There is never truth.
The internet is pure lies.
Only lies come out.
Then the truth comes out.
It comes out of the closet.
The truth is I'm gay.
Coming out feels good.
Feels as good as coming in.
Coming in your ass.
by Being Gay is Awesome! of San Fransisco, of course!
I banged a fat chick.
'Twas in an elevator.
I did a bad thing.
It was very wrong.
Wrong on so many levels.
So many levels.
by Bo Burnham's My Hero
Quiet please. Stand by.
Because sooner or later
The truth will come out.
by Anonymous Poet
No tiger hugging
Also no tiger taunting
They will mess you up!
by Concerned Citizen
Honō wa moe
Dōbu~tsuen yokunai
Zō no okage
Flames burn
Zoo not good
Elephant thanks
by Roberuto_Renga of
five dollar green bill
I would gift you it for free sir
Tiger feast great show
by Roberuto_Renga of
Yes, I would and have.
Hugging tigers is easy.
Only cost five bucks.
by Anonymous Poet
Mama es loco .
Yo quiero un poco.
Miercoles Sol.
by Thorb of America
Tiger wants a hug.
Would you dare do such a thing?
Sad lonely creature.
by Anonymous Poet
(Zō tatakau
shizen hakka nomi
Translation: elephants fight
spontaneous combustion only
during this
by hakr14
jerk, jank, snap, crackle, and pop.
I don't need this slop.
by Janking off in the back of dynamics class.
Find And Replace Text.
Fart dot E X E command.
It farts on demand.
by Google is awesome!
Go to heck spellcheck
Thwart me not fickle feck
You are not helping
by Mascaradactyl
I'm going to work.
At work I will drink coffee.
For this I get paid.
by CEO of a large financial corporation.
I don't like counting.
There are too many numbers.
Lets get rid of some.
by 110 5429993 of Shit, I entered the captcha in the wrong place.
For us sober ones
to laugh at all their antics
and thank God we're sane.
by Anonymous Poet
God has given us
So many ways to get high
I ask myself why
by Mascaradactyl of Avon
But you haven't lived
until you've snorted kitten.
Check out this here bloke:
by Snorting a Kitten
I mean, come on now!
You say "who smokes lots of meth"
like that's a bad thing!
Although meth is fun,
I much prefer the new fad:
freebasing caffeine.
by Cheesing: Smelling cat pee to get high. of South Park, Colorado
Pippity poo poo
I posted on Internet
Famous forever
by Anonymous Poet
Reading this site now,
like talking to an old friend
who smokes lots of meth
by Time gone by....
Whilst performing the expulsion of unutilized nutrients, unintentionally high decibel methane releases excite late-adolescence gender-confused females neurologically stimulated by 1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6(3H,7H)-dione in the adjecent enclosure located within close audible proximity (previously engaged in nonchalant reciprocated groping and aggressive osculation upon a pre-owned divan) into bursting with uncontrollable guffaws.
Yes, it was I. Be not jealous.
by Kim Kardashian's new porno of Hollywood
Fat cellulite thighs.
They wobble over my face.
Farts inflate my lungs.
by We need more depths to which we can sint. of Pink to stink.
Over the same ground
so many others have walked.
Maybe some will run...
by Amongst The Rabble
A field of new snow,
once trod upon by others...
I walk a new path
by Amongst The Rabble
Who knew I was here?
The snow erases my tracks
soon after I leave
by Amongst The Rabble
Shatner was the best.
None of that "engage" bullshit.
Yea America.
by Anonymous Poet
Speaking of vomit,
You ever get oral sex,
and she pukes on you?
by Anonymous Poet
That is good because
your vomit inspires me to
write more bad haiku
So carry on
by Meandingo
Your haiku are bad.
I mean really fucking bad.
They make me vomit.
by Anonymous Poet
Prefer hot or cold?
Difficult to chose. Too much
of either, you lose.
by Mandingo
frozenobyte @cenobyte
Wow! Is that more snow?
Winter forecasts are a bitch.
Snow, Cold, Cold, Snow, Fuck.
by cenobyte of Regina, Saskatchewan
Hey. Turn up the heat.
Motherfucking feet are blue
God, I hate winter.
by cenobyte of Regina
They will not eat us.
Think about the foreign germs.
We'd give them the runs.
by Anonymous Poet
I want to believe
Others from another world
Won't want to eat us
by Mandingo
UFO Utube
Pure truth documentary
deep conspiracy
by Anonymous Poet
so you're trying to
tell me that dark matter is
shit? that would explain
quite a bit
by vhs
What is wrong with me?!?!
That was an eight, seven, five.
I'm just a douchebag
that cannot count.
Hey, look at me... I'm imitating someone else who can't fit their haiku in standard form.... I'm so cool!...
What do you call it when a douchebag imitates a dingleberry?
I'm it ation that is not flattery is called sarcasm that goes splattery like the runs, I'm having funs with my incontinent buns. It doesn't fecal matter. Dark fecal matter. Call Carl Sagan, oh shit, he's dead. But he was hot when he lived. I'd have tapped that ass... filled him up with billions of billons .... just kidding.
Is it insanity if you know you're insane?
by Poetry is not art if it contains the word fart.
Seven, Seven, five.
Oops! Send me back to preschool.
Will they change Depends?
What's does an old man taste like?
by Anonymous Poet
Mandingleberry Ebola.
Toxic skidmarks stain my soul.
Right next to my hole.
by Puts me in the mood for choclolate covered raisins. of Dingleberry heaven
Dingleberry pie
Complete with douchebag icing
Simply delicious
by Mandingleberry of Colorado
Ditto! So you can please
take your own Goddamned advice.
And shut the fuck up!
Keep your opinions.
Shove them way deep up your ass.
Maybe they will sprout.
What tree would then grow?
It's a dingleberry tree!
You'd own an orchard!
Because of all the tiny little opinions you throw at ppl, each a seed planted in your fat old lilly-white ass growing a giant dingleberry tree!
Opinions are like assholes-- we've all got them and no one wants to hear yours.
by Anonymous Poet
Shame may make you feel
Only pain makes someone real
So then squeal pig squeal
by Mandingo of Colorado
I swallow my teeth
Fighting devils deep beneath
Come on up suckers
by Mandingo Ebola of Euritheristerithuanh
So I had sex with
Phyllis Diller in a boat
I am not ashamed
by Actually I don't know her
I'm tired of you
stop answering me, i want you
to become silent
by vhs
it takes two baby
and I don't wanna play with this
I might catch sumetin
by vhs
You'll shut up when you learn all you have to do is get fucked.
by Anonymous Poet
you're fucked when i learn all i have to do is shut up
by vhs
The basement is nice.
Try sleeping under a bridge.
Or abandoned house.
by Don't worry, Jesus still loves you.