I have invented.
For example, the Square Wheel
(the cyber-version).
by Best of All Possible Outcomes
Extra syllable
represents the tear I cried
for your sweaty balls
by Tears of Laughter
You should invent something
Circulating pants fan for men
No more sweaty balls
by I. M. Glad of Females don't have balls
Results-based outcomes.
Data-driven strategies:
what passes for life.
by GOD is not data-driven, you Son of a Sow
Did I mention that
I never wear underwear.
It chafes my scrotum.
We should all go free.
Ban all restrictive chlothing.
And live in the woods.
by Ticks on TikTok.
Yeah, I guess I could
trade magic beans for a cow.
There are few milk cows.
You can get real ice cream at some places, but it's like $10 a pint... still cheaper than it would be if I made my own, I think. Most of it's imported and this shitty government has a HUGE import tax... which keeps foreign competition away and therefore the companies here can make cheap garbage and have no competitors.
Also it's what the average person can afford, so there is that factor. Anywho... At least having less food keeps me less fat, yeah? Count those blessings.
Hot humid environment not the best for cattle. But it can be done. Keeping the milk fresh is a big issue also. I do love me some dairy. Yup.
by blah blah blah.
"My Dog’s Paws Smell Like Fritos – Is This Normal? | Hampton Veterinary Hospital" https://www.hamptonveterinaryhospital.com/blog/my-dogs-paws-smell-like-fritos/
by Anonymous Poet
Make your own ice cream
You're kind of a scientist
so you can't go wrong
by What's your favourite flavour?
Oh, it's the dog's feet!
I thought you said its asshole.
Smelled just like the ex.
But maybe not that bad.
Rotting fish guts smell better.
Nothing stinks like her!
by My advice: If it stinks, don't stick it in!
I can live without.
But ice cream made with dairy.
That's a rarity.
Synthetic Chinese
shit is all over the place;
overpriced garbage.
Ice cream that never once saw a cow's teat is just fucking wrong and makes me want to go to war with Nestle's and Magnolia. Suicide bomb their headquarters and factories in the name of all that is good and holy. Jihad, Jihad! They seriously need more cows over here to help make more greenhouse gases and ice cream. Know what I mean, jellybean?
by It's all about the money.
If you miss Fritos
Smell the bottom of dog's feet
Go ahead, try it
by If it's any consolation of Fritos corn chips aren't as tasty as they used to be
An all male orgy
is nowhere near as gay as
pumpkin spice latte.
by Truth!
Fritos; I miss them.
There's none in the Philippines.
Oh, what a pity.
by They'd go well with balot! of Right?!
Way back in the day,
like seven, eight years ago,
had me some visions.
No, I wasn't high.
Nor tripping on LSD.
Totally sober.
I'd go to Walmart
and the shelves would be barren.
Completely empty.
Abandoned and void.
You think things are bad right now?
It's only begun.
My silly third eye,
energized by my third leg,
sees things it shouldn't.
I shouldn't tell you.
I guess it's okay this time.
And you are welcome.
by Premonitions of a mad poet. of Mad in both ways.
Профессиональный монтаж напольных покрытий.Обращайтесь всегда рады вам помочь.
Мы делаем следующие работы
Монтаж напольного плинтуса из массива
Монтаж напольного плинтуса МДФ
Монтаж напольного плинтуса дюрополимер
Монтаж напольного плинтуса ПВХ
Монтаж напольного плинтуса ЛДФ
Монтаж потолочного плинтуса.
Монтаж напольного плинтуса из металла и т.д кроме камня.
Покраска плинтуса.
Монтаж напольных покрытий
Монтаж паркетной доски на подложку.
Монтаж ламината.
Монтаж винилового ламината
Монтаж инжинерной доски
Монтаж моссивной доски (с готовым покрытием)
Монтаж фанеры.
Монтаж галтелий и наличников.
По другим работам уточняйте!
