How Darth spends his day
Crunching numbers, jerking off
Swatting mosquitoes
by The old lady of Shoe
Something smells fishy
Canadian lesbians
That k d Lang tang
by Kraft Dinner of Chesterfield
God wants you to die
So he can crumple you up
Throw you in the trash
by God
It all just gets worse.
The world, haiku, all of it.
There's no improvement.
You should hate God too.
I absolutely believe.
Absolute hatred.
by df
Jussie" Smollett WINS
Where is Mueller the donkey?
He needs a new job
by Chicago Kid of Chi town
Close your eyes. Relax.
Let the Orange flow into
your turbulent soul.
by Orange Buddha of Orange Soda
What fun it would be
Kicking in that orange head
by What part of your brain of Are you using
I feel sure of it . . .
I KNOW there was collusion.
Truth does not matter.
by Another Virtue-Signaling Idiot Who Hates Donald Trump
Main stream media
spewing total constant lies
by Joe McCarthy of Hall of Hero's
Brennen the Commie
Says he got the "wrong info".
lying Bolshevik!
Voted for Gus Hall
A agent of Joe Stalin
For President.
How did this moron?
Become CIA director?
Obama the Clown!
by Ugly Hombre of Kalifornia
Mueller the donkey
Wasted 25 million
Trying to get Trump
Instead a big fail
Democrat bull chit again
Egg on the rats faces
It is about time
for leftist clowns- to wise up
world class dumb chit fools..
by Ugly Hombre of Kalifornia
I hope the world ends
Takes a flying fuck right off
We deserve better
by Anonymous Poet
God so loved the world
Gaveth us all this haiku
Smells like chicken shit
by Anonymous Poet
Penis Leprosy
An unpopular subject
Have some spotted dick
by We will not go until we get some of Here
Those aren't suction cups.
Those are lesions from disease.
Tell your mom sorry.
by df
I watched midget porn
Ha! They had a trampoline
She looked she stunk
by No shortage of laughs
Vaginas have them
They start at ten inches deep
You wouldn't know that
by Ruler of Here
Bought a new midget.
She came with a free brass bed.
Jumping on it nude.
by df of Midget porn is hilarious.
Haiku suck my balls.
At least something sucks my balls.
Besides octopi.
Or octopusses?
Or is it octopussies.
That's eight vaginas.
Suction cups all 'round.
Imagine vaginas with
suction cups in them.
Wouldn't that be cool.
Genetic engineering.
Come on, lets do this!
by Darth Figpucker
Bought an old brass bed
It came with a free midget
He's jerking off now
by It's the little things of Some of them things is big
Haiku is the Worst.
Haiku is non-poetry
because it's easy.
by Haiku Poet of Dashing shit off
Mueller is reviled
in humble haiku verses.
by Civil War due to Insanity of Soul-Dead Antichrist Zombies Like You
Cheeto Forty-Five
(Your Orange Daddy) Loves You.
oh how he loves you...
by Frothing Rage and Tears of Denial by the Deranged Haters
Two year non-event:
where's that "Russian Collusion" ?
(He'll have second term !)
To have a more pleasant day
Wake up. Shit brains out.
by Regular person of Here
No, I did not say
Howard Stern on Sybian.
That would just be gross.
by df
If you'd like to know.
Sybian on Howard Stern.
Porn stars orgasm.
by df
Just passing through here
I tried not to make a mess
Headed to Hell now
by Travel King
Remember the guy
Who married a pillow case
Best man was a sock
by Lint Eastwood of Laundry Room
You should buy one
I get a big commission
I mean, a boner
by Salesman of Rush
Sybian sex toy
Sit on it and ride to Bliss
A trip to the moon
by Well Maybe a little lower
I feel self conscious
When I shop for cucumbers.
Greengrocer turns red
by Down Boys of Long English or short Mexican
What's a "sybian"?
Can you explain it to me
in three haiku lines?
by You of There
Darth, her next birthday
Buy her a sybian
Solve all your problems
by Me of Here
If you buy a wife,
you should get a Korean.
Flippos are too fat.
by df
Remember the time
Jacques Cousteau fellated sharks
For shits and giggles
by Davey Jones of Locker
Saw a frog today.
Plastic bag hanging from ass.
Slowly pulled it out.
The frog seemed happy,
freed from the plastic bag and
anally pleasured.
If you know a frog,
tell it don't eat plastic bags.
They aren't sea turtles.
by df
No fear, just loathing
For Thompson's wretched writing
And those sick rumors...
by Adrenochrome of Snuff
You spend too much time
writing haiku on this site.
Go take drugs instead.
by Hunter S. Thompson.
School girl Lolita
Sure, you will recognize me
Look for the chin hair
by Anonymous Poet
I ate the bagel
Implanted in your forehead
While you were sleeping
by Phil A. Delphia of Shitter
Now take big inhale
Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
But made of cat poop
by Hot Xmas toy 2019 of Japan
Chinese factory
We are making your next junk
I write this poem
by Hung Lo of Factory
Dad was a fun guy
But he only visited
by Jesus C. of Mush Room getting baked
New to all of this
Baby of the zodiac
Go easy on me
by Aries of Fire Goat
Then God swallows us again
by What? of In tarnation
While Darth is sleeping
God's recharging him!!
by Word on the street of Street
Fresh cut morning wood
Masturbating Lumberjacks
Balancing on logs
by Starkitten of Pacific Northwest
Calisthenics Time
Toe Touch Deep knee bend full split
Darn, stuck to the floor
by Anonymous Poet
Odour in the court!
Waiter, there's cunt in my soup
Cuntfart Cuntfart Cunt
by The Law Offices of Cuntfart Cuntfart Cunt