Something is missing.
I'll buy a pocket pussy.
That should fill the hole.
by Darth Figpucker
just friends, she and I
she leads knowing I'll follow
her long skirt billows
by vince
I just found this site,
I don't think they are that bad,
perhaps I'm stupid
by Synthoholic of Floyd, VA
We can't get enough,
so we come to your country,
and steal all your stuff
by Anonymous Poet
Hannibal Lector:
Do you know why I hate clowns?....
'Cause they taste funny!
by Anonymous Poet
Licking a clowns brain
Who's birthday party is this?
What am I doing?
by Clown lover7288683 of Timmy's b-day party....I think.
Stick hand in bear cave
Find decaying park ranger
You should not do that
by That crazy mother f*ckah with a stick of Near a bear a cave.
Head like a trumpet.
Squid that resembles an ass.
A thousand dumb stairs.
by Perrava of DuBois PA
It has been 4 months,
(Or something like that whateves)
the flat fish is back.
by FLAT the Fish of The Atlantic Ocean
But Obama's hot.
I mean, look at that tight ass.
You know you'd tap that!
by Anonymous Poet
idiots in charge
but i didn't vote for them
it's a shit sandwich
by ash
I shart politics
give me something I can eat
then post and repeat
by Last Bastion of Freedom
sunshine and moonbeams
republicans and drag queens
media extremes
by Anonymous Poet
Plea deal:
While he's in prison
he can still get free foot longs
with extra mayo.
by DF
Jared starts and ends
career the exact same way:
getting in small pants.
by Darth Figpucker, the Highly Inappropriate
Jared go to jail
Trading cookies for nookie
That is not right bro
by Anonymous Poet
It does not exist
Not even farts in the wind
No, not even this
by Garth Bigpucker
It does not matter.
In fact, nothing ever has.
No, not even that.
by DF
i do not blame you
i don't even blame the shark
those fish are flakey
by ash
Starship Enterprise
Piloted by Polar Bears
Our future awaits
by Kitty Pause
write me a haiku?
i see now why you didn't
'cuz you suck at it
by pcharming of over here
Blame me if you please.
Your friend's bro's death is my fault.
Me and my foul bum.
by DF
You are ignorant.
I mean "man" in general.
"We" have over-fished.
Maybe sharks are mad
because I fart in the sea
when I go swimming.
by DF
you are ignorant
sharks don't eat abalone
he was a diver
by ash
Janis is lazy.
She does not remove the spam.
I want a refund.
by DF
It is only right.
We eat up all the sharks' food.
So the sharks eat us.
by DF
eaten by a shark
happened to my friend's brother
it was great (the shark)
by ash
Flying like a bird
Pooping anywhere one wants
Liberty defined
by Anonymous Poet
Eaten by a shark.
What an awesome way to die.
I could live with that.
by DF
They who roost in chats
Creating exclusive little
Clubs of fetishes
by ronin
There once was a square.
All its angles were equal.
The same for its sides.
Then it went crazy.
It killed all the other squares.
And danced in their blood.
by Anonymous Poet
eye repeat myself
ewe are reading my non cents
sorry, I waste thyme
by Anonymous Poet
you all are cowards
or maybe sleeping right now
we can still be friends
by Anonymous Poet
eye found my posting
informative and useful
visit my web sight
by Fran Drescher Ricola
howdy there sexy
can we play tic tac toe tags?
i get to go first
by Mandingo Ebola
Stick hand in bear cave.
End up with hairy girlfriend.
You should not do that.
by DF
He's pounding his pund,
organizing his organ,
grinding the monkey.
by DF
churning bad haiku
parkinsonian poet
punding syllables
by ash
bees made of bonbons
tarantulas made of tarts
wasps made of wontons
by Mad Chef of Cafeteriastan
Non-GMO food.
BBQ potato chips.
Organic Cheetos.
by DF -- The reincarnation of Ponce de Leon of The fountain of youth needs a plumber.
Stick hand in bear cave
End up with a bloody stump
You should not do that!
by Anonymous Poet
Gather night crawlers.
Do not cultivate tape worms.
You deracinist!
by Go Fishing of Huck Finn's favorite spot.
without bad haiku
as if from fertile night-soil
by ash
no more letter i
we must eliminate it
also capital$
by Hip Youngster of a a desired demographic
emotion discharge
will make you feel much better
do it here and now
by Mandingo Ebola
With each breath you take
you suck in one of my farts.
Ain't chemistry great?!
... Well, not a whole fart,
but thousands of molecules
that were in my farts.
Science is awesome!
I even get paid for this.
I'm a dirty whore.
by Homogeous mixture.
why do we play with
fire in some time periods
and get all peachy
gee whizzy, gluten
free in the next one? is it
irony is dull?
by ronin
words just spill out on
years of keeping them trapped in
bukokski's sickness
by ronin
we weave a web with
the words wandering where why
wonders, wasting time
by ronin
Mystery is solved.
So that's how I got pregnant...
by sniffing your farts.
by Anonymous Poet