гарантия на все виды работ.
by napilim.pro of Russia
Spooge Blaster 5K
Kind of a mouthful to say
Safety always off
by Noticer of concealed carry
That extra syllable was my head
by Anonymous Poet
One day I just might
put my head on the train tracks
Flat souvenir for you
Will it bring good luck?
Carry it in your pocket
Bet on the horses
by Derailed train of thought
That was a funny little song
by Anonymous Poet
Might I recommend
a bit of Roger Waters.
Title's "Our Song."
by By the way, which one's Pink? of Ron Geesin helped out. Not sure which one was recorded.
When your instrument
is covered with excrement
simply wipe it clean
the next song appears
on the Karaoke screen
Come on, join the scene!
by It's Fun!
It's like a kazoo
but it's built inside of you
Play too hard, you'll poo
Whatever it is
that makes the sound of our farts
Your own work of art
by Master of Fine Farts
Why so serious?
All this tragedy and pain?
It's an illusion.
Row, row, row your boat.
Merrily et cetera.
Life is but a dream.
You speak of covid.
I must reply with flatus.
Try not to splat us.
Fret over borders?
Here's a pic of balot eggs.
Least your not a duck.
by Lighten up, light a match, of kill the smell... of life.
Times are serious.
You only talk about farts.
What is your problem?
by Beano of Gas-ex
I've not named my dink.
The Spooge Blaster 5000?
I guess that could work.
So, what do you think
of the name I gave my dink?
Your love's in the sink.
by Your sperm's in the gutter.
Have you tried ear wax?
It's like a gourmet Cheez-Whiz
Pairs well with boogers
by Anonymous Poet of Bear Skin Rug
Charcuterie board
Crackers served on a boner
Try the hairy grapes
by Hearth Hyggafucker of Cozy
Snopes had no answer
Do all men nickname their dinks?
Does yours have a name?
by Hello of My name is
What does it do then,
this Whorendous covid strain?
How deadly is it?
Not deadly at all.
Uncontrollable flatus.
Boner won't go down.
What a fun winter.
It's just in time for Christmas.
Avoid open flames.
by Think of it like black bean Viagra soup.
Prostitutes don't care
if you have covid or not.
Farts are not allowed.
So then I told her
"Yes, my farts are very loud."
She laughed; no discount.
We both coughed a lot.
Our viruses intertwined.
We made a new strain!
by And I didn't fart! of ... this time.
An angel appears
Guess you won't be needing this....
Steals my granola
by Cliff Dyer
A Mountain I climb
Beneath my feet a rock slips
My spine crumples hard
by Missing hiker since 2012
I clapped her butt cheeks
I should have pulled out this time
Life is pulling out
by Single father of many
Commies must be stopped.
Our future depends on this.
Stop them with haiku!
by Anti-collectivist Haiku of Collective Individuality
Whatever you do,
do NOT use Google Translate;
bots come to your door!
by I wouldn't mind if it was the pleasure model.
Goddamn those Ruskies.
Communist propaganda.
Internet crime lords.
by Log in to post.... only logical. of Too complicated? Too much trouble? Probably.
Железнодорожные перевозки. Случай возникновения и развития
Сегодня грузовые железнодорожные перевозки представляют собой симбиоз инженерных достижений в области средств передвижения и оптимального процесса управления продвижением товаров и услуг через поставщиков к потребителям. Железнодорожные превозки. ТК БИРТРАНСЖелезнодорожные перевозки грузов по-прежнему считаются самым быстрым, удобным и наименее затратным способом доставки различных грузов – через тяжелой строительной техники предварительно скоро портящихся продуктов питания.Объясняется это в первую очередь тем, что железнодорожные перевозки находятся вне конкуренции, когда речь идет о транспортировке тяжелых и негабаритных грузов: строительной техники (кранов, экскаваторов, самосвалов), крупногабаритных технических изделий (положим, опор ЛЭП, железобетонных плит, перекрытий и т.п.). Железнодорожные превозки. ТК БИРТРАНС Присутствие этом размеры данных грузов ограничены чуть размерами самого подвижного состава, какой будет осуществлять железнодорожную перевозку. Более того - современная строительная техника целенаправленно проектируется именно с расчетом для то, что ее доставка будет осуществляться железнодорожным транспортом.
