...just do what i preach
but never what i practice
cause i'm brave and free
by soundingboard
......strike me if you will
but give me my day in court
......before you adjudge
(the basis for due process is
by osamabinmuhammadbinladen@yeah
"so the gang's all here"
ready to do their terror
.....on the real man
(ive heard you brother
and help is on its way)
by lone wolf@roninstwin
your haiku is like
fundamentalist terror
inflicted on art
by ash
why do you waste your
time here assualting us with
your insanity?
If you need help and
feel helpless then you should get
the help that you need.
by k_against_Moxie of Moxie's medicine cabinet (looking at a bottle full of lithium that hasn't been touched in a long, long time)
i see mox mistook
another voice for my own
i've joined the chorus
by scott (i always use my name, stupid though it may be...where did you get the idea we were in "civil war", mox?)
i was flamed by mox
out of everyone who posts
i was selected...
but i'm still confused -
which is the fork for desert?
which goes up your ass?
by scott (marvelling...taking another long drag on the bubble pipe)
sorry this was poem
one, zero, six, one, four, back
when moxie was young
by moxs' mom the emt actually mellies 'stupid' hauiku ABOUT mox is better
flaming bloody hell
jesus fucking christ moxie
you're an idiot
wake up to yourself
I can't bear to call you mate
once I thought you were
by moxs' mom the emt actually mellies 'stupid' hauiku ABOUT mox is better
your words are putrid
nauseatingly stupid
worthless piles of dung
by moxs' mom the emt actually mellies 'stupid' hauiku ABOUT mox is better
they know you honey,
they know you are an asshole,
but momie will help
take your meds and count!
or put these paddles on your
chest! poof! surprise!!!!!
by moxies mom the emt -the final moxie solution
overdue remorse
your "stupid" haiku moxie
was one of your best
by ash
sorry runs in the family DOH!!!!!
by moxies mom the emt -the final moxie solution
they know about you honey,
they know you are an asshole,
but momie will help
take your meds and count!
or put these paddles on your
chest! poof! surprise!!!!!
by moxies mom the emt -the final moxie solution
Moxie you're a pox
an ugly zit on the ass
of society
Mox is a pox who
should be placed in a box and
shipped to bin laden
by k_against_specifically_Moxie of unified against terrorism in all of it's forms
god fucked job's ass good
the devil made him do it
by scott (so, according to Falwell, the terrorists were carrying out God's will?)
i visit this site
hoping to learn some manners
but still mix my forks
by scott
sorry, there i go again losing
my stupid little mind
back to the lithium but
scott needs to learn manners
if you read Job, you would
understand the soul's bitterness
by Moxie
i smell a rat in here
some cockroach (the real cockroach)
is crawling around in the dark corners
by Moxie
my name is moxie
or mox, or pox, but not scott
such a stupid name
by Moxie
it's just what we need:
an enemy we can name
and comic relief
by scott (passing the crack pipe...no, it's really a bubble pipe)
now i am sorry
i'm apologizing with
this stupid haiku
by Moxie
you should stop compariing me to a cockroach
you say you want me to write haiku
but then you deliver insults
i am sorry if i've offended all of you
by Moxie
MOX!!! ask Japanese
scientist to program you
for five, seven, five!!!!!!!!
by problem solved
you can't take a hint
or explicit instruction
what do you expect?
by ash
so write a haiku
and your views will be welcome
self indulgent child
by ash
you are all heartless
i have nowhere to go and post
except for here and i have
opinions that need to be aired
by Moxie
come to think of it
you can take your cockroach and shove it
of course the cockroaches are the ones who
survive the blast
by Moxie
you know i've been thinking
that maybe i've been too much you guys
all seem to hate me now,
i have feelings too!
by by Moxie
picture of moxie
on this site....love the hat mox
yellow with red bulbs
by Anonymous Poet
mox, mox, haiku's pox
you need to pull up your sox
'cos your work sux cox
by ash
moxie wants to teach
yet he ignores convention
moxie needs to learn
recognise the facts
your free-form haiku drivel
is just bad drivel
i don't want you dead
i just wish you'd learn to count
and respect the form
by ash
here's your big chance mox
to die for your convictions
be all you can be
go out and enlist
maybe they'll put balls on you
make you stop whinging
by ap
It counts twice on my
hand so why the hell does Webster's
smoke so much damn crack?
by k_against_trick_haikus of (still also confronting the main issue of the day, but also taking a break when needed)
phone call to sharon
bush: "make peace with arafat"
sharon: "bad p.r."
by scott
man, you talk funny
on dictionary dot com
pearl is simply "p
by scott (still defiant...confronting the true issues of the day)
isn't there a way
to code the submit script to
block Moxie's IP?
by k_against_Moxie
goth grrl want's me
to wear a skirt
for what? Scottish tap dance...
by Anonymous Poet
Scott stands defiant
but failed to go back and count
"it's not pearl harb
or" had 6 syllab
les and here it's always 5
counts on the first line.
by k_against_miscounted_syllables_submitted_by_others_who_count them_in_other_posts of in relation to #13768 and #13727
the fool, the devil
the tower, the wheel of fortune
all cards, all lead to our
final drivel destiny
by Moxie
maybe it's pent up sexual frustration
that leads to suicides
and mass bombings
by Moxie
a little constructive raving
leads to more than
a bunch of
by Moxie
never compare me to him
if that is true mellie, then
by Moxie
have you noticed how
the "liberals" need to insult the person
and not the idea?
by Moxie
osama and mox
are both raving lunatics
who know they are right
by mellie
A gay catholic
is this celibacy
or will the Jerry Springer show
here fight over that too?
by Moxie
standing next to mox
you can hear the ocean,,,mox
you are an airhead
by Anonymous Poet
the wall cannot be passed
place your bayonet in moxie's
body, and mean it
by Moxie
mox almost had a
psychic girlfriend but she left
him before they met
by Anonymous Poet