Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

On a rotting sill
Lay a wilted wrapper (death)
IN a stolen box
Haiku # 13538, September 9, 2001 1:44 am ET
by Dr. Claw
On a rotting sill
Lay a wilted wrapper (death)
IN a stolen box
Haiku # 13537, September 9, 2001 1:44 am ET
by Dr. Claw
when people ask me
about this black eye, I'll say
"rough sex with mellie"
Haiku # 13536, September 8, 2001 9:53 pm ET
by scott (never said i was a gentleman)
How many more times
Must I tell you about the
Rule of cleaning up?

I have found my haven
Amoungst these courageous souls
Who post quality
Haiku # 13535, September 8, 2001 8:43 pm ET
by Wondermouth the Loud
Tossing in the night
Cannot rid you from my mind
What a dream I had!
Haiku # 13534, September 8, 2001 8:37 pm ET
by Wondermouth
XP is installed
Seems to be going ok
It hasn't crashed yet
Haiku # 13533, September 8, 2001 7:20 pm ET
by Janis
that sounds really mean
because I'm always inclined
to be generous
Haiku # 13532, September 8, 2001 11:09 am ET
by mellie, don't know what happened there oops!
Haiku # 13531, September 8, 2001 11:07 am ET
by mel,oh come on now, I know it is bad!
I'll handle what's mine
and I might handle what's yours
if I felt inclined
Haiku # 13530, September 8, 2001 7:31 am ET
by mellie

....let me travel west
into the lands of the blest
....for a place to rest
Haiku # 13529, September 8, 2001 1:35 am ET
by ronin@realmenwearkilts
Stars have all blown out,
like small lanterns in the trees.
Dark night settles in.

Magnolias hold out
tiny flames. Day draws nearer ----
so do what you can.
Haiku # 13528, September 8, 2001 12:57 am ET
by k_against_nothing_for_a_briefwhile
starry. dusk lingers
down the valley, a lofty
view, holds back the night
Haiku # 13527, September 7, 2001 11:07 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Fog rolls in again.
The ocean heaves against us
in rebellion.
Haiku # 13526, September 7, 2001 10:30 pm ET
by k_against_nothing_for_a_briefwhile
I take long grains of
rice and feed them to the moon.
I am still hungry.
Haiku # 13525, September 7, 2001 9:54 pm ET
by k_against_nothing_for_a_briefwhile of MoonMadness
...but if this is just
a dream of a butterfly
then why all the fuss?
Haiku # 13524, September 7, 2001 5:53 pm ET
by scott (sting like a bee)
(in reference to those
who steal another's good name
we've seen where that leads)
Haiku # 13523, September 7, 2001 4:24 pm ET
by scott (setting myself up for abuse)
multiple mellies?
the reeking buns of angels
wrapped in filthy kilts
Haiku # 13522, September 7, 2001 3:13 pm ET
by scott
while musicians set
up drum sets for their set say,
quiet on the set

(okay, that was geeky)
Haiku # 13521, September 7, 2001 2:57 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb of pendantic's-ville
Has set the house fly
towards quick setting cement
that won't set him free
Haiku # 13520, September 7, 2001 2:56 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb of pendantic's-ville
My setting the set
on the telvision set
that was set on three
Haiku # 13519, September 7, 2001 2:56 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb of pendantic's-ville
Haiku # 13518, September 7, 2001 2:56 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 13517, September 7, 2001 2:55 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
One yesterday was before
Tomorrow | Today

Tomorrow going
Into today, passing as
Ever yesterday
Haiku # 13516, September 7, 2001 2:05 pm ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
perfect nine iron
tracing a ballistic line
hammering the green
Haiku # 13515, September 7, 2001 8:38 am ET
by ash
God, how can this be?
My hopes and dreams have vanished...
I've got third shift blues...
Haiku # 13514, September 7, 2001 2:49 am ET
by SuperDave
At this moment of
surrender, darling if you
care, don't touch me there
Haiku # 13513, September 7, 2001 12:48 am ET
by SuperDave
whoever wrote them
you made me sigh a wee bit
I'll take the low road