Для всем протяжении цивилизации прислуга всегда задумывался, чем ему перетащить иначе перевезти тяжелый, крупногабаритный, так и весь всякий бремя, который он сам не в состоянии перенести. Так были изобретены простые транспортные имущество, как сани, повозка, плот, лодка. Когда старание человека в качестве тяговой силы уже было не довольно, человек стали извлекать животных: волов, верблюдов и, понятно же, лошадей.
Снова в Древней Греции существовала необходимость перевозки тяжеловесного и негабаритного груза. Ради сокращения водного пути из Саронического залива в Коринфский существовал каменный способ, называемый Диолком с глубокими желобами в качестве направляющих и что служил ради перемещения волоком тяжелых кораблей.
by CecilWhomb of РФ
That Duck Figparther...
Always at it, parthing Figs.
His syllables: mixed.
by Mixolydian Mode of Asia Minor
I'm Darth Figpucker
and I'm a haiku addict.
It's been ten hours
since my last haiku.
Sweaty balls zoo trip hard drugs
shoplifted French cheese.
Or something like that.
Should we perhaps talk physics?
Quantum computing?
Warp drive possible?
Superconductor progress?
Cryogenic sleep?
Or magnetic powder infused dingleberries that can be launched at Mach-4 from a portable rail-gun toward politicians that we don't like. (Which would be all of them, yeah?) Not large enough to kill but just do permanaent brain damage so they can be put in nursing facilities and sexually abused daily live streamed on the Dark Web (which really isn't all that dark.) And the proceeds go to help hungry and homeless children around the world. Yes? I'm glad you agree!
by Wake me up when we get there. of Jonsey, you stupid cat! How are you?!
You are Darth. What's new?
You must have a haiku load
or a classic rant
I show up for that
Not an obsession
More like addiction
by Noticer of Temporary relief from depression
Everyone has left.
It's only me and Darth here.
Where is the haiku?
by Haiku Shortage of 2021
Yes, wear a toupee
Glue your skull rug on today
That's when the fun starts
This Sunday, at church
Sail it frisbee style at Mass
Enjoy the chaos
Think of confession
as a free handjob session
Wait for the police
In jail on Sunday
You'll reflect on this fun day
Skip work on Monday
by Hail Mary Pass of Camden, NJ
Some will celebrate.
It's Christopher Reeves' birthday.
But I thought he sucked.
Not all that super.
Cheesy nineteen eighties flicks.
Boring and lifeless.
by But he was awesome in South Park when eating fetuses for their stem cells. of Tell me you saw that one.
Won't you please join in
Celebrating 30 years
going commando
by Freedom of USA! USA!
Can't afford a laptop
I'm a poet like Basho
I'm low on cash-o
My rhymes are killer
But I'm low on the scrilla
Crying in my pillow
Cure this infection
with a fat cash injection
You'll get affection
by I'll give your bank account a free C-section of Funnel some of that towards my electronics collection
Do not bash Basho.
He did not eat rotten dogs.
Like Filippinos.
He had a brown purse.
His verse is worse in a hearse.
Makes you tearse and curse.
Basho's no ash-ho.
He good guy; buy you sake.
You drink to Basho!
by Balot salad sandwich on rye. of Like egg salad, but with beak and feathers.
Basho the poet.
If I can go back in time,
I'd show him my schlong.
by Gravitational anomolies ho!
I forgot to add
The answer works out to be
Good old sixty nine
by Eggzactly
To McEggBalot
Or to McEggBalot not
That is the question
by Noticer of Sheggspeare's Omelet
I've hired an agency
to recount all the haiku here.
The results are in
These experts include
a neutral mathematician
and cephalopods
There is no question
Everyone here's a winner
I love all of you
by Noticer of Everything