Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 59 Days and 77457 Haiku later...

A sunny day now
but rain clouds are still looming.
calm before the storm.
Haiku # 46073, January 25, 2010 11:18 am ET
by mean d. of so cal.
bereft of haiku
sometimes the ideas flow
but nothing just now
Haiku # 46072, January 25, 2010 9:04 am ET
by ash
closed delays
parents late to work...daily
rhythms out of synch
Haiku # 46071, January 25, 2010 8:21 am ET
by Haiku half-wit
warm days..rain melts ice...fills streams..
floods flats..closing roads
Haiku # 46070, January 25, 2010 8:15 am ET
by Haiku half-wit
haiku ripples reach
brackish backwater edges
in Bad Haiku Bay
Haiku # 46069, January 25, 2010 8:11 am ET
by Haiku half-wit
roll fast, speak bravely
tirelessly square off against-
death's absurdity.
Haiku # 46068, January 24, 2010 9:44 am ET
by mundane
Need a space to write
Haiku's of little success
My needs are so few
Haiku # 46067, January 24, 2010 8:54 am ET
by William Nippress
black crows fleeing their
bloody pulpit return once
the semi roars past
Haiku # 46066, January 23, 2010 12:36 pm ET
by Haiku half-wit
impatient crows pace
interlopers zoom past road
kill going nowhere
Haiku # 46065, January 22, 2010 9:13 pm ET
by Haiku half-wit
I beheaded my
wife because she's abusive
helluva defense
Haiku # 46064, January 22, 2010 5:55 pm ET
by things you can not make up [Buffalo NY]
there is no fair trade
in these trade winds isles just
lands to pillage
Haiku # 46063, January 22, 2010 9:53 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
sugar cane and blame
a century removed, dude
Haiku # 46062, January 22, 2010 2:16 am ET
by Lush
lest we ill rebuild
let's scrap the DR border
and blend the horror
Haiku # 46061, January 22, 2010 2:14 am ET
by Lush
then some daft wigga
tried to adopt a harem
molest and scare 'em
Haiku # 46060, January 22, 2010 2:12 am ET
by Lush
cat tried to rob me
Tent City intensity
blasted Haitian thief
Haiku # 46059, January 22, 2010 2:09 am ET
by Lush
step away from your
cell phone/computer for a
hands-free afternoon
Haiku # 46058, January 21, 2010 8:51 am ET
by quiet afternoon walk
of our humanity is
just around the bend
Haiku # 46057, January 21, 2010 8:46 am ET
by machines are us
as theater lights dim
faint glows of text messaging
spawns seething ire
Haiku # 46056, January 21, 2010 8:43 am ET
by smash the machines
Colors washed out
Cold flinty smell on the wind
Is more snow to come?
Haiku # 46055, January 21, 2010 4:27 am ET
by William Nippress
I thought that these folks
from Canada were nice but
suffering artists

suffering from Gen X
Haiku # 46054, January 20, 2010 11:28 pm ET
by YS
fierce wind-driven snow
births taut white ribbons crossing
the barren corn fields
Haiku # 46053, January 20, 2010 7:34 pm ET
by Haiku half-wit
transfatty acids
coronary express next
stop is Dirtnapville
Haiku # 46052, January 20, 2010 4:53 pm ET
by All aboard!
tubing the Beatles
his system got fried away
those damn little bugs..
Haiku # 46051, January 20, 2010 2:37 pm ET
by wiped out laptop
potato chips rule
i am thankful to eat them
yet, they make me fat
Haiku # 46050, January 20, 2010 2:24 pm ET
by you can stop that now
stoneland's snowy days
even in freezing weather-
roses fade away.
Haiku # 46049, January 20, 2010 2:21 pm ET
by mundane
when you wish upon
a star makes no difference
who you are...yeh right!!!
Haiku # 46048, January 20, 2010 1:12 pm ET
by your dreams will come true
especially in
Disneyworld one discovers
dark underbellies
Haiku # 46047, January 20, 2010 12:42 pm ET
by keep your critical eye open
soap bubbles adrift
reflecting colorful light-
along with a smile.
Haiku # 46046, January 20, 2010 11:36 am ET
by mundane
psychotic mother
sniff out some stella artoi one night
makes threat of suicide
Haiku # 46045, January 20, 2010 8:40 am ET
by son of a psycho
bawdy prose lingers
fragrant rose for some fetid
rubbish to others
Haiku # 46044, January 20, 2010 7:58 am ET
by one mans pain is anothers best seller
purging the rubbish
brings collateral damage
to others' senses
Haiku # 46043, January 20, 2010 7:55 am ET
by one mans pain is anothers best seller
Your starting again
Take your medication. NOW
No more rubbish please!!!
Haiku # 46042, January 20, 2010 5:23 am ET
by Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tom waits say what and
i don't know waiting king james in
rabid braille spirit

