
others I miss too
Haiku # 16971, November 6, 2001 8:22 am ET
by mellie
woke up fully dressed
wondered who put me to bed
who took my watch off?

"just take off my watch"
I remember saying that
then it was morning
Haiku # 16970, November 6, 2001 8:10 am ET
by mellie
the stones washed up on
the riverbank look like your
eyes on a moonless

Haiku # 16969, November 6, 2001 6:23 am ET
by whatever
poink! the pencil's sharp
cling cling cling she says, eyebrows raised
drunkeness suits me
Haiku # 16968, November 6, 2001 1:03 am ET
by pokemonsignor of UP YOUR FUCKING ASS PAL
energy crisis?
sorry, i need a P4
to compose haiku
Haiku # 16967, November 5, 2001 9:28 pm ET
by scott (the ugly american)
my gas bills are down
since I got a new P4
but that's the good news
Haiku # 16966, November 5, 2001 8:34 pm ET
by scott (presenting a cautionary tale)
you'll need to speak up.
my computer has THREE fans!
P4 is hot shit!
Haiku # 16965, November 5, 2001 7:03 pm ET
by scott
some good news betty
if no-one sends you e-mail
you don't get nimda
Haiku # 16964, November 5, 2001 6:20 pm ET
by ash
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