love gnawing gristle
and chewing old bones Jock
I can be a bitch

Haiku # 13512, September 6, 2001 10:02 pm ET
by mellie, 13506 13507 are not mine
mastrubating with lightbulb...
watts got into her??
Haiku # 13511, September 6, 2001 9:33 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
she was a lonely
fisherman's daughter, when she
saw my rod she reeled

triple entendre or more? rod could be gun, penis , an antique flyrod or a car I guess
Haiku # 13510, September 6, 2001 9:29 pm ET
by fishy..fishy...fishy
the insomniac
dyslexic, agnostic lay
awake wondering........
Haiku # 13509, September 6, 2001 9:15 pm ET
by Is There A Dog ????
i don't wear a kilt
though i'll think better of it now
my bag pipe needs wind
Haiku # 13508, September 6, 2001 9:09 pm ET
by ap
or is it the thrill,
while climbing a hill, of sharp
tickle of thistle?

Haiku # 13507, September 6, 2001 9:07 pm ET
by mellie
scotsmen wear kilts for
the whistle, of wind round their
bollocks and gristle
Haiku # 13506, September 6, 2001 9:02 pm ET
by mellie
another woman
ordered double entendre
and got two for one
Haiku # 13505, September 6, 2001 8:58 pm ET
by scott (counting syllables and now entrendres too...i only make this a double, tough)
triple entendre?

garage sale broken
circuit offer
that can't be refused???
Haiku # 13504, September 6, 2001 8:41 pm ET
by bad haiku is bad haiku and a website is a website
triple entendres ?
try this on for sighs..'Mary
had a little lamb'..

did she own a sheep? eat lamb? have sex with it?
Haiku # 13503, September 6, 2001 8:33 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
re 13494

this has to be the
best and worst of bad haiku
palsy fits right in
Haiku # 13502, September 6, 2001 8:25 pm ET
by bad haiku is bad haiku and a website is a website
my fingers are numb
from counting fives and sevens
i need those twelve steps
Haiku # 13501, September 6, 2001 7:17 pm ET
by scott (coming to grips with my problem)
Walking on the roof
of Hell we are gazing at
so many flowers
Haiku # 13500, September 6, 2001 6:53 pm ET
by k_against_flakes_who_cancel_on_you_if_something_better_comes_up of Hell
if you meet Buddha
on the road, you're probably
not smoking winstons..
Haiku # 13499, September 6, 2001 6:27 pm ET
by scott (um, who are you talking to, Palsy?)

What do you mean "This is a bad haiku website"?
Haiku # 13498, September 6, 2001 6:19 pm ET
by Palsy

Sleeping is my favourite hobby

Penile refreshments
gently fulfil the thirsty cops
They have guns --my bad.
Haiku # 13497, September 6, 2001 6:12 pm ET
by Palsy


Clay Jars break swiftly
hurried chaos on my floor
Bonsai look better
Haiku # 13496, September 6, 2001 5:55 pm ET
by Palsy


I have problems
writing haiku because
I have problems writing
Haiku # 13495, September 6, 2001 5:48 pm ET
by Palsy

Dangerously Kilted

Rocks giggle 'neath skirts
Haggis comes out unchanged
Who's laughing now!
Haiku # 13494, September 6, 2001 5:44 pm ET
by Palsy of Up North where you can't see me do my laundry.
before satori
i'd chop wood and draw water
now, it's vice versa
Haiku # 13493, September 6, 2001 5:36 pm ET
by scott (trying to bring the quality of haiku down a notch or two)

striking the Buddha
with fists: we must -- we're not even
enlightened yet!
Haiku # 13492, September 6, 2001 4:33 pm ET
by Jamie Fischer of Everett WA U.S.A.
DREAM #361

heaven: miles of snow.
earth: gallons of milk -- the cows
lounge, the barn burns.
Haiku # 13491, September 6, 2001 4:31 pm ET
by Jamie Fischer of Everett WA U.S.A.

blue beetles running
on a mudflap while we pick
the oblong green pears.
Haiku # 13490, September 6, 2001 4:29 pm ET
by Jamie Fischer of Everett WA U.S.A.
She has left that prick
he always went in head first
causing her to bleed
Haiku # 13489, September 6, 2001 3:20 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
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