blind and blinding
Haiku # 46041, January 19, 2010 9:38 pm ET
by YS
thousand dollars down
psychotherapy toilet
thanks for nothing mom
Haiku # 46040, January 19, 2010 9:58 am ET
by enema diaries
mixed messages
you're my little man now bend
over for momma
Haiku # 46039, January 19, 2010 9:55 am ET
by enema diaries
affinity for
inner cleanliness mom waves
the enema wand
Haiku # 46038, January 19, 2010 9:53 am ET
by thanks for nothing
It's not what you do!
The way you do it that counts!
Try it with feeling!!!
Haiku # 46037, January 19, 2010 5:36 am ET
by William Nippress
cold feet colder floor
barefoot scamper to revive
the dying embers
Haiku # 46036, January 18, 2010 1:22 pm ET
by variations on a theme
this is the time of
year one is glued to the set
watching the weather...

Haiku # 46035, January 18, 2010 12:06 pm ET
by YS
icy wake-up call
pings 'gainst window cold steps to
feed hungry woodstove
Haiku # 46034, January 18, 2010 8:58 am ET
by Haiku half-wit
pencil to paper
meaningless meanderings
no inspiration
Haiku # 46033, January 17, 2010 10:16 pm ET
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
all right you all here
I'm mixing a giant drink
martini, or magaritta?
Haiku # 46032, January 17, 2010 2:56 pm ET
by YS
convenience kills
all too often because those
who provide the tool

toy, ma...chine, make a buck, take, whilst moms brag of their
new "toy" and destroy

through ignorance the
country's freedom in the name
of status, shopping
Haiku # 46031, January 17, 2010 2:55 pm ET
by YS
the customs of the
family, who don't move and
don't see outside worlds

Haiku # 46030, January 17, 2010 2:52 pm ET
by YS
peel away the days
sucking out its sweet juices
spitting out the pits
Haiku # 46029, January 17, 2010 9:05 am ET
by Haiku half-wit [rev]
these days peel away
sucking the moment's juices
spitting out the pits
Haiku # 46028, January 17, 2010 8:12 am ET
by Haiku half-wit
morning of this day
found me at my window desk
muse tugging away.

I put pen to paper
events of the night before
frighteningly fresh.

filthy rag doll imps
afflicted with great evil
bestowed with life.

my dull light sojourn
found our three paths crossing
ruining their nights fun.

air of rotting stench
memory of which so fresh
now experienced.

at the window sill
leaning for a closer glean
as if they could read.

malevolent eyes
quickly stared back up at me
no, they were not pleased.
Haiku # 46027, January 16, 2010 2:21 pm ET
by pwages
on the beach the sharp
edges of broken glass smoothed
with time and tide waves
Haiku # 46026, January 16, 2010 10:45 am ET
by YS
tragedies on news
broadcast too shocking to know
how to feel at once...
Haiku # 46025, January 16, 2010 10:44 am ET
by YS
Law of the object
Each has it's own time and space
Give due reverence!
Haiku # 46024, January 16, 2010 4:48 am ET
by William Nippress
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