Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

you assholes bore me
classist, artless, obvious
as dumb as Ayn Rand
Haiku # 1245, February 9, 1999 12:29 pm ET
by Hollywood Bonfire
Our friend and Benefactor!
Ash sir, embrace it!
Haiku # 1244, February 8, 1999 10:23 pm ET
by StephenPrinceton,
You asked me to write
And I did just that, it's true
So why not reply?
Haiku # 1243, February 8, 1999 9:40 pm ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
is sublimated desire
low in any case
Haiku # 1242, February 8, 1999 8:18 pm ET
by ashley oz
Desktop Trainspotting
1 train, 2 trains, 3 trains, 4...
Cerebal challenge.
Haiku # 1241, February 8, 1999 9:36 am ET
by Lousy
Palpitating heart
Sweaty body, Nausea.
A-munting we go.
Haiku # 1240, February 8, 1999 9:32 am ET
by Lousy
right back at you, Ash
my mail does not work on send
so it's up to you
Haiku # 1239, February 8, 1999 8:45 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
u got my number
so send a message sometime
no time like the present
Haiku # 1238, February 8, 1999 1:24 am ET
by ash of Oz
Nope, sorry you will
Confuse some other poor jane
That's why I switched it
Haiku # 1237, February 8, 1999 1:20 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
if u r janer
at aol i believe
check out your mail box
Haiku # 1236, February 8, 1999 1:16 am ET
by ash of Oz
Half Russian, I am
As descendant of many
Am still tired soul
Haiku # 1235, February 8, 1999 1:06 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
ironic indeed
victory by persistence
is a russian trait
Haiku # 1234, February 8, 1999 1:00 am ET
by ashley of Oz
Do you AOL
Instant messenger is fun
And easy to use
Haiku # 1233, February 8, 1999 1:00 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
Oh my friend ash-man:
It is past my bed time now
I'm gonna go-bye!!
Haiku # 1232, February 8, 1999 12:57 am ET
by Stephen of Princeton,
Goodnight friend Stephen
And to you, stranger Ash, too
Tonight was tres odd
Haiku # 1231, February 8, 1999 12:56 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
continue elsewhere?
come to a chat room somewhere
let's not hog the site
Haiku # 1230, February 8, 1999 12:55 am ET
by ash of Princeton, USA
Twenty-seven heures
That's as nasty as can be
Reminds me of sleep
Haiku # 1229, February 8, 1999 12:53 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
I take great offense
At your last remark Steven
Don't make me join Ash
Haiku # 1228, February 8, 1999 12:50 am ET
by Jane
i'm at home right now
twenty-seven hours on duty
wins me some time off
Haiku # 1227, February 8, 1999 12:50 am ET
by ash of Oz
Hey ash my main man
Youth can practice deceit too!
Haiku # 1226, February 8, 1999 12:48 am ET
by Stephen
My bookshelves are lined
With Great Homer and Virgil
Who wrote before them?
Haiku # 1225, February 8, 1999 12:47 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
Mr. Six-figure
Shouldn't you be working now
Company money
Haiku # 1224, February 8, 1999 12:45 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
Fine we will wait ash
I will win by power sir:
not by c.p.u.
Haiku # 1223, February 8, 1999 12:43 am ET
by Stephen of Princeton,
read the early works
and add to their ambience
or play elsewhere kids
Haiku # 1222, February 8, 1999 12:43 am ET
by ash of Oz
i protest because
this page takes so long to load
without spam to grab
Haiku # 1221, February 8, 1999 12:39 am ET
by ash of Oz
no shame to lose ash:
we are young and smartand brave
proud old one: give up
Haiku # 1220, February 8, 1999 12:38 am ET
by Stephen of Princeton, USA
Please explain, Ashley
What the hell you mean in your
Freaky weird haikus
Haiku # 1219, February 8, 1999 12:37 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
You are mellowing
In your old age, dear Ash-man
Does this mean we've won?
Haiku # 1218, February 8, 1999 12:34 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
u can be me jane
uncomfortable position
as a physician
Haiku # 1217, February 8, 1999 12:31 am ET
by ash of Oz
bit true i'm afraid
australian dollars are weak
i guess them's the breaks
Haiku # 1216, February 8, 1999 12:29 am ET
by ash of Oz
No offense Stephen
But it figures that you're male
Oh old one, Ashely
Haiku # 1215, February 8, 1999 12:28 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
Sure blame the server
We know the truth of your dumb
Incompetent ass
Haiku # 1214, February 8, 1999 12:25 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
Let me guess your pay
there are six figures I'm Sure:
If you get pesos
Haiku # 1213, February 8, 1999 12:24 am ET
by Stephen of Heaven, Infinity
and if you're so smart
you'd recognise my gender
by the way i'm spelt
Haiku # 1212, February 8, 1999 12:24 am ET
by ash of Oz
Ooo... big salary
I am so impressed. Can I
Be you when I'm grown
Haiku # 1211, February 8, 1999 12:23 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
by the look of it
due to the server error
u can do it twice
Haiku # 1210, February 8, 1999 12:21 am ET
by ashley of Oz
as a graduate
with a six figure income
u can kiss my butt
Haiku # 1209, February 8, 1999 12:19 am ET
by ashley of Oz
as a graduate
with a six figure income
u can kiss my butt
Haiku # 1208, February 8, 1999 12:19 am ET
by ashley of Oz
Ashely, may i ask:
How do you like your job girl?
Burgers and fries, right?
Haiku # 1207, February 8, 1999 12:15 am ET
by Stephen a.k.a -much smarter than the gizzard of oz of Princeton (Valhala), USA
don't mock the existence of.........
the wizened of oz
Haiku # 1206, February 8, 1999 12:15 am ET
by ashley of Oz
Because you suffer
In your minimum wage job
Don't go and blame us
Haiku # 1205, February 8, 1999 12:14 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
mighty alumni
a legend in your own mind
not the universe
Haiku # 1204, February 8, 1999 12:10 am ET
by ashley of Oz
Is the land in which you live
Leave Oz, and get life
Haiku # 1203, February 8, 1999 12:09 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
with so much growing to do
let's heap shit on them
Haiku # 1202, February 8, 1999 12:06 am ET
by ashley of Oz
Nevermind Ashley
You blithering fool, why war
With us, the masters?
Haiku # 1201, February 8, 1999 12:06 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
All was in good fun
Ashley started being mean
Can't you get the joke?
Haiku # 1200, February 8, 1999 12:04 am ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
jesters from the prince
should go on sabbatical
i suggest F.U.
Haiku # 1199, February 7, 1999 11:59 pm ET
by ashley of Oz
some inspiration
not puerile self promotion
please go wank elsewhere
Haiku # 1198, February 7, 1999 11:48 pm ET
by ashley of Oz
Welcome friend Circe
Join our bitter battle with
The old weakened ones
Haiku # 1197, February 7, 1999 11:34 pm ET
by Jane of Princeton, USA
oh bitter old ones
jealous of our endowments
all hail old Nassau
Haiku # 1196, February 7, 1999 11:34 pm ET
by Circe of Princeton,
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